百度阿波罗配套的工控机自带ubuntu16系统,但是百度工作人员说显卡是RTX2060s的新工控机必须安装ubuntu18。在使用u盘进行boot的时候,点击install ubuntu后,出现Couldn’t get UEFI db list和Couldn’t get size的错误,并且上半部分出现花屏。快速启动和静默启动都已经禁用。
在出现grub界面后,按"e"进入编辑,将段落中的"quiet splash"修改为“nomodeset",按"F10"保存退出,选择install ubuntu进入安装过程。
The newest kernels have moved the video mode setting into the kernel.
So all the programming of the hardware specific clock rates and
registers on the video card happen in the kernel rather than in the X
driver when the X server starts… This makes it possible to have high
resolution nice looking splash (boot) screens and flicker free
transitions from boot splash to login screen. Unfortunately, on some
cards this doesnt work properly and you end up with a black screen.
Adding the nomodeset parameter instructs the kernel to not load video
drivers and use BIOS modes instead until X is loaded.Note that this option is sometimes needed for nVidia cards when using
the default “nouveau” drivers. Installing proprietary nvidia drivers
usually makes this option no longer necessary, so it may not be needed
to make this option permanent, just for one boot until you installed
the nvidia
关于quiet splash:
This option (quiet) tells the kernel to NOT produce any output (a.k.a. Non verbose mode). If you boot without this option, you’ll see lots of kernel messages such as drivers/modules activations, filesystem checks and errors. Not having the quiet parameter may be useful when you need to find an
This option(splash) is used to start an eye-candy “loading” screen while all the core parts of the system are loaded in the background. If you disable it and have quiet enable you’ll get a blank screen.