create or replace procedure exception_procedure is
cursor log_data is select m.pro_name from T_DATA_UPDATE_LOG m where m.status=0 and m.info='异常' and to_char(m.begin_date,'yyyymmdd')=to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd') group by m.pro_name;
v_sql varchar2(100);
info_p varchar2(100);
record_new number(38);
start_time date;
PRO_DATA_UPDATE_LOG('exception_procedure', '开始', null,null);
for n in log_data loop
select count(1) into record_new from T_DATA_UPDATE_LOG where PRO_NAME=n.pro_name and to_char(begin_date,'yyyymmdd')>=to_char(sysdate-1,'yyyymmdd') and status=0 and info='异常' order by begin_date desc;
if record_new < 3 then
v_sql := 'BEGIN '||n.pro_name||'; END;';
--v_sql := 'BEGIN pro_job_log('''||'dd'||'''); END;';
execute immediate v_sql;
select max(begin_date),info into start_time,info_p from T_DATA_UPDATE_LOG where pro_name=n.pro_name and to_char(begin_date,'yyyymmdd')=to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd') and info='正常' group by info;
if info_p = '正常' then
update T_DATA_UPDATE_LOG set status=1 where info='异常' and status=0 and pro_name=n.pro_name;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
PRO_DATA_UPDATE_LOG('exception_procedure', 'ok', '结束',1);
when others then
/* --sg_log_err('manage_partition',sqlerrm);
pro_name :='manage_partition';
err_info :=sqlerrm;
select sysdate into sj from dual;
v_Sql := 'insert into err_log values('||'''pro_name'''||','''||err_info||''','''||sj||''')';
execute immediate v_Sql;
PRO_DATA_UPDATE_LOG('exception_procedure', sqlerrm, '异常',0);
end exception_procedure;
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