import re
a = raw_input().strip()
b_dic ={"reset":"reset what","reset board":"board fault","board add":"where to add",\
"board delet":"no board at all","reboot backplane":"impossible",
"backplane abort":"install first","he he":"unkown command"}
c=a.split(' ')
ln = len(c)
if ln == 1:
if re.match(r'(%s.*)'%a,'reset'):
print b_dic["reset"]
print b_dic["he he"]
if re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[0],'reset') and len(c[0]) >= 3 and re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[1],'board') or \
re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[0],'reset') and re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[1],'board')and len(c[1]) >= 2 :
print b_dic["reset board"]
elif re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[0],'reboot') and len(c[0]) >= 3 and re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[1],'backplane') or\
re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[0],'reboot') and re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[1],'backplane') and len(c[1]) >= 2:
print b_dic["reboot backplane"]
elif re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[0],'board') and len(c[0]) >= 2 and re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[1],'add') or \
re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[0],'board') and re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[1],'add') and len(c[1]) >= 2:
print b_dic["board add"]
elif re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[0],'backplane') and len(c[0]) >= 2 and re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[1],'abort') or \
re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[0],'backplane') and re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[1],'abort') and len(c[1]) >= 2 :
print b_dic["backplane abort"]
elif re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[0], 'board') and re.match(r'(%s.*)'%c[1],'delet'):
print b_dic["board delet"]
print b_dic["he he"]