Cocos2dx - getContentSize与getBoundingBox

cocos2dx 2.x版本


返回的是untransformed size

 * @return The untransformed size of the node.
virtual const CCSize& getContentSize() const;

class CC_DLL CCSize
    float width;
    float height;

getBoundingBox 函数
Cocos2dx - getContentSize与getBoundingBox_第1张图片

 * Returns a "local" axis aligned bounding box of the node.
 * The returned box is relative only to its parent.
 * @note This method returns a temporaty variable, so it can't returns const CCRect&
 * @todo Rename to getBoundingBox() in the future versions.
 * @return A "local" axis aligned boudning box of the node.
 * @js getBoundingBox
virtual CCRect getBoundingBox(void);

class CC_DLL CCRect
    CCPoint origin;
    CCSize  size;

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