[ Flutter ]报错 Failed to install the following Android SDK packages,some licences have not been accep


Failed to install the following Android SDK packages,some licences have not been accep

[ Flutter ]报错 Failed to install the following Android SDK packages,some licences have not been accep_第1张图片


  • 找到大佬的解决方法
    [ Flutter ]报错 Failed to install the following Android SDK packages,some licences have not been accep_第2张图片
  • 我原本只安装了Android API 29
  • 在安装Android 8.1之后,重新运行项目
  • flutter 程序运行成功
    [ Flutter ]报错 Failed to install the following Android SDK packages,some licences have not been accep_第3张图片

[ Flutter ]报错 Failed to install the following Android SDK packages,some licences have not been accep_第4张图片
