c++ ios::app and ios::ate


First let's assure, that I understand what you want to do: You want to open an existing file, append some data, then go back to the position where you started to append and write some other data at that position; was that correct so far? If yes, then you first have to know, that you cannot insert new data into the middle of a file, but only overwrite existing data. Here I wrote an example that will do so:

#include  < fstream >

using   namespace  std;

int  main() {
const char* filename = "test.txt";
//just build a little sample file
  ofstream sampleFile(filename);
<< "This is a sample content ";

//declare a new file object for appending and "overwriting"...
  fstream file(filename, ios::ate | ios::out | ios::in);

//...mark the current position...
  long changePos = file.tellp();
<< "This text will be changed ";

//..append something else
  file << "Append some other text";

//...overwrite previous contents
<< "changed text ";
return 0;

