Institutions with the most Best Papers
Much of this data was entered by hand (obtained by contacting past conference organizers, retrieving cached conference websites, and searching CVs) so please email me if you notice any errors or omissions: I tried to collect best paper awards from the top-tier conferences in each area, but some conferences do not have such an award (e.g. SIGGRAPH, CAV). "Distinguished paper award" and "outstanding paper award" are included but not "best student paper" (e.g. NIPS) or "best 10-year old paper" (e.g. POPL).
There is a visualization for filtering these papers by institution, year, and conference (thanks to David Karger)
AAAI (Artificial Intelligence) | ||
2013 | HC-Search: Learning Heuristics and Cost Functions for Structured Prediction | Janardhan Rao Doppa, Oregon State University; et al. |
SMILe: Shuffled Multiple-Instance Learning | Gary Doran & Soumya Ray, Case Western Reserve University | |
2012 | Learning SVM Classifiers with Indefinite Kernels | Suicheng Gu & Yuhong Guo, Temple University |
Document Summarization Based on Data Reconstruction | Zhanying He, Zhejiang University; et al. | |
2011 | Dynamic Resource Allocation in Conservation Planning | Daniel Golovin, California Institute of Technology; et al. |
Complexity of and Algorithms for Borda Manipulation | Jessica Davies, University of Toronto; et al. | |
2010 | How Incomplete Is Your Semantic Web Reasoner? Systematic Analysis of the Completeness of Query Ans... | Giorgos Stoilos, Oxford University; et al. |
A Novel Transition Based Encoding Scheme for Planning as Satisfiability | Ruoyun Huang, Washington University in St. Louis; et al. | |
2008 | How Good is Almost Perfect? | Malte Helmert & Gabriele Röger, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
Optimal False-Name-Proof Voting Rules with Costly Voting | Liad Wagman & Vincent Conitzer, Duke University | |
2007 | PLOW: A Collaborative Task Learning Agent | James Allen, Institute for Human and Machine Cognition; et al. |
Thresholded Rewards: Acting Optimally in Timed, Zero-Sum Games | Colin McMillen & Manuela Veloso, Carnegie Mellon University | |
2006 | Model Counting: A New Strategy for Obtaining Good Bounds | Carla P. Gomes, Cornell University; et al. |
Towards an Axiom System for Default Logic | Gerhard Lakemeyer, RWTH Aachen University Hector J. Levesque, University of Toronto |
2005 | The Max K- Armed Bandit: A New Model of Exploration Applied to Search Heuristic Selection | Vincent A. Cicirello, Drexel University Stephen F. Smith, Carnegie Mellon University |
2004 | Learning and Inferring Transportation Routines | Lin Liao, University of Washington; et al. |
2002 | On Computing All Abductive Explanations | Thomas Eiter, Technische Universität Wien Kazuhisa Makino, Osaka University |
2000 | The Game of Hex: An Automatic Theorem-Proving Approach to Game Programming | Vadim V. Anshelevich, Vanshel Consulting |
1999 | PROVERB: The Probabilistic Cruciverbalist | Greg A. Keim, Duke University; et al. |
1998 | Learning Evaluation Functions for Global Optimization and Boolean Satisfiability | Justin A. Boyan & Andrew W. Moore, Carnegie Mellon University |
Acceleration Methods for Numeric CSPs | Yahia Lebbah & Olivier Lhomme, Ecole des Mines de Nantes | |
The Interactive Museum Tour-Guide Robot | Wolfram Burgard, University of Bonn; et al. | |
1997 | Statistical Parsing with a Context-Free Grammar and Word Statistics | Eugene Charniak, Brown University |
A Practical Algorithm for Finding Optimal Triangulations | Krill Shoikhet & Dan Geiger, Technion | |
Fast Context Switching in Real-Time Propositional Reasoning | P. Pandurang Nayak & Brian C. Williams, NASA Ames Research Center | |
Building Concept Representations from Reusable Components | Peter Clark, Boeing Bruce Porter, University of Texas at Austin |
1996 | Verification of Knowledge Bases Based on Containment Checking | Alon Y. Levy, AT&T Laboratories Marie-Christine Rousset, Université Paris-Sud |
A Novel Application of Theory Refinement to Student Modeling | Paul T. Baffes, SciComp Raymond J. Mooney, University of Texas at Austin |
Pushing the Envelope: Planning, Propositional Logic, and Stochastic Search | Henry Kautz & Bart Selman, AT&T Laboratories | |
ACL (Natural Language Processing) | ||
2013 | Grounded Language Learning from Video Described with Sentences | Haonan Yu & Jeffrey Mark Siskind, Purdue University |
2012 | String Re-writing Kernel | Fan Bu, Tsinghua University; et al. |
Bayesian Symbol-Refined Tree Substitution Grammars for Syntactic Parsing | Hiroyuki Shindo, NTT Communication Science Laboratories; et al. | |
2011 | Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging with Bilingual Graph-Based Projections | Dipanjan Das, Carnegie Mellon University Slav Petrov, Google |
2010 | Beyond NomBank: A Study of Implicit Arguments for Nominal Predicates | Matthew Gerber & Joyce Y. Chai, Michigan State University |
2009 | Reinforcement Learning for Mapping Instructions to Actions | S.R.K. Branavan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. |
K-Best A* Parsing | Adam Pauls & Dan Klein, University of California Berkeley | |
Concise Integer Linear Programming Formulations for Dependency Parsing | André F.T. Martins, Instituto de Telecomunicações; et al. | |
2008 | Forest Reranking: Discriminative Parsing with Non-Local Features | Liang Huang, University of Pennsylvania |
A New String-to-Dependency Machine Translation Algorithm with a Target Dependency Language Model | Libin Shen, BBN Technologies; et al. | |
2007 | Learning synchronous grammars for semantic parsing with lambda calculus | Yuk Wah Wong & Raymond J. Mooney, University of Texas at Austin |
2006 | Semantic taxonomy induction from heterogenous evidence | Rion Snow, Stanford University; et al. |
2005 | A Hierarchical Phrase-Based Model for Statistical Machine Translation | David Chiang, University of Maryland |
2004 | Finding Predominant Word Senses in Untagged Text | Diana McCarthy, University of Sussex; et al. |
2003 | Accurate Unlexicalized Parsing | Dan Klein & Christopher D. Manning, Stanford University |
Towards a Model of Face-to-Face Grounding | Yukiko I. Nakano, RISTEX; et al. | |
2002 | Discriminative Training and Maximum Entropy Models for Statistical Machine Translation | Franz Josef Och & Hermann Ney, RWTH Aachen University |
2001 | Immediate-Head Parsing for Language Models | Eugene Charniak, Brown University |
Fast Decoding and Optimal Decoding for Machine Translation | Ulrich Germann, University of Southern California; et al. | |
CHI (Human-Computer Interaction) | ||
2014 | Growing Closer on Facebook: Changes in Tie Strength Through Social Network Site Use | Moira Burke, Facebook Robert Kraut, Carnegie Mellon University |
Duet: Exploring Joint Interactions on a Smart Phone and a Smart Watch | Xiang Anthony Chen, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. | |
RetroDepth: 3D Silhouette Sensing for High-Precision Input On and Above Physical Surfaces | David Kim, Microsoft Research; et al. | |
Estimating the Social Costs of Friendsourcing | Jeffrey Rzeszotarski & Meredith Morris, Microsoft Research | |
Human Values in Curating a Human Rights Media Archive | Abigail Durrant, Newcastle University; et al. | |
Effects of Display Size and Navigation Type on a Classification Task | Can Liu, Université Paris-Sud; et al. | |
Towards Accurate and Practical Predictive Models of Active-Vision-Based Visual Search | David Kieras, University of Michigan Anthony Hornof, University of Oregon |
Real-time Feedback for Improving Medication Taking | Matthew Lee, Philips Research Anind Dey, Carnegie Mellon University |
Making Sustainability Sustainable: Challenges in the Design of Eco-Interaction Technologies | Rayoung Yang, University of Michigan; et al. | |
Consumed Endurance: A Metric to Quantify Arm Fatigue of Mid-Air Interactions | Anders Markussen, University of Copenhagen; et al. | |
Type-Hover-Swipe in 96 Bytes: A Motion Sensing Mechanical Keyboard | Stuart A Taylor, Microsoft Research; et al. | |
Structured Labeling for Facilitating Concept Evolution in Machine Learning | Todd Kulesza, Oregon State University; et al. | |
Emerging Sites of HCI Innovation: Hackerspaces, Hardware Startups & Incubators | Silvia Lindtner, University of California Irvine; et al. | |
MixFab: a Mixed-Reality Environment for Personal Fabrication | Christian Weichel, Lancaster University; et al. | |
Designing for Slowness, Anticipation and Re-visitation: A Long Term Field Study of the Photobox | William Odom, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. | |
What is "Critical" About Critical Design? | Jeffrey Bardzell & Shaowen Bardzell, Indiana University at Bloomington | |
SPRWeb: Preserving Subjective Responses to Website Colour Schemes through Automatic Recolouring | David R. Flatla, University of Saskatchewan; et al. | |
LaserOrigami: Laser-Cutting 3D Objects | Stefanie Mueller, Hasso Plattner Institute; et al. | |
Mind the Theoretical Gap: Interpreting, Using, and Developing Behavioral Theory in HCI Research | Eric B. Hekler, Arizona State University; et al. | |
Screenfinity: Extending the Perception Area of Content on Very Large Public Displays | Constantin Schmidt, Technische Universität Berlin; et al. | |
Reasons to Question Seven Segment Displays | Harold Thimbleby, Swansea University | |
Improving Navigation-Based File Retrieval | Stephen Fitchett, University of Canterbury; et al. | |
The Dubuque Electricity Portal: Evaluation of a City-Scale Residential Electricity Consumption Fee... | Tom Erickson, IBM Research; et al. | |
At Home with Agents: Exploring Attitudes Towards Future Smart Energy Infrastructures | Tom Rodden, University of Nottingham; et al. | |
Job Opportunities through Entertainment: Virally Spread Speech-Based Services for Low-Literate Users | Agha Ali Raza, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. | |
IllumiRoom: Peripheral Projected Illusions for Interactive Experiences | Brett Jones, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; et al. | |
The Efficacy of Human Post-Editing for Language Translation | Spence Green, Stanford University; et al. | |
Analyzing User-Generated YouTube Videos to Understand Touchscreen Use by People with Motor Impairm... | Lisa Anthony, University of Maryland Baltimore County; et al. | |
Turkopticon: Interrupting Worker Invisibility in Amazon Mechanical Turk | Lilly Irani, University of California Irvine M. Six Silberman, Bureau of Economic Interpretation |
Webzeitgeist: Design Mining the Web | Ranjitha Kumar, Stanford University; et al. | |
Weighted Graph Comparison Techniques for Brain Connectivity Analysis | Basak Alper, University of California Santa Barbara; et al. | |
The Many Faces of Facebook: Experiencing Social Media as Performance, Exhibition, and Personal Arc... | Xuan Zhao, Cornell University; et al. | |
2012 | Uncomfortable Interactions | Steve Benford, University of Nottingham; et al. |
ClayVision: The (Elastic) Image of the City | Yuichiro Takeuchi, Sony Computer Science Laboratories Ken Perlin, New York University |
Revisiting the Jacquard Loom: Threads of History and Current Patterns in HCI | Ylva Fernaeus, KTH Royal Institute of Technology; et al. | |
Personas and Decision Making in the Design Process: An Ethnographic Case Study | Erin Friess, University of North Texas | |
Detecting Error-Related Negativity for Interaction Design | Chi Vi & Sriram Subramanian, University of Bristol | |
Observational and Experimental Investigation of Typing Behaviour using Virtual Keyboards for Mobil... | Niels Henze, University of Oldenburg; et al. | |
Looking Glass: A Field Study on Noticing Interactivity of Shop Windows | Jörg Müller, Technische Universität Berlin; et al. | |
Touché: Enhancing Touch Interaction on Humans, Screens, Liquids, and Everyday Objects | Munehiko Sato, Disney Research; et al. | |
Affordances in HCI: Toward a Mediated Action Perspective | Victor Kaptelinin, University of Bergen Bonnie Nardi, University of California Irvine |
Using Rhythmic Patterns as an Input Method | Emilien Ghomi, Université Paris-Sud; et al. | |
The Normal Natural Troubles of Driving with GPS | Barry Brown, Stockholm University Eric Laurier, University of Edinburgh |
Communitysourcing: Engaging Local Crowds to Perform Expert Work Via Physical Kiosks | Kurtis Heimerl, University of California Berkeley; et al. | |
Improving Command Selection with CommandMaps | Joey Scarr, University of Canterbury; et al. | |
Empathy, Participatory Design and People with Dementia | Stephen Lindsay, Newcastle University; et al. | |
2011 | Usable Gestures for Blind People: Understanding Preference and Performance | Shaun K. Kane, University of Washington; et al. |
Effects of Community Size and Contact Rate in Synchronous Social Q&A | Ryen W. White, Microsoft Research; et al. | |
Teenagers and Their Virtual Possessions: Design Opportunities and Issues | William Odom, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. | |
Enhancing Physicality in Touch Interaction with Programmable Friction | Vincent Levesque, University of British Columbia; et al. | |
Mid-air Pan-and-Zoom on Wall-sized Displays | Mathieu Nancel, Université Paris-Sud; et al. | |
Bricolage: Example-Based Retargeting for Web Design | Ranjitha Kumar, Stanford University; et al. | |
Synchronous Interaction Among Hundreds: An Evaluation of a Conference in an Avatar-based Virtual E... | Thomas Erickson, IBM Research; et al. | |
In the Shadow of Misperception: Assistive Technology Use and Social Interactions | Kristen Shinohara & Jacob O. Wobbrock, University of Washington | |
Why is My Internet Slow?: Making Network Speeds Visible | Marshini Chetty, Georgia Institute of Technology; et al. | |
Ease of Juggling: Studying the Effects of Manual Multitasking | Antti Oulasvirta & Joanna Bergstrom-Lehtovirta, Aalto University | |
Automics: souvenir generating photoware for theme parks | Abigail Durrant, University of Nottingham; et al. | |
Your Noise is My Command: Sensing Gestures Using the Body as an Antenna | Gabe Cohn, University of Washington; et al. | |
Review Spotlight: A User Interface for Summarizing User-generated Reviews Using Adjective-Noun Wor... | Koji Yatani, University of Toronto; et al. | |
2010 | Lumino: Tangible Blocks for Tabletop Computers Based on Glass Fiber Bundles | Patrick Baudisch, Hasso Plattner Institute; et al. |
Mapping the Landscape of Sustainable HCI | Carl DiSalvo, Georgia Institute of Technology; et al. | |
Occlusion-Aware Interfaces | Daniel Vogel & Ravin Balakrishnan, University of Toronto | |
Avaaj Otalo — A Field Study of an Interactive Voice Forum for Small Farmers in Rural India | Neil Patel, Stanford University; et al. | |
How does search behavior change as search becomes more difficult? | Anne Aula, Google; et al. | |
The Tower of Babel Meets Web 2.0: User-Generated Content and its Applications in a Multilingual Co... | Brent Hecht & Darren Gergle, Northwestern University | |
Skinput: Appropriating the Body as an Input Surface | Chris Harrison, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. | |
Mobile-izing Health Workers in Rural India | Divya Ramachandran, University of California Berkeley; et al. | |
The Design of Eco-Feedback Technology | Jon Froehlich, University of Washington; et al. | |
Feminist HCI: Taking Stock and Outlining an Agenda for Design | Shaowen Bardzell, Indiana University at Bloomington | |
Prefab: Implementing Advanced Behaviors Using Pixel-Based Reverse Engineering of Interface Structure | Morgan Dixon & James Fogarty, University of Washington | |
Useful Junk? The Effects of Visual Embellishment on Comprehension and Memorability of Charts | Scott Bateman, University of Saskatchewan; et al. | |
2009 | From Interaction to Trajectories: Designing Coherent Journeys Through User Experiences | Steve Benford, University of Nottingham; et al. |
Sizing the Horizon: The Effects of Chart Size and Layering on the Graphical Perception of Time Ser... | Jeffrey Heer, Stanford University; et al. | |
Predicting Tie Strength With Social Media | Eric Gilbert & Karrie Karahalios, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | |
Musink: Composing Music through Augmented Drawing | Theophanis Tsandilas, Université Paris-Sud; et al. | |
Social Immersive Media: Pursuing Best Practices for Multi-user Interactive Camera/Projector Exhibits | Scott S. Snibbe, Sona Research Hayes S. Raffle, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Ephemeral Adaptation: The Use of Gradual Onset to Improve Menu Selection Performance | Leah Findlater, University of British Columbia; et al. | |
Undo and Erase Events as Indicators of Usability Problems | David Akers, Stanford University; et al. | |
2008 | In-Car GPS Navigation: Engagement with and Disengagement from the Environment | Gilly Leshed, Cornell University; et al. |
Improving the Performance of Motor-Impaired Users with Automatically-Generated, Ability-Based Inte... | Krzysztof Z. Gajos, University of Washington; et al. | |
Large Scale Analysis of Web Revisitation Patterns | Eytan Adar, University of Washington; et al. | |
Designs on Dignity: Perceptions of Technology Among the Homeless | Christopher A. Le Dantec & W. Keith Edwards, Georgia Institute of Technology | |
The Network in the Garden: An Empirical Analysis of Social Media in Rural Life | Eric Gilbert, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; et al. | |
Multimodal collaborative handwriting training for visually-impaired people | Beryl Plimmer, University of Auckland; et al. | |
An Error Model for Pointing Based on Fitts' Law | Jacob O. Wobbrock, University of Washington; et al. | |
2007 | Multiview: improving trust in group video conferencing through spatial faithfulness | David T. Nguyen & John Canny, University of California Berkeley |
Software or wetware?: discovering when and why people use digital prosthetic memory | Vaiva Kalnikaité & Steve Whittaker, University of Sheffield | |
Shift: a technique for operating pen-based interfaces using touch | Daniel Vogel, University of Toronto Patrick Baudisch, Microsoft Research |
Authoring sensor-based interactions by demonstration with direct manipulation and pattern recognit... | Björn Hartmann, Stanford University; et al. | |
Sustainable interaction design: invention & disposal, renewal & reuse | Eli Blevis, Indiana University at Bloomington | |
Consuming video on Mobile devices | Kenton O'Hara, Hewlett-Packard Labs; et al. | |
2006 | Trackball text entry for people with motor impairments | Jacob O. Wobbrock & Brad Myers, Carnegie Mellon University |
Embedded phenomena: supporting science learning with classroom-sized distributed simulations | Tom Moher, University of Illinois at Chicago | |
A role for haptics in mobile interaction: initial design using a handheld tactile display prototype | Joseph Luk, University of British Columbia; et al. | |
2005 | Making space for stories: ambiguity in the design of personal communication systems | Paul M. Aoki, Palo Alto Research Center Allison Woodruff, Intel Research |
Examining Task Engagement in Sensor-Based Statistical Models of Human Interruptibility | James Fogarty, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. | |
Designing the spectator experience | Stuart Reeves, University of Nottingham; et al. | |
The bubble cursor: enhancing target acquisition by dynamic resizing of the cursor's activation area | Tovi Grossman & Ravin Balakrishnan, University of Toronto | |
CIKM (Knowledge Management) | ||
2013 | Penguins in Sweaters, or Serendipitous Entity Search on User-generated Content | Ilaria Bordino, Yahoo! Research; et al. |
2012 | Gelling, and Melting, Large Graphs by Edge Manipulation | Hanghang Tong, IBM Research; et al. |
2011 | Intent-aware query similarity | Jiafeng Guo, Chinese Academy of Sciences; et al. |
2010 | MENTA: Inducing Multilingual Taxonomies from Wikipedia | Gerard de Melo & Gerhard Weikum, Max Planck Institut |
FACeTOR: cost-driven exploration of faceted query results | Abhijith Kashyap, State University of New York at Buffalo; et al. | |
2009 | On the Feasibility of Multi-Site Web Search Engines | Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Yahoo! Research; et al. |
2008 | Learning to Link with Wikipedia | David Milne & Ian H. Witten, University of Waikato |
2007 | Autonomously Semantifying Wikipedia | Fei Wu & Daniel S. Weld, University of Washington |
2006 | Discovering and Exploiting Keyword and Attribute-Value Co-occurrences to Improve P2P Routing Indices | Segabtian Michel, Max Planck Institut; et al. |
2005 | Towards Automatic Association of Relevant Unstructured Content with Structured Query Results | Prasan Roy, IBM Research; et al. |
2004 | Discovering Frequently Changing Structures from Historical Structural Deltas of Unordered XML | Qiankun Zhao, Nanyang Technological University; et al. |
CVPR (Computer Vision) | ||
2013 | Fast, Accurate Detection of 100,000 Object Classes on a Single Machine | Thomas Dean, Google; et al. |
2012 | A Simple Prior-free Method for Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion Factorization | Yuchao Dai, Northwestern Polytechnical University; et al. |
2011 | Real-time Human Pose Recognition in Parts from Single Depth Images | Jamie Shotton, Microsoft Research; et al. |
2010 | Efficient Computation of Robust Low-Rank Matrix Approximations in the Presence of Missing Data usi... | Anders Eriksson & Anton va den Hendel, University of Adelaide |
2009 | Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior | Kaiming He, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; et al. |
2008 | Global Stereo Reconstruction under Second Order Smoothness Priors | Oliver Woodford, University of Oxford; et al. |
Beyond Sliding Windows: Object Localization by Efficient Subwindow Search | Chistoph H. Lampert, Max Planck Institut; et al. | |
2007 | Dynamic 3D Scene Analysis from a Moving Vehicle | Bastian Leibe, ETH Zurich; et al. |
2006 | Putting Objects in Perspective | Derek Hoiem, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. |
2005 | Real-Time Non-Rigid Surface Detection | Julien Pilet, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; et al. |
2004 | Programmable Imaging using a Digital Micromirror Array | Shree K. Nayar, Columbia University; et al. |
2003 | Object Class Recognition by Unsupervised Scale-Invariant Learning | Rob Fergus, University of Oxford; et al. |
2001 | Morphable 3D models from video | Matthew Brand, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories |
2000 | Real-Time Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects using Mean Shift | Dorin Comaniciu, Siemens Corporate Research; et al. |
FOCS (Theory) | ||
2013 | Navigating Central Path with Electrical Flows: from Flows to Matchings, and Back | Aleksander Mądry, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
2012 | A multi-prover interactive proof for NEXP sound against entangled provers | Tsuyoshi Ito, NEC Labs America Thomas Vidick, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
A Polylogarithimic Approximation Algorithm for Edge-Disjoint Paths with Congestion 2 | Julia Chuzhoy, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago Shi Li, Princeton University |
2011 | A Randomized Rounding Approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem | Shayan Oveis Gharan, Stanford University; et al. |
A Polylogarithmic-Competitive Algorithm for the k-Server Problem | Nikhil Bansal, IBM Research; et al. | |
Approximating Graphic TSP by Matchings | Tobia M¨o;mke & Ola Svensson, Royal Institute of Technology | |
2010 | Approximation Algorithms for the Edge-Disjoint Paths Problem via Raecke Decompositions | Matthew Andrews, Bell Labs |
Subexponential Algorithms for Unique Games and Related Problems | Sanjeev Arora, Princeton University; et al. | |
Computational Transition at the Uniqueness Threshold | Allan Sly, Microsoft Research | |
2008 | Two Query PCP with Sub-Constant Error | Dana Moshkovitz & Ran Raz, Weizmann Institute of Science |
2007 | Space-Efficient Identity Based Encryption Without Pairings | Dan Boneh, Stanford University; et al. |
2006 | Settling the Complexity of 2-Player Nash Equilibrium | Xi Chen, Tsinghua University Xiaotie Deng, City University of Hong Kong |
2005 | The Unique Games Conjecture, Integrality Gap for Cut Problems and Embeddability of Negative Type M... | Subhash A. Khot, Georgia Institute of Technology Nisheeth K. Vishnoi, IBM Research |
Correcting Errors Beyond the Guruswami-Sudan Radius in Polynomial Time | Farzad Parvaresh & Alexander Vardy, University of California San Diego | |
2004 | Cryptography in NC0 | Benny Applebaum, Technion; et al. |
Hardness of Approximating the Shortest Vector Problem in Lattices | Subhash Khot, Georgia Institute of Technology | |
2003 | On the Impossibility of Dimension Reduction in L1 | Bo Brinkman & Moses Charikar, Princeton University |
2002 | A Dichotomy Theorem for Constraints on a Three-Element Set | Andrei A. Bulatov, University of Oxford |
Minimizing Congestion in General Networks | Harald Räcke, Paderborn University | |
Constant-Round Coin-Tossing with a Man in the Middle or Realizing the Shared Random String Model | Boaz Barak, Weizmann Institute of Science | |
FSE (Software Engineering) | ||
2012 | Seeking the Ground Truth: A Retroactive Study on the Evolution and Migration of Software Libraries | Bradley Cossette & Robert Walker, University of Calgary |
Scalable Test Data Generation from Multidimensional Models | Emina Torlak, University of California Berkeley | |
Assessing the Value of Branches with What-if Analysis | Christian Bird & Thomas Zimmermann, Microsoft Research | |
2011 | Proactive Detection of Collaboration Conflicts | Yuriy Brun, University of Washington; et al. |
How Do Fixes Become Bugs? | Zuoning Yin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; et al. | |
Proving programs robust | Swarat Chaudhuri, Rice University; et al. | |
2010 | Creating and evolving developer documentation: understanding the decisions of open source contribu... | Barthélémy Dagenais & Martin P. Robillard, McGill University |
Developer Fluency: Achieving True Mastery in Software Projects | Minghui Zhou, Peking University Audris Mockus, Avaya Labs |
Staged Concurrent Program Analysis | Nishant Sinha & Chao Wang, NEC Labs America | |
2009 | Asserting and checking determinism for multithreaded programs | Jacob Burnim & Koushik Sen, University of California Berkeley |
Darwin: an approach for debugging evolving programs | Dawei Qi, National University of Singapore; et al. | |
Graph-based Mining of Multiple Object Usage Patterns | Tung Thanh Nguyen, Iowa State University; et al. | |
2008 | What makes a good bug report? | Nicolas Bettenburg, Saarland University; et al. |
Efficient online monitoring of web-service SLAs | Franco Raimondi, University College London; et al. | |
2007 | Automatic consistency assessment for query results in dynamic environments | Jamie Payton, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; et al. |
Globally distributed software development project performance: an empirical analysis | Narayan Ramasubbu & Rajesh Krishna Balan, Singapore Management University | |
Mining specifications of malicious behavior | Mihai Christodorescu, University of Wisconsin; et al. | |
Object and reference immutability using Java generics | Yoav Zibin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. | |
2006 | Controlling factors in evaluating path-sensitive error detection techniques | Matthew B. Dwyer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; et al. |
SYNERGY: a new algorithm for property checking | Bhargav S. Gulavani, Indian Institute of Technology; et al. | |
2005 | Automatic Generation of Suggestions for Program Investigation | Martin P. Robillard, McGill University |
CUTE: a concolic unit testing engine for C | Koushik Sen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; et al. | |
Context- and path-sensitive memory leak detection | Yichen Xie & Alex Aiken, Stanford University | |
2004 | Reasoning about partial goal satisfaction for requirements and design engineering | Emmanuel Letier & Axel van Lamsweerde, Université catholique de Louvain |
A classification system and analysis for aspect-oriented programs | Martin Rinard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. | |
2003 | Eliminating redundancies with a "composition with adaptation" meta-programming technique | Stan Jarzabek, National University of Singapore Li Shubiao, Xi'an Jiaotong University |
A Family of Test Adequacy Criteria for Database-Driven Applications | Gregory M. Kapfhammer & Mary Lou Soffa, University of Pittsburgh | |
Predicting problems caused by component upgrades | Stephen McCamant & Michael D. Ernst, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | |
2002 | Isolating Cause-Effect Chains from Computer Programs | Andreas Zeller, Saarland University |
ICCV (Computer Vision) | ||
2013 | From Large Scale Image Categorization to Entry-Level Categories | Vicente Ordonez, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; et al. |
2011 | Relative Attributes | Devi Parikh, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago Kristen Grauman, University of Texas at Austin |
2009 | Discriminative models for multi-class object layout | Chaitanya Desai, University of California Irvine; et al. |
2007 | Population Shape Regression From Random Design Data | Bradley Davis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; et al. |
2005 | Globally Optimal Estimates for Geometric Reconstruction Problems | Fredrik Kahl, Lund University Didier Henrion, LAAS-CNRS |
2003 | Detecting Pedestrians using Patterns of Motion and Appearance | Paul Viola, Microsoft Research; et al. |
Image Parsing: Unifying Segmentation, Detection and Recognition | Zhuowen Tu, University of California Los Angeles; et al. | |
Image-based Rendering using Image-based Priors | Andrew Fitzgibbon, University of Oxford; et al. | |
2001 | Probabilistic Tracking with Exemplars in a Metric Space | Kentaro Toyama & Andrew Blake, Microsoft Research |
The Space of All Stereo Images | Steven Seitz, University of Washington | |
1999 | Euclidean Reconstruction and Reprojection up to Subgroups | Yi Ma, University of California Berkeley; et al. |
A Theory of Shape by Space Carving | Kiriakos Kutulakos, University of Rochester Steven Seitz, Carnegie Mellon University |
1998 | Self-Calibration and Metric Reconstruction in spite of Varying and Unknown Internal Camera Paramet... | Marc Pollefeys, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; et al. |
The Problem of Degeneracy in Structure and Motion Recovery from Uncalibrated Image Sequences | Phil Torr, Microsoft Research; et al. | |
ICML (Machine Learning) | ||
2013 | Vanishing Component Analysis | Roi Livni, The Hebrew University of Jerusalum; et al. |
Fast Semidifferential-based Submodular Function Optimization | Rishabh Iyer, University of Washington; et al. | |
2012 | Bayesian Posterior Sampling via Stochastic Gradient Fisher Scoring | Sungjin Ahn, University of California Irvine; et al. |
2011 | Computational Rationalization: The Inverse Equilibrium Problem | Kevin Waugh, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. |
2010 | Hilbert Space Embeddings of Hidden Markov Models | Le Song, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. |
2009 | Structure preserving embedding | Blake Shaw & Tony Jebara, Columbia University |
2008 | SVM Optimization: Inverse Dependence on Training Set Size | Shai Shalev-Shwartz & Nathan Srebro, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago |
2007 | Information-theoretic metric learning | Jason V. Davis, University of Texas at Austin; et al. |
2006 | Trading convexity for scalability | Ronan Collobert, NEC Labs America; et al. |
2005 | A support vector method for multivariate performance measures | Thorsten Joachims, Cornell University |
1999 | Least-Squares Temporal Difference Learning | Justin A. Boyan, NASA Ames Research Center |
ICSE (Software Engineering) | ||
2013 | Dual Ecological Measures of Focus in Software Development | Daryl Posnett, University of California Davis; et al. |
Data Clone Detection and Visualization in Spreadsheets | Felienne Hermans, Delft University of Technology; et al. | |
UML in Practice | Marian Petre, Open University | |
Automatic patch generation learned from human-written patches | Dongsun Kim, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; et al. | |
Assisting Developers of Big Data Analytics Applications When Deploying on Hadoop Clouds | Weiyi Shang, Queen's University; et al. | |
Interaction-Based Test-Suite Minimization | Dale Blue, IBM; et al. | |
2012 | Understanding Integer Overflow in C/C++ | Will Dietz, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; et al. |
Using Dynamic Analysis to Discover Polynomial and Array Invariants | ThanhVu Nguyen, University of New Mexico; et al. | |
Amplifying Tests to Validate Exception Handling Code | Pingyu Zhang & Sebastian Elbaum, University of Nebraska-Lincoln | |
Partial Models: Towards Modeling and Reasoning with Uncertainty | Michalis Famelis, University of Toronto; et al. | |
How Do Professional Developers Comprehend Software? | Tobias Roehm, Technische Universität München; et al. | |
A Tactic-Centric Approach for Automating Traceability of Quality Concerns | Mehdi Mirakhorli, DePaul University; et al. | |
Automated Detection of Client-State Manipulation Vulnerabilities | Anders Møller & Mathias Schwarz, Aarhus University | |
2011 | Verifying Multi-threaded Software using SMT-based Context-Bounded Model Checking | Lucas Cordeiro & Bernd Fischer, University of Southampton |
Configuring Global Software Teams: A Multi-Company Analysis of Project Productivity, Quality, and ... | Narayan Ramasubbu, Singapore Management University; et al. | |
Programs, tests, and oracles: the foundations of testing revisited | Matt Staats, University of Minnesota; et al. | |
On-demand Feature Recommendations Derived from Mining Public Product Descriptions | Horatiu Dumitru, DePaul University; et al. | |
Run-Time Efficient Probabilistic Model Checking | Antonio Filieri, Politecnico di Milano; et al. | |
2010 | A Machine Learning Approach for Tracing Regulatory Codes to Product Specific Requirements | Jane Cleland-Huang, DePaul University; et al. |
Collaborative Reliability Prediction of Service-Oriented Systems | Zibin Zheng & Michael R. Lyu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong | |
A Cut-off Approach for Bounded Verification of Parameterized Systems | Qiusong Yang & Mingshu Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences | |
Test Generation through Programming in UDITA | Milos Gligoric, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; et al. | |
A Degree-of-Knowledge Model to Capture Source Code Familiarity | Thomas Fritz, University of British Columbia; et al. | |
2009 | How We Refactor, and How We Know It | Emerson Murphy-Hill, Portland State University; et al. |
Effective Static Deadlock Detection | Mayur Naik, Intel Research; et al. | |
Invariant-Based Automatic Testing of AJAX User Interfaces | Ali Mesbah & Arie van Deursen, Delft University of Technology | |
Does Distributed Development Affect Software Quality? An Empirical Case Study of Windows Vista | Christian Bird, University of California Davis; et al. | |
Automatically finding patches using genetic programming | Westley Weimer, University of Virginia; et al. | |
2008 | Precise memory leak detection for java software using container profiling | Guoqing Xu & Atanas Rountev, Ohio State University |
Debugging reinvented: asking and answering why and why not questions about program behavior | Andrew J. Ko & Brad A. Myers, Carnegie Mellon University | |
Recommending adaptive changes for framework evolution | Barthélémy Dagenais & Martin P. Robillard, McGill University | |
Predicting Accurate and Actionable Static Analysis Warnings: An Experimental Approach | Joseph Ruthruff, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; et al. | |
The effect of program and model structure on mc/dc test adequacy coverage | Ajitha Rajan, University of Minnesota; et al. | |
2007 | Refactoring for Parameterizing Java Classes | Adam Kiezun, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. |
Tracking Code Clones in Evolving Software | Ekwa Duala-Ekoko & Martin P. Robillard, McGill University | |
Matching and Merging of Statecharts Specifications | Shiva Nejati, University of Toronto; et al. | |
Predicting Faults from Cached History | Sunghun Kim, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. | |
2006 | Model-Based Development of Dynamically Adaptive Software | Ji Zhang & Betty H.C. Cheng, Michigan State University |
Who Should Fix This Bug? | John Anvik, University of British Columbia; et al. | |
2005 | Eliciting Design Requirements for Maintenance-Oriented IDEs: A Detailed Study of Corrective and Pe... | Andrew Ko, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. |
Is Mutation an Appropriate Tool for Testing Experiments? | James Andrews, University of Western Ontario; et al. | |
Using Structural Context to Recommend Source Code Examples | Reid Holmes & Gail Murphy, University of British Columbia | |
Data Structure Repair Using Goal-Directed Reasoning | Brian Demsky & Martin Rinard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | |
2004 | SNIAFL: Towards a Static Non-Interactive Approach to Feature Location | Wei Zhao, Peking University; et al. |
Extending the REpresentational State Transfer (REST) Architectural Style for Decentralized Systems | Rohit Khare & Richard N. Taylor, University of California Irvine | |
An Empirical Study of Software Reuse vs. Defect-Density and Stability | Parastoo Mohagheghi, Ericsson; et al. | |
A Tool for Writing and Debugging Algebraic Specifications | Johannes Henkel & Amer Diwan, University of Colorado | |
Static Checking of Dynamically Generated Queries in Database Applications | Carl Gould, University of California Davis; et al. | |
2003 | Precise Dynamic Slicing Algorithms | Xiangyu Zhang, University of Arizona; et al. |
Modular Verification of Software Components in C | Sagar Chaki, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. | |
IJCAI (Artificial Intelligence) | ||
2013 | Bayesian Optimization in High Dimensions via Random Embeddings | Ziyu Wang, University of British Columbia; et al. |
Flexibility and Decoupling in the Simple Temporal Problem | Michel Wilson, Delft University of Technology; et al. | |
2011 | Unweighted Coalitional Manipulation Under the Borda Rule is NP-Hard | Nadja Betzler, Technische Universität Berlin; et al. |
Nested Rollout Policy Adaptation for Monte Carlo Tree Search | Christopher D. Rosin, Parity Computing | |
On the Decidability of Connectedness Constraints in 2D and 3D Euclidean Spaces | Roman Kontchakov, Birkbeck College London; et al. | |
2009 | Consequence-Driven Reasoning for Horn SHIQ Ontologies | Yevgeny Kazakov, University of Oxford |
Learning Conditional Preference Networks with Queries | Frederic Koriche, Université Montpellier II Bruno Zanuttini, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie |
2007 | Automated Heart Wall Motion Abnormality Detection From Ultrasound Images using Bayesian Networks | Maleeha Qazi, Siemens Medical Solutions; et al. |
Building Structure into Local Search for SAT | Duc Nghia Pham, Griffith University; et al. | |
Performance Analysis of Online Anticipatory Algorithms for Large Multistage Stochastic Integer Pro... | Luc Mercier & Pascal Van Hentenryck, Brown University | |
2005 | Learning Coordination Classifiers | Yuhong Guo, University of Alberta; et al. |
Solving Checkers | Jonathan Schaeffer, University of Alberta; et al. | |
A Probabilistic Model of Redundancy in Information Extraction | Doug Downey, University of Washington; et al. | |
2003 | Approximating Game-Theoretic Optimal Strategies for Full-scale Poker | Darse Billings, University of Alberta; et al. |
Thin Junction Tree Filters for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping | Mark A. Paskin, University of California Berkeley | |
2001 | Complexity Results for Structure-Based Causality | Thomas Eiter & Thomas Lukasiewicz, Vienna University of Technology |
1999 | Learning in Natural Language | Dan Roth, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
A Distributed Case-Based Reasoning Application for Engineering Sales Support | Ian Watson, University of Salford Dan Gardingen, Western Air |
1997 | Object Identification in a Bayesian Context | Timothy Huang & Stuart Russell, University of California Berkeley |
Translingual Information Retrieval: A Comparative Evaluation | Jaime G. Carbonell, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. | |
Applications of the Situation Calculus to Formalizing Control and Strategic Information: The Prolo... | Fangzhen Lin, The Hongkong University of Science and Technology | |
INFOCOM (Networking) | ||
2013 | On the Steady-State of Cache Networks | Elisha J. Rosensweig, University of Massachusetts Amherst; et al. |
2012 | Multi-resource allocation: Fairness-efficiency tradeoffs in a unifying framework | Carlee Joe-Wong, Princeton University; et al. |
2011 | Dynamic right-sizing for power-proportional data centers | Minghong Lin, California Institute of Technology; et al. |
2010 | On the Feasibility and Efficacy of Protection Routing in IP Networks | Kin-Wah Kwong, University of Pennsylvania; et al. |
2009 | Queuing Network Models for Multi-Channel P2P Live Streaming Systems | Di Wu, Polytechnic Institute of New York University; et al. |
2008 | On the Feasibility of the Link Abstraction in (Rural) Mesh Networks | Dattatraya Gokhal, Indian Navy; et al. |
Theoretical Results on Base Station Movement Problem for Sensor Networks | Yi Shi & Y. Thomas Hou, Virginia Tech | |
Understanding the Capacity Region of the Greedy Maximal Scheduling Algorithm in Multi-hop Wireless... | Changhee Joo, Ohio State University; et al. | |
2007 | Disruption free topology reconfiguration in OSPF networks | Pierre Francois, Université catholique de Louvain; et al. |
2006 | Delay and Capacity Trade-offs in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: A Global Perspective | Gaurav Sharma, Purdue University; et al. |
2005 | Perfect Simulation and Stationarity of a Class of Mobility Models | Jean-Yves Le Boude, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Milan Vojnović, Microsoft Research |
2004 | Throughput-Delay Trade-Off in Wireless Networks | Abbas El Gamal, Stanford University; et al. |
2003 | User-Level Performance of Channel-Aware Scheduling Algorithms in Wireless Data Networks | Sem Borst, Bell Labs |
2002 | Priority Service and Max-Min Fairness | Peter Marbach, University of Toronto |
2001 | Mobility increases the capacity of ad-hoc wireless networks | Matthias Grossglauser, AT&T Laboratories David Tse, University of California Berkeley |
2000 | The Chaotic Nature of TCP Congestion Control | András Veres, Ericsson Miklós Boda, Ericsson Research |
1999 | Bandwidth Sharing: Objectives and Algorithms | Laurent Massoulié, Microsoft Research James Robert, France Telecom |
1998 | Effective Bandwidths in Wireless Networks with Multiuser Receivers | David Tse, University of California Berkeley Stephen Hanly, University of Melbourne |
1996 | An algorithm for multicast tree generation in networks with asymmetric links | Ram Ramanathan, BBN Technologies |
KDD (Data Mining) | ||
2013 | Simple and Deterministic Matrix Sketching | Edo Liberty, Yahoo! Research |
2012 | Searching and Mining Trillions of Time Series Subsequences under Dynamic Time Warping | Thanawin Rakthanmanon, University of California Riverside; et al. |
2011 | Leakage in Data Mining: Formulation, Detection, and Avoidance | Shachar Kaufman, Tel-Aviv University; et al. |
2010 | Large linear classification when data cannot fit in memory | Hsiang-Fu Yu, National Taiwan University; et al. |
Connecting the dots between news articles | Dafna Shahaf & Carlos Guestrin, Carnegie Mellon University | |
2009 | Collaborative Filtering with Temporal Dynamics | Yehuda Koren, Yahoo! Research |
2008 | Fastanova: an efficient algorithm for genome-wide association study | Xiang Zhang, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; et al. |
2007 | Predictive discrete latent factor models for large scale dyadic data | Deepak Agarwal & Srujana Merugu, Yahoo! Research |
2006 | Training linear SVMs in linear time | Thorsten Joachims, Cornell University |
2005 | Graphs over time: densification laws, shrinking diameters and possible explanations | Jure Leskovec, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. |
2004 | A probabilistic framework for semi-supervised clustering | Sugato Basu, University of Texas at Austin; et al. |
2003 | Maximizing the spread of influence through a social network | David Kempe, Cornell University; et al. |
2002 | Pattern discovery in sequences under a Markov assumption | Darya Chudova & Padhraic Smyth, University of California Irvine |
2001 | Robust space transformations for distance-based operations | Edwin M. Knorr, University of British Columbia; et al. |
2000 | Hancock: a language for extracting signatures from data streams | Corinna Cortes, AT&T Laboratories; et al. |
1999 | MetaCost: a general method for making classifiers cost-sensitive | Pedro Domingos, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa |
1998 | Occam's Two Razors: The Sharp and the Blunt | Pedro Domingos, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa |
1997 | Analysis and Visualization of Classifier Performance: Comparison under Imprecise Class and Cost Di... | Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett, NYNEX Science and Technology |
MOBICOM (Mobile) | ||
2013 | Whole-Home Gesture Recognition Using Wireless Signals | Qifan Pu, University of Washington; et al. |
2012 | Distinguishing Users with Capacitative Touch Communication | Tam Vu, Rutgers University; et al. |
2011 | Detecting Driver Phone Use Leveraging Car Speakers | Jie Yang, Stevens Institute of Technology; et al. |
E-MiLi: Energy-Minimizing Idle Listening in Wireless Networks | Xinyu Zhang & Kang G. Shin, University of Michigan | |
2010 | The κ factor: inferring protocol performance using inter-link reception correlation | Kannan Srinivasan, Stanford University; et al. |
2009 | CENTAUR: Realizing the Full Potential of Centralized WLANs through a Hybrid Data Path | Vivek Shrivastava, University of Wisconsin; et al. |
2008 | Assessment of Urban-Scale Wireless Networks with a Small Number of Measurements | Joshua Robinson, Rice University; et al. |
NSDI (Networking) | ||
2014 | Software Dataplane Verification | Mihai Dobrescu & Katerina Argyraki, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
2013 | Embassies: Radically Refactoring the Web | Jon Howell, Microsoft Research; et al. |
A Fault-Tolerant Engineered Network | Vincent Liu, University of Washington; et al. | |
2012 | Resilient Distributed Datasets: A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing | Matei Zaharia, University of California Berkeley; et al. |
2011 | Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Congestion Control for Multipath TCP | Damon Wischik, University College London; et al. |
ServerSwitch: A Programmable and High Performance Platform for Data Center Networks | Guohan Lu, Microsoft Research; et al. | |
2010 | Reverse traceroute | Ethan Katz-Bassett, University of Washington; et al. |
2009 | Sora: High Performance Software Radio Using General Purpose Multi-core Processors | Kun Tan, Microsoft Research; et al. |
TrInc: Small Trusted Hardware for Large Distributed Systems | Dave Levin, University of Maryland; et al. | |
2008 | Remus: High Availability via Asynchronous Virtual Machine Replication | Brendan Cully, University of British Columbia; et al. |
Consensus Routing: The Internet as a Distributed System | John P. John, University of Washington; et al. | |
2007 | Life, Death, and the Critical Transition: Finding Liveness Bugs in Systems Code | Charles Killian, University of California San Diego; et al. |
2006 | Experience with an Object Reputation System for Peer-to-Peer Filesharing | Kevin Walsh & Emin Gün Sirer, Cornell University |
Replay Debugging for Distributed Applications | Dennis Geels, University of California Berkeley; et al. | |
2005 | Detecting BGP Configuration Faults with Static Analysis | Nick Feamster & Hari Balakrishnan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
2004 | Trickle: A Self-Regulating Algorithm for Code Propagation and Maintenance in Wireless Sensor Netwo... | Philip Levis, University of California Berkeley; et al. |
OSDI (Operating Systems) | ||
2012 | Spanner: Google's Globally-Distributed Database | James C. Corbett, Google; et al. |
2010 | Efficient System-Enforced Deterministic Parallelism | Amittai Aviram, Yale University; et al. |
The Turtles Project: Design and Implementation of Nested Virtualization | Muli Ben-Yehuda, IBM Research; et al. | |
2008 | KLEE: Unassisted and Automatic Generation of High-Coverage Tests for Complex Systems Programs | Cristian Cadar, Stanford University; et al. |
Difference Engine: Harnessing Memory Redundancy in Virtual Machines | Diwaker Gupta, University of California San Diego; et al. | |
DryadLINQ: A System for General-Purpose Distributed Data-Parallel Computing Using a High-Level Lan... | Yuan Yu, Microsoft Research; et al. | |
2006 | Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data | Fay Chang, Google; et al. |
Rethink the Sync | Edmund B. Nightingale, University of Michigan; et al. | |
2004 | Using Model Checking to Find Serious File System Errors | Junfeng Yang, Stanford University; et al. |
Recovering Device Drivers | Michael M. Swift, University of Washington; et al. | |
2002 | Memory Resource Management in VMware ESX Server | Carl A. Waldspurger, VMware |
2000 | Checking System Rules Using System-Specific, Programmer-Written Compiler Extensions | Dawson Engler, Stanford University; et al. |
1999 | IO-Lite: A Unified I/O Buffering and Caching System | Vivek S. Pai, Rice University; et al. |
1996 | Automatic Compiler-Inserted I/O Prefetching for Out-of-Core Applications | Todd C. Mowry, University of Toronto; et al. |
Safe Kernel Extensions Without Run-Time Checking | George C. Necula & Peter Lee, Carnegie Mellon University | |
PLDI (Programming Languages) | ||
2013 | Static Analysis for Probabilistic Programs: Inferring Whole Program Properties from Finitely Many ... | Sriram Sankaranarayanan, University of Colorado; et al. |
A General Constraint-centric Scheduling Framework for Spatial Architectures | Tony Nowatzki, University of Wisconsin; et al. | |
Reconciling Exhaustive Pattern Matching with Objects | Chinawat Isradisaikul & Andrew C. Myers, Cornell University | |
CLAP: Recording Local Executions to Reproduce Concurrency Failures | Jeff Huang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; et al. | |
2012 | Concurrent Data Representation Synthesis | Peter Hawkins, Stanford University; et al. |
2011 | Data Representation Synthesis | Peter Hawkins, Stanford University; et al. |
2010 | Safe to the Last Instruction: Automated Verification of a Type-Safe Operating System | Jean Yang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chris Hawblitzel, Microsoft Research |
2009 | Binary Analysis for Measurement and Attribution of Program Performance | Nathan Tallent, Rice University; et al. |
2007 | Fault-tolerant Typed Assembly Language | Frances Perry, Princeton University; et al. |
The Ant and the Grasshopper: Fast and Accurate Pointer Analysis for Millions of Lines of Code | Ben Hardekopf & Calvin Lin, University of Texas at Austin | |
2005 | Automatic Pool Allocation: Improving Performance by Controlling Data Structure Layout in the Heap | Chris Lattner & Vikram Adve, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Programming by Sketching for Bit-Streaming Programs | Armando Solar-Lezama, University of California Berkeley; et al. | |
2004 | Cloning-Based Context-Sensitive Pointer Alias Analysis Using Binary Decision Diagrams | John Whaley & Monica S. Lam, Stanford University |
2003 | Automatically Proving the Correctness of Compiler Optimizations | Sorin Lerner, University of Washington; et al. |
2000 | Dynamo: a transparent dynamic optimization system | Vasanth Bala, Hewlett-Packard Labs; et al. |
1999 | Whole program paths | James R. Larus, Microsoft Research |
PODS (Databases) | ||
2013 | Verification of database-driven systems via amalgamation | Mikołaj Bojańczyk, University of Warsaw; et al. |
2012 | Worst-case Optimal Join Algorithms | Hung Q. Ngo, University at Buffalo; et al. |
2011 | Data Exchange Beyond Complete Data | Marcelo Arenas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; et al. |
2010 | An Optimal Algorithm for the Distinct Elements Problem | Daniel M. Kane, Harvard University; et al. |
2009 | Size and Treewidth Bounds for Conjunctive Queries | Georg Gottlob, University of Oxford; et al. |
2008 | Estimating PageRank on Graph Streams | Atish Das Sarma, Georgia Institute of Technology; et al. |
2007 | Generalized Hypertree Decompositions: NP-Hardness and Tractable Variants | Georg Gottlob, University of Oxford; et al. |
2006 | Two-variable logic on data trees and XML reasoning | Mikolaj Bojanczyk, Warsaw University; et al. |
2005 | On the complexity of division and set joins in the relational algebra | Dirk Leinders & Jan Van den Bussche, Limburgs Universitair Centrum |
XML data exchange: consistency and query answering | Marcelo Arenas & Leonid Libkin, University of Toronto | |
2004 | Conditional XPath, the first order complete XPath dialect | Maarten Marx, University of Amsterdam |
2003 | An Information-Theoretic Approach to Normal Forms for Relational and XML Data | Marcelo Arenas & Leonid Libkin, University of Toronto |
2002 | Monadic Datalog and the Expressive Power of Languages for Web Information Extraction | Georg Gottlob & Christoph Koch, Technische Universität Wien |
2001 | Optimal aggregation algorithms for middleware | Ronald Fagin, IBM Research; et al. |
2000 | Auditing Boolean attributes | Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University; et al. |
1999 | Exact and approximate aggregation in constraint query languages | Michael Benefikt & Leonid Libkin, Bell Labs |
1998 | A lower bound theorem for indexing schemes and its application to multidimensional range queries | Vasilis Samoladas & Daniel P. Miranker, University of Texas at Austin |
Expressiveness of structured document query languages based on attribute grammars | Frank Neven & Jan Van den Bussche, Limburgs Universitair Centrum | |
1997 | On the Complexity of Database Queries | Christos H. Papadimitriou, University of California Berkeley Mihalis Yannakakis, Bell Labs |
S&P (Security and Privacy) | ||
2013 | Pinocchio: Nearly Practical Verifiable Computation | Bryan Parno, Microsoft Research; et al. |
2012 | Don't Trust Satellite Phones: A Security Analysis of Two Satphone Standards | Benedikt Driessen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum; et al. |
2011 | Phonotactic Reconstruction of Encrypted VoIP Conversations: Hookt on fon-iks | Andrew M. White, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; et al. |
2010 | SCiFI - A System for Secure Face Identification | Margarita Osadchy, University of Haifa; et al. |
2009 | Native Client: A Sandbox for Portable, Untrusted x86 Native Code | Bennet Yee, Google; et al. |
2008 | Pacemakers and Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators: Software Radio Attacks and Zero-Power Defenses | Daniel Halperin, University of Washington; et al. |
SIGCOMM (Networking) | ||
2013 | Ambient Backscatter: Wireless Communication Out of Thin Air | Vincent Liu, University of Washington; et al. |
2012 | Multi-Resource Fair Queueing for Packet Processing | Ali Ghodsi, University of California Berkeley; et al. |
2011 | They Can Hear Your Heartbeats: Non-Invasive Security for Implanted Medical Devices | Shyamnath Gollakota, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. |
2010 | Efficient Error Estimating Coding: Feasibility and Applications | Binbin Chen, National University of Singapore; et al. |
2009 | White Space Networking with Wi-Fi like Connectivity | Paramvir Bahl, Microsoft Research; et al. |
2008 | ZigZag Decoding: Combating Hidden Terminals in Wireless Networks | Shyamnath Gollakota & Dina Katabi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
SIGIR (Information Retrieval) | ||
2013 | Beliefs and Biases in Web Search | Ryen W. White, Microsoft Research |
2012 | Time-Based Calibration of Effectiveness Measures | Mark Smucker & Charles Clarke, University of Waterloo |
2011 | Find It If You Can: A Game for Modeling Different Types of Web Search Success Using Interaction Data | Mikhail Ageev, Moscow State University; et al. |
2010 | Assessing the Scenic Route: Measuring the Value of Search Trails in Web Logs | Ryen W. White, Microsoft Research Jeff Huang, University of Washington |
2009 | Sources of evidence for vertical selection | Jaime Arguello, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. |
2008 | Algorithmic Mediation for Collaborative Exploratory Search | Jeremy Pickens, FX Palo Alto Lab; et al. |
2007 | Studying the Use of Popular Destinations to Enhance Web Search Interaction | Ryen W. White, Microsoft Research; et al. |
2006 | Minimal Test Collections for Retrieval Evaluation | Ben Carterette, University of Massachusetts Amherst; et al. |
2005 | Learning to estimate query difficulty: including applications to missing content detection and dis... | Elad Yom-Tov, IBM Research; et al. |
2004 | A Formal Study of Information Retrieval Heuristics | Hui Fang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; et al. |
2003 | Re-examining the potential effectiveness of interactive query expansion | Ian Ruthven, University of Strathclyde |
2002 | Novelty and redundancy detection in adaptive filtering | Yi Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. |
2001 | Temporal summaries of new topics | James Allan, University of Massachusetts Amherst; et al. |
2000 | IR evaluation methods for retrieving highly relevant documents | Kalervo Järvelin & Jaana Kekäläinen, University of Tampere |
1999 | Cross-language information retrieval based on parallel texts and automatic mining of parallel text... | Jian-Yun Nie, Université de Montréal; et al. |
1998 | A theory of term weighting based on exploratory data analysis | Warren R. Greiff, University of Massachusetts Amherst |
1997 | Feature selection, perceptron learning, and a usability case study for text categorization | Hwee Tou Ng, DSO National Laboratories; et al. |
1996 | Retrieving spoken documents by combining multiple index sources | Gareth Jones, University of Cambridge; et al. |
SIGMETRICS (Performance) | ||
2013 | Queueing System Topologies with Limited Flexibility | John Tsitsiklis & Kuang Xu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
2012 | Temperature management in data centers: why some (might) like it hot | Nosayba El-Sayed, University of Toronto; et al. |
2011 | Topology Discovery of Sparse Random Graphs With Few Participants | Animashree Anandkumar, University of California Irvine; et al. |
2010 | Load balancing via random local search in closed and open systems | Ayalvadi Ganesh, University of Bristol; et al. |
2009 | The Age of Gossip: Spatial Mean Field Regime | Augustin Chaintreau, Technicolor; et al. |
2008 | Counter Braids: A Novel Counter Architecture for Per-Flow Measurement | Yi Lu, Stanford University; et al. |
2007 | Modeling the Relative Fitness of Storage | Michael P. Mesnier, Intel; et al. |
2006 | Maximizing throughput in wireless networks via gossiping | Eytan Modiano, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. |
2005 | Coupon replication systems | Laurent Massoulié & Milan Vojnović, Microsoft Research |
2004 | On performance bounds for the integration of elastic and adaptive streaming flows | Thomas Bonald & Alexandre Proutiere, France Telecom |
1996 | Supporting stored video: reducing rate variability and end-to-end resource requirements through op... | James D. Salehi, University of Massachusetts Amherst; et al. |
Exploiting process lifetime distributions for dynamic load balancing | Mor Harchol-Balter & Allen B. Downey, University of California Berkeley | |
SIGMOD (Databases) | ||
2013 | Massive Graph Triangulation | Xiaocheng Hu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; et al. |
2012 | High-Performance Complex Event Processing over XML Streams | Barzan Mozafari, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. |
2011 | Entangled Queries: Enabling Declarative Data-Driven Coordination | Nitin Gupta, Cornell University; et al. |
2010 | FAST: fast architecture sensitive tree search on modern CPUs and GPUs | Changkyu Kim, Intel; et al. |
2009 | Generating example data for dataflow programs | Christopher Olston, Yahoo! Research; et al. |
2008 | Serializable isolation for snapshot databases | Michael J. Cahill, University of Sydney; et al. |
Scalable Network Distance Browsing in Spatial Databases | Hanan Samet, University of Maryland; et al. | |
2007 | Compiling mappings to bridge applications and databases | Sergey Melnik, Microsoft Research; et al. |
Scalable Approximate Query Processing with the DBO Engine | Christopher Jermaine, University of Florida; et al. | |
2006 | To search or to crawl?: towards a query optimizer for text-centric tasks | Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis, New York University; et al. |
2004 | Indexing spatio-temporal trajectories with Chebyshev polynomials | Yuhan Cai & Raymond T. Ng, University of British Columbia |
2003 | Spreadsheets in RDBMS for OLAP | Andrew Witkowski, Oracle; et al. |
2001 | Locally adaptive dimensionality reduction for indexing large time series databases | Eamonn Keogh, University of California Irvine; et al. |
2000 | XMill: an efficient compressor for XML data | Hartmut Liefke, University of Pennsylvania Dan Suciu, AT&T Laboratories |
1999 | DynaMat: a dynamic view management system for data warehouses | Yannis Kotidis & Nick Roussopoulos, University of Maryland |
1998 | Efficient transparent application recovery in client-server information systems | David Lomet & Gerhard Weikum, Microsoft Research |
Integrating association rule mining with relational database systems: alternatives and implications | Sunita Sarawagi, IBM Research; et al. | |
1997 | Fast parallel similarity search in multimedia databases | Stefan Berchtold, University of Munich; et al. |
1996 | Implementing data cubes efficiently | Venky Harinarayan, Stanford University; et al. |
SODA (Theory) | ||
2014 | Polynomiality for Bin Packing with a Constant Number of Item Types | Michel X. Goemans & Thomas Rothvoss, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
An Almost-Linear-Time Algorithm for Approximate Max Flow in Undirected Graphs, and its Multicommod... | Jonathan A. Kelner, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. | |
2013 | A Simple Algorithm for the Graph Minor Decomposition - Logic meets Structural Graph Theory | Martin Grohe, RWTH Aachen University; et al. |
Dynamic graph connectivity in polylogarithmic worst case time | Bruce M. Kapron, University of Victoria; et al. | |
2012 | Computing all maps into a sphere | Martin Čadek, Masaryk University; et al. |
2011 | An Almost Optimal Unrestricted Fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform | Nir Ailon, Technion Edo Liberty, Yahoo! Research |
2010 | An O(log n/log log n)-approximation Algorithm for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem | Arash Asadpour, Stanford University; et al. |
2009 | Natural Algorithms | Bernard Chazelle, Princeton University |
SOSP (Operating Systems) | ||
2013 | Towards optimization-safe systems: analyzing the impact of undefined behavior | Xi Wang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. |
Naiad: A Timely Dataflow System | Derek G. Murray, Microsoft Research; et al. | |
The Scalable Commutativity Rule: Designing Scalable Software for Multicore Processors | Austin T. Clements, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. | |
2011 | A File is Not a File: Understanding the I/O Behavior of Apple Desktop Applications | Tyler Harter, University of Wisconsin; et al. |
Cells: A Virtual Mobile Smartphone Architecture | Jeremy Andrus, Columbia University; et al. | |
2009 | FAWN: A Fast Array of Wimpy Nodes | David G. Andersen, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. |
seL4: Formal Verification of an OS Kernel | Gerwin Klein, NICTA; et al. | |
RouteBricks: Exploiting Parallelism to Scale Software Routers | Mihai Dobrescu, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; et al. | |
2007 | Zyzzyva: speculative byzantine fault tolerance | Ramakrishna Kotla, University of Texas at Austin; et al. |
Sinfonia: a new paradigm for building scalable distributed systems | Marcos K. Aguilera, Hewlett-Packard Labs; et al. | |
Secure Web Applications via Automatic Partitioning | Stephen Chong, Cornell University; et al. | |
2005 | Speculative Execution in a Distributed File System | Edmund B. Nightingale, University of Michigan; et al. |
BAR Tolerance for Cooperative Services | Amitanand S. Aiyer, University of Texas at Austin; et al. | |
Rx: treating bugs as allergies - a safe method to survive software failures | Feng Qin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; et al. | |
Vigilante: End-to-End Containment of Internet Worms | Manuel Costa, University of Cambridge; et al. | |
2003 | Backtracking intrusions | Samuel T. King & Peter M. Chen, University of Michigan |
Preserving peer replicas by rate-limited sampled voting | Petros Maniatis, Stanford University; et al. | |
Improving the Reliability of Commodity Operating Systems | Michael M. Swift, University of Washington; et al. | |
2001 | BASE: using abstraction to improve fault tolerance | Rodrigo Rodrigues, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. |
Untrusted hosts and confidentiality: secure program partitioning | Steve Zdancewic, Cornell University; et al. | |
1999 | Cellular Disco: resource management using virtual clusters on shared-memory multiprocessors | Kinshuk Govil, Stanford University; et al. |
Soft timers: efficient microsecond software timer support for network processing | Mohit Aron & Peter Druschel, Rice University | |
The Click modular router | Robert Morris, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. | |
Manageability, availability and performance in Porcupine: a highly scalable, cluster-based mail se... | Yasushi Saito, University of Washington; et al. | |
1997 | Continuous profiling: where have all the cycles gone? | Jennifer M. Anderson, Digital Equipment Corporation; et al. |
Disco: running commodity operating systems on scalable multiprocessors | Edouard Bugnion, Stanford University; et al. | |
Eraser: a dynamic data race detector for multithreaded programs | Stefan Savage, University of Washington; et al. | |
STOC (Theory) | ||
2013 | Approximation Resistance from Pairwise Independent Subgroups | Siu On Chan, University of California Berkeley |
Low Rank Approximation and Regression in Input Sparsity Time | Kenneth L. Clarkson & David P. Woodruff, IBM Research | |
2012 | Linear vs. Semidefinite Extended Formulations: Exponential Separation and Strong Lower Bounds | Samuel Fiorini, Université libre de Bruxelles; et al. |
The Cell Probe Complexity of Dynamic Range Counting | Kasper Larsen, Aarhus University | |
2011 | Electrical flows, laplacian systems, and faster approximation of maximum flow in undirected graphs | Paul Christiano, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. |
Subexponential lower bounds for randomized pivoting rules for the simplex algorithm | Oliver Friedmann, University of Munich; et al. | |
2010 | An improved LP-based approximation for steiner tree | Jaroslaw Byrka, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; et al. |
QIP = PSPACE | Rahul Jain, National University of Singapore; et al. | |
2009 | A constructive proof of the Lovász local lemma | Robin A. Moser, ETH Zurich |
Public-Key Cryptosystems from the Worst-Case Shortest Vector Problem | Chris Peikert, SRI International | |
2008 | Optimal algorithms and inapproximability results for every CSP? | Prasad Raghavendra, University of Washington |
Optimal hierarchical decompositions for congestion minimization in networks | Harald Räcke, University of Warwick | |
2007 | Faster integer multiplication | Martin Fürer, Pennsylvania State University |
Towards 3-query locally decodable codes of subexponential length | Sergey Yekhanin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | |
2006 | The PCP theorem by gap amplification | Irit Dinur, Hebrew University |
2005 | Undirected ST-connectivity in log-space | Omer Reingold, Weizmann Institute of Science |
2004 | Multi-linear formulas for permanent and determinant are of super-polynomial size | Ran Raz, Weizmann Institute of Science |
Expander flows, geometric embeddings and graph partitioning | Sanjeev Arora, Princeton University; et al. | |
2003 | Derandomizing polynomial identity tests means proving circuit lower bounds | Valentine Kabanets & Russell Impagliazzo, University of California San Diego |
New lattice-based cryptographic constructions | Oded Regev, Tel-Aviv University | |
UIST (User Interface) | ||
2013 | PneUI: Pneumatically Actuated Soft Composite Materials for Shape Changing Interfaces | Lining Yao, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. |
Touch & Activate: Adding Interactivity to Existing Objects using Active Acoustic Sensing | Makoto Ono, University of Tsukuba; et al. | |
Fiberio: A Touchscreen that Senses Fingerprints | Christian Holz & Patrick Baudisch, Hasso Plattner Institute | |
2012 | CrowdScape: interactively visualizing user behavior and output | Jeffrey Rzeszotarski & Aniket Kitur, Carnegie Mellon University |
Cliplets: juxtaposing still and dynamic imagery | Neel Joshi, Microsoft Research; et al. | |
Jamming User Interfaces: Programmable Particle Stiffness and Sensing for Malleable and Shape-Chang... | Sean Follmer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. | |
2011 | SideBySide: Ad-hoc Multi-user Interaction with Handheld Projectors | Karl D.D. Willis, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. |
2010 | VizWiz: nearly real-time answers to visual questions | Jeffrey P. Bigham, University of Rochester; et al. |
2009 | Mouse 2.0: Multi-touch meets the Mouse | Nicolas Villar, Microsoft Research; et al. |
2008 | Bringing Physics to the Surface | Andrew D. Wilson, Microsoft Research; et al. |
2007 | ThinSight: Versatile Multi-touch Sensing for Thin Form-factor Displays | Steve Hodges, Microsoft Research; et al. |
2006 | Reflective Physical Prototyping through Integrated Design, Test, and Analysis | Björn Hartmann, Stanford University; et al. |
2005 | Automation and Customization of Rendered Web Pages | Michael Bolin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. |
2004 | Multi-Finger Gestural Interaction with 3D Volumetric Displays | Tovi Grossman, University of Toronto; et al. |
CrossY: A Crossing-Based Drawing Application | Georg Apitz & François Guimbretière, University of Maryland | |
2003 | Perceptually-Supported Image Editing of Text and Graphics | Eric Saund, Palo Alto Research Center; et al. |
2002 | Clothing Manipulation | Takeo Igarashi, University of Tokyo John F. Hughes, Brown University |
2001 | Phidgets: Easy Development of Physical Interfaces through Physical Widgets | Saul Greenberg & Chester Fitchett, University of Calgary |
2000 | Sensing Techniques for Mobile Interaction | Ken Hinckley, Microsoft Research; et al. |
1996 | Indigo: A Local Propagation Algorithm for Inequality Constraints | Alan Borning, University of Washington; et al. |
VLDB (Databases) | ||
2013 | DisC Diversity: Result Diversification based on Dissimilarity and Coverage | Marina Drosou & Evaggelia Pitoura, University of Ioannina |
2012 | Dense Subgraph Maintenance under Streaming Edge Weight Updates for Real-time Story Identification | Albert Angel, University of Toronto; et al. |
2011 | RemusDB: Transparent High-Availability for Database Systems | Umar Farooq Minhas, University of Waterloo; et al. |
2010 | Towards Certain Fixes with Editing Rules and Master Data | Shuai Ma, University of Edinburgh; et al. |
2009 | A Unified Approach to Ranking in Probabilistic Databases | Jian Li, University of Maryland; et al. |
2008 | Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams | Graham Cormode & Marios Hadjieleftheriou, AT&T Laboratories |
Constrained Physical Design Tuning | Nicolas Bruno & Surajit Chaudhuri, Microsoft Research | |
2007 | Scalable Semantic Web Data Management Using Vertical Partitioning | Daniel J. Abadi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; et al. |
2006 | Trustworthy Keyword Search for Regulatory-Compliant Records Retention | Soumyadeb Mitra, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; et al. |
2005 | Cache-conscious Frequent Pattern Mining on a Modern Processor | Amol Ghoting, Ohio State University; et al. |
2004 | Model-Driven Data Acquisition in Sensor Networks | Amol Deshpande, University of California Berkeley; et al. |
2001 | Weaving Relations for Cache Performance | Anastassia Ailamaki, Carnegie Mellon University; et al. |
1997 | Integrating Reliable Memory in Databases | Wee Teck Ng & Peter M. Chen, University of Michigan |
WWW (World Wide Web) | ||
2014 | Efficient Estimation for High Similarities using Odd Sketches | Michael Mitzenmacher, Harvard University; et al. |
2013 | No Country for Old Members: User Lifecycle and Linguistic Change in Online Communities | Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Stanford University; et al. |
2012 | Counting Beyond a Yottabyte, or how SPARQL 1.1 Property Paths will Prevent Adoption of the Standard | Marcelo Arenas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; et al. |
2011 | Towards a theory model for product search | Beibei Li, New York University; et al. |
2010 | Factorizing personalized Markov chains for next-basket recommendation | Steffen Rendle, Osaka University; et al. |
2009 | Hybrid keyword search auctions | Ashish Goel, Stanford University Kamesh Munagala, Duke University |
2008 | IRLbot: Scaling to 6 billion pages and beyond | Hsin-Tsang Lee, Texas A&M University; et al. |
2007 | Wherefore art thou r3579x?: anonymized social networks, hidden patterns, and structural steganogra... | Lars Backstrom, Cornell University; et al. |
2006 | Random Sampling from a Search Engine's Index | Ziv Bar-Yossef & Maxim Gurevich, Technion |
2005 | Three-level caching for efficient query processing in large Web search engines | Xiaohui Long & Torsten Suel, Polytechnic Institute of New York University |
2004 | Automatic detection of fragments in dynamically generated web pages | Lakshmish Ramaswamy, Georgia Institute of Technology; et al. |
2003 | Scaling personalized web search | Glen Jeh & Jennifer Widom, Stanford University |
SemTag and seeker: bootstrapping the semantic web via automated semantic annotation | Stephen Dill, IBM Research; et al. | |
2002 | Abstracting application-level web security | David Scott & Richard Sharp, University of Cambridge |
2001 | Engineering Server Driven Consistency for Large Scale Dynamic Web Services | Jian Yin, University of Texas at Austin; et al. |
2000 | Graph Structure in the Web | Andrei Broder, AltaVista; et al. |
1999 | Focused Crawling: A New Approach to Topic-Specific Web Resource Discovery | Soumen Chakrabarti, Indian Institute of Technology; et al. |
1998 | The Interactive Multimedia Jukebox (IMJ): a new paradigm for the on-demand delivery of audio/video | Kevin C. Almeroth, University of California Santa Barbara Mostafa H. Ammar, Georgia Institute of Technology |
Institutions with Best Papers | |
Microsoft Research | 36.9 |
Stanford University | 26.8 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 26.6 |
Carnegie Mellon University | 24.7 |
University of Washington | 24.1 |
University of California Berkeley | 19.5 |
University of Toronto | 13.4 |
Cornell University | 12.9 |
IBM Research | 12.2 |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 10.3 |
University of Texas at Austin | 9.4 |
University of British Columbia | 9.4 |
University of California Irvine | 7.7 |
University of Massachusetts Amherst | 7.2 |
Yahoo! Research | 6.8 |
6.8 | |
University of Michigan | 6.7 |
University of Maryland | 6.6 |
University of Oxford | 6.2 |
Georgia Institute of Technology | 6.0 |
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | 5.9 |
Princeton University | 5.6 |
AT&T Laboratories | 4.9 |
McGill University | 4.7 |
University of Nottingham | 4.5 |
Weizmann Institute of Science | 4.5 |
University of Wisconsin | 4.3 |
Rice University | 4.2 |
University of California San Diego | 4.2 |
Université Paris-Sud | 3.9 |
Technion | 3.8 |
Hewlett-Packard Labs | 3.7 |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 3.4 |
Brown University | 3.3 |
Bell Labs | 3.3 |
Columbia University | 3.1 |
National University of Singapore | 3.0 |
DePaul University | 3.0 |
Delft University of Technology | 3.0 |
Hasso Plattner Institute | 3.0 |
University of Alberta | 3.0 |
Indiana University at Bloomington | 3.0 |
Technische Universität Berlin | 2.7 |
NEC Labs America | 2.7 |
University of Waterloo | 2.7 |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln | 2.6 |
University of California Davis | 2.6 |
Max Planck Institut | 2.6 |
University of Cambridge | 2.6 |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong | 2.5 |
Ohio State University | 2.4 |
Duke University | 2.3 |
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago | 2.3 |
University of Pennsylvania | 2.3 |
Aarhus University | 2.3 |
RWTH Aachen University | 2.2 |
Tel-Aviv University | 2.2 |
University of Calgary | 2.1 |
Saarland University | 2.1 |
Intel Research | 2.0 |
Polytechnic Institute of New York University | 2.0 |
University College London | 2.0 |
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa | 2.0 |
BBN Technologies | 2.0 |
NASA Ames Research Center | 2.0 |
Purdue University | 2.0 |
Credit is given in decreasing author order as customary in many fields. First authors are given 1 point, second authors are given 0.5 points, third authors are given 0.33 points, etc. These points are then divided by the sum of points for that paper, i.e. normalizing it. This ranking may be inaccurate or incomplete, may not reflect the current state of best paper awards, and is not an official list. If you are not satisfied with the ranking listed here, please disregard it.