iPhone 12全系列电池已完成入网认证 最低仅2227mAh据腾讯新闻报道,iPhone 12系列的电池信息已经全部完成入网认证。根据曝光的电池容量信息来看,iPhone 12全系列的电池容量全部有所下降。
其中iPhone 12的电池容量为2227mAh,iPhone 12 Max电池容量为2775mAh,iPhone 12 Pro电池容量为2815mAh,而iPhone 12 Pro Max电池容量为3687mAh。
小鹏汽车通过首次公开招股发行 99733334 股,每股15美元,募集资金总额约为15亿美元。
TikTok首席执行官Kevin Mayer辞任
I trust that you've all seen Kevin's note. I want to give you a few thoughts on this.
First, I want to thank Kevin, who joined us just as we were entering arguably our most challenging moment, in India and the US in particular. It is never easy to come into a leadership position in a company moving as quickly as we are, and the circumstances following his arrival made it all the more complex. Kevin spoke to me, and I fully understand that the resulting outcome that we land upon due to the political circumstances we are operating within could have significant impact on his job in any scenario, but particularly given his global role while he's based in the US. I thank Kevin for his efforts towards a resolution to these issues and wish him well.
Secondly, I want to let everyone know that we are moving quickly to find resolutions to the issues that we face globally, particularly in the US and India. I cannot get into details at this point, but I can assure you that we are developing solutions that will be in the interest of users, creators, partners, and employees.
Third, I'm pleased to tell you that Vanessa has been named interim head of TikTok, effective immediately. As you all know, Vanessa has been a rock on our team, providing intelligence, empathy, and thoughtfulness. She has helped lead the success of TikTok in the US since the start of 2019, joining when we had a small (but highly talented) team in the US. She is the right person to take TikTok forward as the platform continues to reach new audiences, inspire creativity, and bring joy to our users.
Finally, I want all of you to know that I really appreciate the endless hours that you have worked, shutting out the noise around us to focus instead on our mission and what we are building for those who rely upon our platform. The entire team is doing an incredible job, competing effectively against some of the biggest technology companies in the world to win the hearts and minds of users and brands, by offering a truly unique online experience.
Thank you for all of your hard work, and your dedication.
据环球网援引美国CNBC消息,一名消息人士透露,TikTok首席执行官凯文·梅耶尔(Kevin Mayer)系因被排除在该公司与微软和甲骨文的交易谈判之外而辞职。此外,多个消息源称,梅耶尔的辞职表明,TikTok很可能会在未来48小时内与微软达成出售交易,交易规模可能在200亿至300亿美元之间。
彭博社:苹果或将在Apple TV+中加入AR功能
根据彭博社报道,苹果公司计划在其Apple TV+流媒体视频服务中加入增强现实内容,以寻求吸引和留住用户的新方法,并激发人们对增强现实技术的兴趣。
OPPO与拉丁美洲最大电信运营商美洲电信(América Móvil)近日共同宣布,双方已签订战略合作协议,正式建立合作伙伴关系。OPPO智能手机产品将通过美洲电信旗下运营商Telcel与Claro进入墨西哥及其他拉美市场。得益于此次合作,OPPO将进一步开拓拉美市场潜力。