
1) access oracle website

and download the software : oepe-12.1.3-kepler-installer-win32.exe

it require you to register, so you have to input you account name and passowrd,

actually we have downloaded the soft, you can find it at \\ldns-dt-2678\software\oepe-12.1.3-kepler-installer-win32.exe

2) double click oepe-12.1.3-kepler-installer-win32.exe,
after a while it will show installation wizard, just click "next" to start .

3) Oracle Home just use the default value: C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home, click next.

4) click install.

wait patiently, it will take a long time

5) click next, click finish.

6) from windows start menu, click the "Configuration Wizard",

7) select the first option, "Create a new domain",
set domain location as "C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\mydomain"
then click next,

7) regarding to template, just use the default value, click next,

8) administrator account, set name as "weblogic", password as "Sun.japan2016"

9) regarding to domain mode and JDK, just use the default value, click next,

10) use default value for advanced options, do not check on anything, just click next

11) click Create

11) click next

12) click finish

13) click the OEPE (Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse) from windows start menu,
Window > Preferences > Maven > User Settings, change your setting file and click "Update Settings" & "OK",

14) File > New > Other.. > Server > Server > Next,

15) server type: Oracle > Oracle WebLogic Server 12c (12.1.3), click next

16) Weblogic home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\wlserver
Java home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\jdk\jre

17) Domain directory: C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\mydomain
Click Finish

18) Window > Show view  Other... > Server >  Servers,

start weblogic servers.

19) access http://localhost:7001/console in IE or Firefox, using weblogic/Sun.japan2016 to login

20) click Deployments in left menu, confirm there is no deployments. if have then please delete them.

21) click install button and input this war file, and click next .

Install this deployment as a library, click next

click finish.

click the installed jax-rs(2.0,2.5.1) link

input order as 1 and save .

22) then click Services -> Data Sources -> New -> Generic Data Source

input both name and JNDI name as rise101, click next

Database Driver:  don't select the 'XA' oracle driver, you can select
*Oracle's Driver (Thin) for Application Continuity; Versions:Any        then click next

check off Supports Global Transactions options and click next

input the database name, user, password, etc, click next

in the summary page, just use the default value and click finish.

finally, the page show that datasource have been create successfully.

23) in OEPE (Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse), import the  projects,
edit the config files, set the DB config properly.

create folder : C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\mydomain\etc
and copy shop-mng-api.conf and mybatis-config-environments.xml into it

25) select project and drag and drop it into server area, click start/restart button to start/restart weblogic server.
