Android中WheelView代码分析笔记1(明天继续分析 >>>>>)

package com.guozg.wheelview.views;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.text.Layout;
import android.text.StaticLayout;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.FloatMath;
import android.view.GestureDetector;
import android.view.GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
import android.widget.Scroller;

import com.guozg.wheelview.R;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

 * Numeric wheel view.
public class WheelView extends View {
     * Scrolling duration
    private static final int SCROLLING_DURATION = 400;

     * Minimum delta for scrolling
    private static final int MIN_DELTA_FOR_SCROLLING = 1; //判断是否需要滚动调整的误差值

     * 选中项的颜色值
    private static final int VALUE_TEXT_COLOR = 0xFFFF0000;

     * 未选中项的颜色值
    private static final int ITEMS_TEXT_COLOR = 0xFF000000;

     * 顶部和底部的阴影
    private static final int[] SHADOWS_COLORS = new int[]{0xFF111111, 0x00AAAAAA, 0x00AAAAAA};

     * 额外的列表项 高度 是加到标准的列表项高度上去的
    private static final int ADDITIONAL_ITEM_HEIGHT = 15;

     * Text size
    private static final int TEXT_SIZE = 24;

     * 顶部和底部的偏移量 用来隐藏
    private static final int ITEM_OFFSET = TEXT_SIZE / 5;

     * item 额外添加的高度
    private static final int ADDITIONAL_ITEMS_SPACE = 10;

     * Label offset
    private static final int LABEL_OFFSET = 8;

     * 左右两边的padding值
    private static final int PADDING = 10;

     * 默认的可见item个数
    private static final int DEF_VISIBLE_ITEMS = 5;
    // Messages
    private final int MESSAGE_SCROLL = 0; //滚动
    private final int MESSAGE_JUSTIFY = 1; //调整
    // Cyclic
    boolean isCyclic = false;
    // Wheel Values
    private WheelAdapter adapter = null;
    private int currentItem = 0;
    // Widths
    private int itemsWidth = 0;
    private int labelWidth = 0;
    // Count of visible items
    private int visibleItems = DEF_VISIBLE_ITEMS;

    //StaticLayout 解析 : 该组件用于显示文本,
    // 一旦该文本被显示后, 就不能再编辑, 如果想要修改文本, 使用 DynamicLayout 布局即可;
    // Item height  item的高度
    private int itemHeight = 0;
    // Text paints
    private TextPaint itemsPaint; //普通文字画笔
    private TextPaint valuePaint;//选中文字的画笔  >>>>肯定是字体颜色突出一点咯 字体大一点什么的
    //使用场景 : 一般情况下不会使用该组件, 当想要自定义组件 或者 想要使用 Canvas 绘制文本时 才使用该布局;
    private StaticLayout itemsLayout; //普通条目布局
    private StaticLayout labelLayout;//选中条目布局
    private StaticLayout valueLayout;//标签布局  >>>>没看作用 目前
    // Label & background
    private String label;
    private Drawable centerDrawable;  //选中条的背景
    // //渐变的Drawable 我们经常在 drawable是用的shape中gradient的属性 >>相对应
    private GradientDrawable topShadow; //头部的 >>这两个应该是相反
    private GradientDrawable bottomShadow;//底部的
    // Scrolling
    private boolean isScrollingPerformed; //是否正在执行 滚动 动作
    private int scrollingOffset; //滚动中的偏移量
    // Scrolling animation
    private GestureDetector gestureDetector; //手势
    private Scroller scroller; //用于 平滑滚动的
    private int lastScrollY;
    // Listeners >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  可以设置多个监听器
    private List changingListeners = new LinkedList();
    private List scrollingListeners = new LinkedList();
    // animation handler
    private Handler animationHandler = new Handler() {
        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            scroller.computeScrollOffset(); //返回值为boolean,true说明滚动尚未完成,
            // false说明滚动已经完成。这是一个很重要的方法,通常放在View.computeScroll()中,用来判断是否滚动是否结束。

            int currY = scroller.getCurrY();
            int delta = lastScrollY - currY;
            lastScrollY = currY;
            if (delta != 0) {

            //当滚动到对应的位置的时候 ,Scroller的状态还没有改变 所以需要我们去手动的结束 最后的滚动
            if (Math.abs(currY - scroller.getFinalY()) < MIN_DELTA_FOR_SCROLLING) {
                currY = scroller.getFinalY();
            if (!scroller.isFinished()) { //如果还是没有停止 继续请求 >>>
                animationHandler.sendEmptyMessage(msg.what); //>>>继续回调 >>>完成动画
            } else if (msg.what == MESSAGE_SCROLL) {
                justify(); //如果 动画已经停止 就 微调一下 
            } else {
    // gesture listener
    private SimpleOnGestureListener gestureListener = new SimpleOnGestureListener() {
        public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) {
            if (isScrollingPerformed) {
                return true;
            return false;

        public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY) {
            doScroll((int) -distanceY);
            return true;

         * @param e1
         * @param e2
         * @param velocityX
         * @param velocityY
         * @return
        public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) {
            lastScrollY = currentItem * getItemHeight() + scrollingOffset;
            int maxY = isCyclic ? 0x7FFFFFFF : adapter.getItemsCount() * getItemHeight();
            int minY = isCyclic ? -maxY : 0;
            scroller.fling(0, lastScrollY, 0, (int) -velocityY / 2, 0, 0, minY, maxY);
            return true;

     * Constructor
    public WheelView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

     * Constructor
    public WheelView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

     * Constructor
    public WheelView(Context context) {

     * Initializes class data
     * @param context the context
    private void initData(Context context) {
        gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(context, gestureListener); //初始化手势监听器
        gestureDetector.setIsLongpressEnabled(false); //长按

        scroller = new Scroller(context); //初始化 滑动

     * Gets wheel adapter
     * @return the adapter
    public WheelAdapter getAdapter() {
        return adapter;

     * Sets wheel adapter
     * @param adapter the new wheel adapter
    public void setAdapter(WheelAdapter adapter) {
        this.adapter = adapter;
        invalidateLayouts(); //刷新布局
        invalidate(); //重绘

     * Set the the specified scrolling interpolator

* 设置指定的滚动插值器 * * @param interpolator the interpolator */ public void setInterpolator(Interpolator interpolator) { scroller.forceFinished(true); //强制关闭当前的滚动 新创建一个有 插值器的 scroller = new Scroller(getContext(), interpolator); } /** * Gets count of visible items * * @return the count of visible items */ public int getVisibleItems() { return visibleItems; } /** * Sets count of visible items * * @param count the new count */ public void setVisibleItems(int count) { visibleItems = count; invalidate(); } /** * Gets label * * @return the label */ public String getLabel() { return label; } /** * Sets label * * @param newLabel the label to set */ public void setLabel(String newLabel) { if (label == null || !label.equals(newLabel)) { label = newLabel; labelLayout = null; invalidate(); } } /** * Adds wheel changing listener * * @param listener the listener */ public void addChangingListener(OnWheelChangedListener listener) { changingListeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes wheel changing listener * * @param listener the listener */ public void removeChangingListener(OnWheelChangedListener listener) { changingListeners.remove(listener); } /** * Notifies changing listeners * * @param oldValue the old wheel value * @param newValue the new wheel value */ protected void notifyChangingListeners(int oldValue, int newValue) { for (OnWheelChangedListener listener : changingListeners) { listener.onChanged(this, oldValue, newValue); //去通知 数据 改变 } } /** * Adds wheel scrolling listener * * @param listener the listener */ public void addScrollingListener(OnWheelScrollListener listener) { scrollingListeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes wheel scrolling listener * * @param listener the listener */ public void removeScrollingListener(OnWheelScrollListener listener) { scrollingListeners.remove(listener); } /** * Notifies listeners about starting scrolling */ protected void notifyScrollingListenersAboutStart() { for (OnWheelScrollListener listener : scrollingListeners) { listener.onScrollingStarted(this); } } /** * Notifies listeners about ending scrolling */ protected void notifyScrollingListenersAboutEnd() { for (OnWheelScrollListener listener : scrollingListeners) { listener.onScrollingFinished(this); //通知滚动事件 } } /** * Gets current value * * @return the current value */ public int getCurrentItem() { return currentItem; } /** * Sets the current item w/o animation. Does nothing when index is wrong. * * @param index the item index */ public void setCurrentItem(int index) { setCurrentItem(index, false); } /** * 设置当前选中项 如果 下标异常 直接不处理 如果下标 正常 * 判断是否需要动画效果 * 如果 需要 就使用scroller平滑的滑动过去 * 如果 不需要就使界面失效 直接重绘 界面 * * @param index 需要设置的下标 * @param animated 是否需要动画的标志 */ public void setCurrentItem(int index, boolean animated) { if (adapter == null || adapter.getItemsCount() == 0) { return; // throw? } if (index < 0 || index >= adapter.getItemsCount()) { if (isCyclic) { //如果 是循环 那么 就不算 越界 做个 判断 就能求出来 位置 while (index < 0) { index += adapter.getItemsCount(); } index %= adapter.getItemsCount(); } else { //如果是不能循环 那就是错误的下标 return; // throw? } } if (index != currentItem) { //如果 设置 不是 当前 一致 就需要跳转 到 友好界面 滑过去 if (animated) { //是否是有动画效果 有 就滑过去 scroll(index - currentItem, SCROLLING_DURATION); } else { //没有 直接使得界面失效 得了 invalidateLayouts(); //顺便 通知一下 改变了 数据哦 把 就数据 和新数据的下标 传递过去 int old = currentItem; currentItem = index; notifyChangingListeners(old, currentItem); invalidate(); //直接重绘 } } } /** * Tests if wheel is cyclic. That means before the 1st item there is shown * the last one * * @return true if wheel is cyclic */ public boolean isCyclic() { return isCyclic; } /** * Set wheel cyclic flag * * @param isCyclic the flag to set */ public void setCyclic(boolean isCyclic) { this.isCyclic = isCyclic; invalidate(); invalidateLayouts(); } /** * Invalidates layouts */ private void invalidateLayouts() { itemsLayout = null; valueLayout = null; scrollingOffset = 0; } /** * Initializes resources */ private void initResourcesIfNecessary() { if (itemsPaint == null) { //普通项的画笔 itemsPaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.FAKE_BOLD_TEXT_FLAG); // itemsPaint.density = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; itemsPaint.setTextSize(TEXT_SIZE); } if (valuePaint == null) { //选中项的画笔 valuePaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.FAKE_BOLD_TEXT_FLAG | Paint.DITHER_FLAG); // valuePaint.density = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; valuePaint.setTextSize(TEXT_SIZE); valuePaint.setShadowLayer(0.1f, 0, 0.1f, 0xFFC0C0C0); } //获取列表重心的 背景 if (centerDrawable == null) { centerDrawable = getContext().getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.wheel_val); } //恰好相反 >>>>为了 突出中心 中间 一个颜色 上下一一致 if (topShadow == null) { topShadow = new GradientDrawable(Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM, SHADOWS_COLORS); } if (bottomShadow == null) { bottomShadow = new GradientDrawable(Orientation.BOTTOM_TOP, SHADOWS_COLORS); } setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.wheel_bg); } /** * 计算出 布局想要的高度 * * @param layout 传入的是想要 进行计算的布局 * @return 返回该布局想要的高度 */ private int getDesiredHeight(Layout layout) { if (layout == null) { return 0; } int desired = getItemHeight() * visibleItems - ITEM_OFFSET * 2 - ADDITIONAL_ITEM_HEIGHT; // Check against our minimum height desired = Math.max(desired, getSuggestedMinimumHeight()); return desired; } /** * 根据下标返回文本数据 * * @param index the item index * @return the item or null */ private String getTextItem(int index) { if (adapter == null || adapter.getItemsCount() == 0) { return null; } int count = adapter.getItemsCount(); if ((index < 0 || index >= count) && !isCyclic) { return null; } else { while (index < 0) { index = count + index; } } index %= count; return adapter.getItem(index); } /** * Builds text depending on current value * * @param useCurrentValue * @return the text */ private String buildText(boolean useCurrentValue) { StringBuilder itemsText = new StringBuilder(); int addItems = visibleItems / 2 + 1; for (int i = currentItem - addItems; i <= currentItem + addItems; i++) { //获取 当前屏幕的所有显示的文本 if (useCurrentValue || i != currentItem) { //正在 滚动 或者 不是当前选中的View的时候 >>>>.这里已经过滤掉了选中状态下的当前Item的相应文本 String text = getTextItem(i); if (text != null) { itemsText.append(text); } } if (i < currentItem + addItems) { itemsText.append("\n"); } } return itemsText.toString(); } /** * 返回 最大的文本 宽度 是的 可以完整的呈现出来 * * @return the max length */ private int getMaxTextLength() { WheelAdapter adapter = getAdapter(); if (adapter == null) { return 0; } int adapterLength = adapter.getMaximumLength(); if (adapterLength > 0) { //如果是已经重写了该方法的适配器 应该是可以获取的 return adapterLength; } //下面是针对 没有 重写适配器中的该方法的情况 String maxText = null; int addItems = visibleItems / 2; //求出 课件项的重点 //对所有 可见item 进行 便利 取出 最长字符串 for (int i = Math.max(currentItem - addItems, 0); //第一个可见 i < Math.min(currentItem + visibleItems,//最后一个课件 adapter.getItemsCount()); i++) { //遍历 String text = adapter.getItem(i); //获取文本 if (text != null && (maxText == null || maxText.length() < text.length())) { maxText = text; } } return maxText != null ? maxText.length() : 0; //返回最大高度 } /** * Returns height of wheel item * * @return the item height */ private int getItemHeight() { if (itemHeight != 0) { return itemHeight; } else if (itemsLayout != null && itemsLayout.getLineCount() > 2) { itemHeight = itemsLayout.getLineTop(2) - itemsLayout.getLineTop(1); return itemHeight; } return getHeight() / visibleItems; } /** * Calculates control width and creates text layouts * * @param widthSize the input layout width * @param mode the layout mode * @return the calculated control width */ private int calculateLayoutWidth(int widthSize, int mode) { initResourcesIfNecessary(); int width = widthSize; int maxLength = getMaxTextLength(); if (maxLength > 0) { float textWidth = FloatMath.ceil(Layout.getDesiredWidth("0", itemsPaint)); itemsWidth = (int) (maxLength * textWidth); } else { itemsWidth = 0; } itemsWidth += ADDITIONAL_ITEMS_SPACE; // make it some more labelWidth = 0; if (label != null && label.length() > 0) { labelWidth = (int) FloatMath.ceil(Layout.getDesiredWidth(label, valuePaint)); } boolean recalculate = false; if (mode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) { width = widthSize; recalculate = true; } else { width = itemsWidth + labelWidth + 2 * PADDING; if (labelWidth > 0) { width += LABEL_OFFSET; } // Check against our minimum width width = Math.max(width, getSuggestedMinimumWidth()); if (mode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST && widthSize < width) { width = widthSize; recalculate = true; } } if (recalculate) { // recalculate width int pureWidth = width - LABEL_OFFSET - 2 * PADDING; if (pureWidth <= 0) { itemsWidth = labelWidth = 0; } if (labelWidth > 0) { double newWidthItems = (double) itemsWidth * pureWidth / (itemsWidth + labelWidth); itemsWidth = (int) newWidthItems; labelWidth = pureWidth - itemsWidth; } else { itemsWidth = pureWidth + LABEL_OFFSET; // no label } } if (itemsWidth > 0) { createLayouts(itemsWidth, labelWidth); } return width; } /** * 创建布局 * * @param widthItems width of items layout * @param widthLabel width of label layout */ private void createLayouts(int widthItems, int widthLabel) { //如果还没有创建 或者是 当前的宽度 大于 所需要的 那么就进行重新创建 if (itemsLayout == null || itemsLayout.getWidth() > widthItems) { // 1 显示文本 // 2画笔 // 3 文本宽度 , // 4对齐方式 , // 5行间距, 1f 代表 1 倍字体高度 // 6基础行距上增加多少 , 真实行间距 等于 spacingmult 和 spacingadd 的和 //7 不知道 false //需要指出的是这个layout是默认画在Canvas的(0,0)点的, // 如果需要调整位置只能在draw之前移Canvas的起始坐标canvas.translate(x, y); itemsLayout = new StaticLayout(buildText(isScrollingPerformed), itemsPaint, widthItems, widthLabel > 0 ? Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE : Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 1, ADDITIONAL_ITEM_HEIGHT, false); } else { itemsLayout.increaseWidthTo(widthItems); } //下面画的选中的Item 同理 if (!isScrollingPerformed && (valueLayout == null || valueLayout.getWidth() > widthItems)) {//没有在滚动的时候 才有会选中项 String text = getAdapter() != null ? getAdapter().getItem(currentItem) : null; valueLayout = new StaticLayout(text != null ? text : "", valuePaint, widthItems, widthLabel > 0 ? Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE : Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 1, ADDITIONAL_ITEM_HEIGHT, false); } else if (isScrollingPerformed) { //正在滚动 那么显示选中的布局没有必要显示 valueLayout = null; } else { valueLayout.increaseWidthTo(widthItems); } if (widthLabel > 0) { if (labelLayout == null || labelLayout.getWidth() > widthLabel) { labelLayout = new StaticLayout(label, valuePaint, widthLabel, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1, ADDITIONAL_ITEM_HEIGHT, false); } else { labelLayout.increaseWidthTo(widthLabel); } } } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec); int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec); int widthSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec); int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec); int width = calculateLayoutWidth(widthSize, widthMode); int height; if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) { //精确模式 height = heightSize; //直接是传入的值 } else { height = getDesiredHeight(itemsLayout); //获取最大的 if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) { //传入最大值 和 传入值的最小值 height = Math.min(height, heightSize); } } setMeasuredDimension(width, height); } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); if (itemsLayout == null) { if (itemsWidth == 0) { calculateLayoutWidth(getWidth(), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY); } else { createLayouts(itemsWidth, labelWidth); } } if (itemsWidth > 0) {; // Skip padding space and hide a part of top and bottom items canvas.translate(PADDING, -ITEM_OFFSET); //平移画布 drawItems(canvas); //绘制 普通Item drawValue(canvas); //绘制 选中Item canvas.restore(); //把画布恢复 } drawCenterRect(canvas); drawShadows(canvas); } /** * 绘制 顶部和底部的阴影 * * @param canvas the canvas for drawing */ private void drawShadows(Canvas canvas) { topShadow.setBounds(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight() / visibleItems); topShadow.draw(canvas); bottomShadow.setBounds(0, getHeight() - getHeight() / visibleItems, getWidth(), getHeight()); bottomShadow.draw(canvas); } /** * Draws value and label layout * * @param canvas the canvas for drawing */ private void drawValue(Canvas canvas) { valuePaint.setColor(VALUE_TEXT_COLOR); valuePaint.drawableState = getDrawableState(); Rect bounds = new Rect(); itemsLayout.getLineBounds(visibleItems / 2, bounds); // draw label if (labelLayout != null) {; canvas.translate(itemsLayout.getWidth() + LABEL_OFFSET,; labelLayout.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } // 绘制选中的item if (valueLayout != null) {; canvas.translate(0, + scrollingOffset); valueLayout.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } } /** * 绘制普通Item * * @param canvas the canvas for drawing */ private void drawItems(Canvas canvas) {; int top = itemsLayout.getLineTop(1); //得到普通布局中的第一行的高度 canvas.translate(0, -top + scrollingOffset); //将画布平移上去之后 再空出一个添加的位置 itemsPaint.setColor(ITEMS_TEXT_COLOR); itemsPaint.drawableState = getDrawableState(); itemsLayout.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); //恢复画布 } /** * 绘制空间中心的矩形局域 * * @param canvas the canvas for drawing */ private void drawCenterRect(Canvas canvas) { int center = getHeight() / 2; //画布的中点 int offset = getItemHeight() / 2; //列表项的宽度一半 centerDrawable.setBounds(0, center - offset, getWidth(), center + offset); centerDrawable.draw(canvas); } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { WheelAdapter adapter = getAdapter(); if (adapter == null) { return true; } if (!gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event) && event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { //手指松开时和手势监听器,没有收到事件的时候 justify(); } return true; } /** * 滚动 这个 控件 * * @param delta 需要滚动的距离 */ private void doScroll(int delta) { scrollingOffset += delta; //0+199 ing 199 int count = scrollingOffset / getItemHeight(); //需要滚动 的 item个数 因为 要恰好停在 item上 不能偏嘛 如果取证 int pos = currentItem - count; //需要到达的位置 if (isCyclic && adapter.getItemsCount() > 0) { // fix position by rotating 因为存在一个 可以循环 滑动 所以处理一下这种情况 做一下 位置判断 while (pos < 0) { pos += adapter.getItemsCount(); } pos %= adapter.getItemsCount(); } else if (isScrollingPerformed) { //是否正在滚动呢 //如果不是循环的 if (pos < 0) { //如果是负的 最多滚动 当前个数的距离 -> 滚动 到 0 count = currentItem; pos = 0; } else if (pos >= adapter.getItemsCount()) { //如果要滚动的位置大于最多的位置 count = currentItem - adapter.getItemsCount() + 1; pos = adapter.getItemsCount() - 1; } } else { // fix position 防止越界 pos = Math.max(pos, 0); //保证 位置 大于0 pos = Math.min(pos, adapter.getItemsCount() - 1); //保证 位置 小于 最大的 } int offset = scrollingOffset; if (pos != currentItem) { setCurrentItem(pos, false); } else { invalidate(); } // update offset scrollingOffset = offset - count * getItemHeight(); //恰好滚动的距离 可以使得 恰好在中间 if (scrollingOffset > getHeight()) { //去除了重复的次数 scrollingOffset = scrollingOffset % getHeight() + getHeight(); } } /** * 先清空消息队列的所有信息 再将信息传递过去 * * @param message the message to set */ private void setNextMessage(int message) { clearMessages(); animationHandler.sendEmptyMessage(message); } /** * 将消息队列中过的信息进行清空处理 */ private void clearMessages() { animationHandler.removeMessages(MESSAGE_SCROLL); animationHandler.removeMessages(MESSAGE_JUSTIFY); } /** * Justifies wheel 整理版面 >>>>>>>>>>>>> */ private void justify() { if (adapter == null) { return; } lastScrollY = 0; int offset = scrollingOffset; int itemHeight = getItemHeight(); //判断是否 需要去 微调 使得恰好 落在中间 boolean needToIncrease = offset > 0 ? currentItem < adapter.getItemsCount() : currentItem > 0; //如果是循环的或者是不循环但是也是可以调整的状态 if ((isCyclic || needToIncrease) && Math.abs((float) offset) > (float) itemHeight / 2) { if (offset < 0) // offset += itemHeight + MIN_DELTA_FOR_SCROLLING; else offset -= itemHeight + MIN_DELTA_FOR_SCROLLING; } if (Math.abs(offset) > MIN_DELTA_FOR_SCROLLING) { //最后 滚动一丢丢 scroller.startScroll(0, 0, 0, offset, SCROLLING_DURATION); //通知一下 动画控制器 setNextMessage(MESSAGE_JUSTIFY); } else { //不需要调整 可以有 finishScrolling(); } } /** * 开始滚动调用 开始滚动的方法 */ private void startScrolling() { if (!isScrollingPerformed) { isScrollingPerformed = true; notifyScrollingListenersAboutStart(); } } /** * 停止 滚动 调用停止滚动的方法 */ void finishScrolling() { if (isScrollingPerformed) { notifyScrollingListenersAboutEnd(); isScrollingPerformed = false; } invalidateLayouts(); invalidate(); } /** * Scroll the wheel * * @param * @param time scrolling duration */ public void scroll(int itemsToScroll, int time) { scroller.forceFinished(true); //强制关了 lastScrollY = scrollingOffset; int offset = itemsToScroll * getItemHeight(); scroller.startScroll(0, lastScrollY, 0, offset - lastScrollY, time); //平滑滚动 setNextMessage(MESSAGE_SCROLL); //通知去微调 startScrolling(); //通知一下 开始 滚动 相关的监听器得知道吧 } }
