


J.Keisler在该书的前言(Preface )中明确表示:

subject of ininitesimal analysis found in theresearch literature. To go beyond infinitesimal calculus one should at least befamiliar with some basic notions from logic and modeltheory(模型论). Chapter 15 introduces the concept of anonstandard universe, explains the use of mathematical logic, superstructures,and internal and external sets, uses ultrapowers(超幂) to build anonstandard universe, and presents uniqueness theorems forthe hyperreal number systems and nonstandard universes.

The simple set of axioms for the hyperrealnumber system given here (and in ElementaryCalculus) make it possible to present infinitesimal calculus at the college freshman level, avoiding concepts from mathematicallogic. It is shown in Chapter 15 that these axioms areequivalent to Robinson’s approach.

For additional background in logic and modeltheory, the reader can consult the book [CK 1990]. Section4.4 of that book gives further results on nonstandard universes. Additionalbackground in infinitesimal analysis can be found inthe book [Goldblatt 1991].

I thank my late colleague Jon Barwise, andKeith Stroyan of the University of Iowa, for valuable advicein preparing the First Edition of this monograph. Inthe thirty years between the first and the present edition, I have ben geted from equally valuable and much appreciated advice from friends andcolleagues too numerous to recount here.

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