[CAS mail]Making CAS authentication parameterizable

You don't have to have the CAS server pass the info back, you could also have the application look up the necessary fields in your directory system (database, LDAP, whatever). I just feel that's added complexity which would be nice to handled by the CAS server. Easier for app developers to integrate, and less load on the directory server. I extended the Principal class, simply adding the new fields I wanted and adding access methods. Very simple. I think I also had to modify the CredentialToPrincipalResolver class. The changes in the deployerConfigContext.xml file are all pretty standard, calling the correct auth handler and setting the correct CToPResolver is all that's needed. I'm hoping to document the changes I made in a How-To format, but won't happen for a few weeks at least. The changes I made are all viewable through our subversion repository though: < https://dev.dartmouth.edu/projects/softdev/webAuth/browser/server/ tags/3.0.4-Production/localPlugins/src> The classes you'd be most interested in are: DartmouthPrincipal.java DartmouthUsernamePasswordCredentialsToPrincipalResolver.java PrincipalBearingCredentialsToDartPrincipalResolver.java X509CertificateCredentialsToDartIdentifierPrincipalResolver.java Also, to return those new fields you have to modify the jsp file that generates the XML response: casServiceValidationSuccess.jsp: < https://dev.dartmouth.edu/projects/ softdev/webAuth/browser/server/tags/3.0.4-Production/webapp/WEB-INF/ view/jsp/default/protocol/2.0/casServiceValidationSuccess.jsp> Modification to the clients to extract the new fields from the XML are also required. This is the biggest gotcha, it means you can't simply use the standard clients out-of-the-box. Also the biggest reason why I hope the CAS project standardizes on a way to add attributes to the response. It's fairly easy to design the clients to pull out any XML fields and create some kind of hash or array appropriate to the programming language. We've been slowly adding client support here, we currently have an apache module, plsql procedure, ruby module, and a java filter. Next on my list is a perl module. Only the apache module is currently in the subversion directory, they are all a little rough right now. I'm hoping to clean them up and get them in there in a releasable state.
