OL2中实现百度地图ABCD marker的效果


上文中提到了在Arcgis for JS中实现百度地图ABCD的marker效果,在本文,讲述如何在OpenLayers2中实现类似的效果。




OL2中实现百度地图ABCD marker的效果_第1张图片


OL2中实现百度地图ABCD marker的效果_第2张图片






[javascript] view plain copy print?
  1. title.on("mouseover",function(){  
  2.     var i = $(this).attr("i");  
  3.     $("#img"+i).attr("src","img/blue.png");  
  4.     var data = $(this).data("attr");  
  5.     var hpt = new OpenLayers.LonLat(data.x,data.y);  
  6.     var hicon = new OpenLayers.Icon('img/blue.png',size,offset);  
  7.     hMarker = new OpenLayers.Marker(hpt,hicon);  
  8.     markerLyr.addMarker(hMarker);  
  9.     showName(hpt,data.name,"item-label-name");  
  10. });  
  11. title.on("mouseout",function(){  
  12.     var i = $(this).attr("i");  
  13.     $("#img"+i).attr("src","img/red.png");  
  14.     markerLyr.removeMarker(hMarker);  
  15.     hlabelLyr.clear();  
  16. });  
  17. title.on("click",function(){  
  18.     var data = $(this).data("attr");  
  19.     showInfowindow(data.name,data.desc);  
  20. });  


鼠标经过地图红色的marker时,修改对应列表图标,并将红色 marker的图片换成蓝色的;鼠标移出,修改对应列表图标,并修改marker为红色。


[javascript] view plain copy print?
  1. marker.events.register("click", feature, function(e){  
  2.     var data = e.object.attr;  
  3.     showInfowindow(data.name,data.desc);  
  4. });  
  5. marker.events.register("mouseover", feature, function(e){  
  6.     map.layerContainerDiv.style.cursor = "pointer";  
  7.     var id= e.object.id;  
  8.     $("#img"+id).attr("src","img/blue.png");  
  9.     $("#li"+id).css("background","#f2f2f2");  
  10.     var data = e.object.attr;  
  11.     var hpt = new OpenLayers.LonLat(data.x, data.y);  
  12.     showName(hpt,data.name,"item-label-name-map");  
  13. });  
  14. marker.events.register("mouseout", feature, function(e){  
  15.     map.layerContainerDiv.style.cursor = "url("  
  16.         + OpenLayers.Util.getRootPath()  
  17.         + "img/pan.cur),default";  
  18.     var id= e.object.id;  
  19.     $("#img"+id).attr("src","red.png");  
  20.     $("#li"+id).css("background","#ffffff");  
  21.     hlabelLyr.clear();  
  22. });  
  23. markerLyr.addMarker(marker);  
  24. var label = new OpenLayers.Label(pt,i+1,"item-label");  
  25. labelLyr.add(label);  



[javascript] view plain copy print?
  1. function getRandomXY(){  
  2.     var json = new Array();  
  3.     for(var i=0;i<8;i++){  
  4.         var w = bounds.getWidth();  
  5.         var h = bounds.getHeight();  
  6.         var x = Math.random() * w + bounds.left;  
  7.         var y = Math.random() * h + bounds.bottom;  
  8.         json.push({  
  9.             id:i,  
  10.             name:"name"+i,  
  11.             desc:"this is the name"+i,  
  12.             x:x,  
  13.             y:y  
  14.         })  
  15.     }  
  16.     return json;  
  17. }  


[html] view plain copy print?
  1. >  
  2. <html>  
  3. <head lang="en">  
  4.     <meta charset="UTF-8">  
  5.     <title>openlayers maptitle>  
  6.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://localhost/olapi/theme/default/style.css"/>  
  7.     <style>  
  8.         html, body, #map{  
  9.             padding:0;  
  10.             margin:0;  
  11.             height:100%;  
  12.             width:100%;  
  13.             overflow: hidden;  
  14.             font-size: 12.5px;  
  15.             font-family:"宋体"  
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  17.         .item-list{  
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  103.         .item-label-name-map{  
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  106.     style>  
  108.     <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/olapi/OpenLayers.js">script>  
  109.     <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/olapi/lib/OpenLayers/Lang/zh-CN.js">script>  
  110.     <script src="http://localhost/jquery/jquery-1.8.3.js">script>  
  111.     <script src="extend/LabelLayer.js">script>  
  112.     <script>  
  113.         var map;  
  114.         var tiled;  
  115.         $(window).load(function() {  
  116.             var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(  
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  126.             };  
  127.             map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', options);  
  128.             map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.Zoom());  
  129.             map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation());  
  130.             map.addControl( new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition());  
  131.             var tiled = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(  
  132.                     "province", "http://localhost:8088/geoserver/lzugis/wms",  
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  136.                         format: 'image/png'  
  137.                     },  
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  142.                         yx : {'EPSG:4326' : true}  
  143.                     }  
  144.             );  
  145.             var markerLyr = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers("marker");  
  146.             var labelLyr = new OpenLayers.Layer.Labels("label");  
  147.             var hlabelLyr = new OpenLayers.Layer.Labels("hlabelLyr");  
  148.             map.addLayers([tiled,markerLyr,labelLyr,hlabelLyr]);  
  149.             map.zoomToExtent(bounds);  
  151.             var data = getRandomXY();  
  152.             console.log(data);  
  153.             var ul = $("#items");  
  154.             var size = new OpenLayers.Size(24,26);  
  155.             var offset = new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0);  
  156.             var hMarker=null;  
  157.             for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++) {  
  158.                 /**  
  159.                  * 地图内容  
  160.                  */  
  161.                 var pt =  new OpenLayers.LonLat(data[i].x, data[i].y);  
  162.                 var icon = new OpenLayers.Icon('img/red.png',size,offset);  
  163.                 var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature(markerLyr,  
  164.                         pt,  
  165.                         {'icon': icon,'attr':data[i]});  
  166.                 var marker = feature.createMarker();  
  167.                 marker.attr = data[i];  
  168.                 marker.id = i;  
  169.                 marker.events.register("click", feature, function(e){  
  170.                     var data = e.object.attr;  
  171.                     showInfowindow(data.name,data.desc);  
  172.                 });  
  173.                 marker.events.register("mouseover", feature, function(e){  
  174.                     map.layerContainerDiv.style.cursor = "pointer";  
  175.                     var id= e.object.id;  
  176.                     $("#img"+id).attr("src","img/blue.png");  
  177.                     $("#li"+id).css("background","#f2f2f2");  
  178.                     var data = e.object.attr;  
  179.                     var hpt = new OpenLayers.LonLat(data.x, data.y);  
  180.                     showName(hpt,data.name,"item-label-name-map");  
  181.                 });  
  182.                 marker.events.register("mouseout", feature, function(e){  
  183.                     map.layerContainerDiv.style.cursor = "url("  
  184.                         + OpenLayers.Util.getRootPath()  
  185.                         + "img/pan.cur),default";  
  186.                     var id= e.object.id;  
  187.                     $("#img"+id).attr("src","red.png");  
  188.                     $("#li"+id).css("background","#ffffff");  
  189.                     hlabelLyr.clear();  
  190.                 });  
  191.                 markerLyr.addMarker(marker);  
  192.                 var label = new OpenLayers.Label(pt,i+1,"item-label");  
  193.                 labelLyr.add(label);  
  194.                 /**  
  195.                  * 列表内容  
  196.                  */  
  197.                 var li = $("<li />").attr("id","li"+i).appendTo(ul);  
  198.                 var title = $("<div />").addClass("item").attr("i",i).data("attr",data[i]);  
  199.                 var img = $("<img />").attr("id","img"+i).attr("src", "img/red.png")/*.attr("width", "16").attr("height", "18")*/;  
  200.                 var num = $("</>").addClass("item-num").html(i+1);  
  201.                 var name = $("<div />").addClass("item-title").html(data[i].name);  
  202.                 title.append(img).append(num).append(name);  
  203.                 var content = $("</>").addClass("item-content").html(data[i].desc);  
  204.                 var detail = $("</>").addClass("item-detail").html("详细>>");  
  205.                 li.append(title).append(content).append(detail);  
  206.                 title.on("mouseover",function(){  
  207.                     var i = $(this).attr("i");  
  208.                     $("#img"+i).attr("src","img/blue.png");  
  209.                     var data = $(this).data("attr");  
  210.                     var hpt = new OpenLayers.LonLat(data.x,data.y);  
  211.                     var hicon = new OpenLayers.Icon('img/blue.png',size,offset);  
  212.                     hMarker = new OpenLayers.Marker(hpt,hicon);  
  213.                     markerLyr.addMarker(hMarker);  
  214.                     showName(hpt,data.name,"item-label-name");  
  215.                 });  
  216.                 title.on("mouseout",function(){  
  217.                     var i = $(this).attr("i");  
  218.                     $("#img"+i).attr("src","img/red.png");  
  219.                     markerLyr.removeMarker(hMarker);  
  220.                     hlabelLyr.clear();  
  221.                 });  
  222.                 title.on("click",function(){  
  223.                     var data = $(this).data("attr");  
  224.                     showInfowindow(data.name,data.desc);  
  225.                 });  
  226.             }  
  228.             $(".item-list").draggable({  
  229.                 handle:'.list-title'  
  230.             });  
  231.             $("#close").on("click",function(){  
  232.                 $(".item-list").hide();  
  233.             });  
  235.             function showName(pt,name,classname){  
  236.                 var label = new OpenLayers.Label(pt,name,classname);  
  237.                 hlabelLyr.add(label);  
  238.             }  
  239.             function showInfowindow(title,content){  
  240.                 $("<div />").window({  
  241.                     width:200,  
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  247.                     closable:true,  
  248.                     title:title,  
  249.                     content:content  
  250.                 });  
  251.             }  
  253.             function getRandomXY(){  
  254.                 var json = new Array();  
  255.                 for(var i=0;i<8;i++){  
  256.                     var w = bounds.getWidth();  
  257.                     var h = bounds.getHeight();  
  258.                     var x = Math.random() * w + bounds.left;  
  259.                     var y = Math.random() * h + bounds.bottom;  
  260.                     json.push({  
  261.                         id:i,  
  262.                         name:"name"+i,  
  263.                         desc:"this is the name"+i,  
  264.                         x:x,  
  265.                         y:y  
  266.                     })  
  267.                 }  
  268.                 return json;  
  269.             }  
  270.         });  
  271.     script>  
  272. head>  
  273. <body>  
  274. <div id="map">div>  
  275.     <div class="item-list">  
  276.         <div id="close" class="list-close">div>  
  277.         <div class="list-title">结果列表div>  
  278.         <ul id="items">  
  279.         ul>  
  280.     div>  
  281. body>  
  282. html>  
    1. http://blog.csdn.net/gisshixisheng/article/details/48830833



你可能感兴趣的:(OL2中实现百度地图ABCD marker的效果)