I've searched for a solution to my problem a couple of days, and I didn't find one. Hope you guys can help me.
I'm currently trying to solve some graph-theoretical problems. One of them is to find the maximum flow throughout a graph. I've managed to draw the graph in Mathematica, and would now like to use the built-in function NetworkFlow
. To do this I need to load the package Combinatorica
, but that gives me problems with "shadowed" functions. I've tried to refer to them by their fully qualified names, e.g., Combinatorica
, etc., but I still can't get it to work.
I've pasted in some code which I hope will make it easier to see what I'm doing wrong:
Graph[{Kø -> Ro, Kø -> Pu, Kø -> Pa, Ro -> Ha, Ro -> Be, Pu -> Ha,
Pu -> Be, Pa -> Ha, Ha -> Be, Ha -> St, Ha -> Br, Ha -> Li,
Be -> St, Be -> Br, Be -> Li, St -> Br, St -> Li, St -> Par,
Br -> Li, Br -> Par, Li -> Par},
EdgeWeight -> {"2", "11", "8", "3", "5", "14", "11", "10", "12",
"12", "10", "10", "4", "4", "12", "4", "12", "11", "23", "16",
"10"}, VertexLabels -> "Name", ImagePadding -> 10,
GraphLayout -> "SpringEmbedding"]
Which gives me a nice graph. Below is the "real" problem:
Graph[{Kø -> Ro, Kø -> Pu, Kø -> Pa, Ro -> Ha, Ro -> Be, Pu -> Ha,
Pu -> Be, Pa -> Ha, Ha -> Be, Ha -> St, Ha -> Br, Ha -> Li,
Be -> St, Be -> Br, Be -> Li, St -> Br, St -> Li, St -> Par,
Br -> Li, Br -> Par, Li -> Par},
EdgeWeight -> {"2", "11", "8", "3", "5", "14", "11", "10", "12",
"12", "10", "10", "4", "4", "12", "4", "12", "11", "23", "16",
"10"}, VertexLabels -> "Name", ImagePadding -> 10,
GraphLayout -> "SpringEmbedding"]
Combinatorica`NetworkFlow[%, Kø, Par]
During evaluation of In[28]:= General::compat: Combinatorica Graph and Permutations functionality has been superseded by preloaded functionaliy. The package now being loaded may conflict with this. Please see the Compatibility Guide for details.
Out[29]= Graph({Kø->Ro,Kø->Pu,Kø->Pa,Ro->Ha,Ro->Be,Pu->Ha,Pu->Be,Pa->Ha,Ha->Be,Ha->St,Ha->Br,Ha->Li,Be->St,Be->Br,Be->Li,St->Br,St->Li,St->Par,Br->Li,Br->Par,Li->Par},EdgeWeight->{2,11,8,3,5,14,11,10,12,12,10,10,4,4,12,4,12,11,23,16,10},VertexLabels->Name,ImagePadding->10,GraphLayout->SpringEmbedding)
Out[30]= NetworkFlow(Graph({Kø->Ro,Kø->Pu,Kø->Pa,Ro->Ha,Ro->Be,Pu->Ha,Pu->Be,Pa->Ha,Ha->Be,Ha->St,Ha->Br,Ha->Li,Be->St,Be->Br,Be->Li,St->Br,St->Li,St->Par,Br->Li,Br->Par,Li->Par},EdgeWeight->{2,11,8,3,5,14,11,10,12,12,10,10,4,4,12,4,12,11,23,16,10},VertexLabels->Name,ImagePadding->10,GraphLayout->SpringEmbedding),Kø,Par)
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` – Vitaliy Kaurov Nov 28 '12 at 23:20