windows installer出错

近日windows 2003英文系统出问题了,不能安装.msi程序,心里烦![@more@]安装程序时报错如下:

Event Type:    Error
Event Source:    MsiInstaller
Event Category:    None
Event ID:    1014
Date:        2005-3-2
Time:        11:07:31
User:        N/A
Computer:    SOL60
Windows Installer proxy information not correctly registered

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The MSI Installer can be a real pain. It may be that one of the files required by it is corrupt. Here's what you do. Run msiexec /unregserver again. Then delete msiexec.exe from the system32 directory. Potentially, you could rerun the install at this point but for some reason this doesn't always work. Instead,  download a fresh copy of the windows installer, use an unzipping tool to extract it, go into the folder and manually install from the inf files. To do this, right click on it and select install. Make sure you do msi.inf first, and then mspatcha.inf or you get a missing file error (likely because msiexec.exe is missing). After all this run msiexec.exe /regserver to recreate the service.

(1)先用msiexec /unregserver 停掉windows installer服务。
(3)右击msi.inf ,点击安装,右击mspatcha.inf ,点击安装。
(4)再用msiexec.exe /regserver 启用服务

(1)先用msiexec /unregserver 停掉windows installer服务。
(2)用msiexec /regserver 重新注册。


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