

1.1.1 分析


1.1.2 SQL实现

  • 表结构
-- 《自来水公司收费系统》
-- 1 业主类型表
create table t_ownertype(
  id number primary key,
  name varchar2(30) not null

-- 2 价格表
-- 2.1 创建价格表
create table t_pricetable(
  id number primary key,
  price number(10,2) not null,
  ownertypeid number not null,
  minnum number(10,2) not null,
  maxnum number(10,2) not null
-- 2.2 业主类型 和 价格表 主外键关系
alter table t_pricetable add constraint pricetable_ownertype_fk foreign key (ownertypeid) references t_ownertype (id);

-- 3 区域表
create table t_area(
  id number primary key,
  name varchar2(30) not null

-- 4 收费员表
create table t_operator(
  id number primary key,
  name varchar2(30) not null

-- 5 地址表
-- 5.1 创建地址表
create table t_address(
  id number primary key,
  name varchar2(30) not null,
  areaid number not null,
  operatorid number not null
-- 5.2 创建主外键关系:区域表和地址表
alter table t_address add constraint address_area_fk foreign key (areaid) references t_area (id);
-- 5.3 创建主外键关系:收费员表和地址表
alter table t_address add constraint address_operator_fk foreign key (operatorid) references t_operator (id);

-- 6 业主表
-- 6.1 创建业主表
create table t_owners(
  id number primary key,
  name varchar2(30) not null,
  addressid number not null,
  housenumber varchar2(30) not null,
  watermeter varchar2(30) not null,
  adddate date not null,
  ownertypeid number not null
-- 6.2 创建主外键关系:业务类型表和业主表
alter table t_owners add constraint owners_ownertype_fk foreign key (ownertypeid) references t_ownertype (id);
-- 6.3 创建主外键关系:地址表和业主表
alter table t_owners add constraint owners_address_fk foreign key (addressid) references t_address (id);

-- 7 收费台账表
-- 7.1 创建台账表
create table t_account(
  id number primary key,
  ownerid number not null,
  ownertypeid number not null,
  areaid number not null,
  year char(4) not null,
  month char(2) not null,
  num0 number ,
  num1 number ,
  userunm number,
  meteruserid number,
  meterdate date,
  money number(10,2),
  isfee char(1) not null,
  feedate date,
  feeuserid number 
-- 7.2 创建主外键关系:业主表和台账表
alter table t_account add constraint account_owners_fk foreign key (ownerid) references t_owners (id);
-- 7.3 创建主外键关系:业主类型表和台账表
alter table t_account add constraint account_ownertype_fk foreign key (ownertypeid) references t_ownertype (id);
-- 7.4 创建主外键关系:区域表和台账表
alter table t_account add constraint account_area_fk foreign key (areaid) references t_area (id);
-- 7.5 创建主外键关系:收费员表和台账表
alter table t_account add constraint account_operator_fk foreign key (feeuserid) references t_operator (id);
  • 表数据
insert into t_ownertype values(1,'居民');
insert into t_ownertype values(2,'行政事业单位');
insert into t_ownertype values(3,'商业');

insert into t_address values( 1,'明兴花园',1,1);
insert into t_address values( 2,'鑫源秋墅',1,1);
insert into t_address values( 3,'华龙苑南里小区',2,2);
insert into t_address values( 4,'河畔花园',2,2);
insert into t_address values( 5,'霍营',2,2);
insert into t_address values( 6,'回龙观东大街',3,2);
insert into t_address values( 7,'西二旗',3,2);

insert into t_owners values(1,'范冰',1,'1-1','30406',to_date('2015-04-12','yyyy-MM-dd'),1 );
insert into t_owners values(2,'王强',1,'1-2','30407',to_date('2015-02-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),1 );
insert into t_owners values(3,'马腾',1,'1-3','30408',to_date('2015-03-18','yyyy-MM-dd'),1 );
insert into t_owners values(4,'林小玲',2,'2-4','30409',to_date('2015-06-15','yyyy-MM-dd'),1 );
insert into t_owners values(5,'刘华',2,'2-5','30410',to_date('2013-09-11','yyyy-MM-dd'),1 );
insert into t_owners values(6,'刘东',2,'2-2','30411',to_date('2014-09-11','yyyy-MM-dd'),1 );
insert into t_owners values(7,'周健',3,'2-5','30433',to_date('2016-09-11','yyyy-MM-dd'),1 );
insert into t_owners values(8,'张哲',4,'2-2','30455',to_date('2016-09-11','yyyy-MM-dd'),1 );
insert into t_owners values(9,'昌平区中西医结合医院',5,'2-2','30422',to_date('2016-10-11','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_owners values(10,'美廉美超市',5,'4-2','30423',to_date('2016-10-12','yyyy-MM-dd'),3 );

insert into t_operator values(1,'马小云');
insert into t_operator values(2,'李翠花');

insert into t_area values(1,'海淀');
insert into t_area values(2,'昌平');
insert into t_area values(3,'西城');
insert into t_area values(4,'东城');
insert into t_area values(5,'朝阳');
insert into t_area values(6,'玄武');


insert into t_pricetable values(1,2.45,1,0,5);
insert into t_pricetable values(2,3.45,1,5,10);
insert into t_pricetable values(3,4.45,1,10,null);

insert into t_pricetable values(4,3.87,2,0,5);
insert into t_pricetable values(5,4.87,2,5,10);
insert into t_pricetable values(6,5.87,2,10,null);

insert into t_pricetable values(7,4.36,3,0,5);
insert into t_pricetable values(8,5.36,3,5,10);
insert into t_pricetable values(9,6.36,3,10,null);

insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,1,1,1,'2012','01',30203,50123,0,1,sysdate,34.51,'1',to_date('2012-02-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,1,1,1,'2012','02',50123,60303,0,1,sysdate,23.43,'1',to_date('2012-03-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,1,1,1,'2012','03',60303,74111,0,1,sysdate,45.34,'1',to_date('2012-04-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,1,1,1,'2012','04',74111,77012,0,1,sysdate,52.54,'1',to_date('2012-05-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,1,1,1,'2012','05',77012,79031,0,1,sysdate,54.66,'1',to_date('2012-06-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,1,1,1,'2012','06',79031,80201,0,1,sysdate,76.45,'1',to_date('2012-07-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,1,1,1,'2012','07',80201,88331,0,1,sysdate,65.65,'1',to_date('2012-08-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,1,1,1,'2012','08',88331,89123,0,1,sysdate,55.67,'1',to_date('2012-09-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,1,1,1,'2012','09',89123,90122,0,1,sysdate,112.54,'1',to_date('2012-10-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,1,1,1,'2012','10',90122,93911,0,1,sysdate,76.21,'1',to_date('2012-11-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,1,1,1,'2012','11',93911,95012,0,1,sysdate,76.25,'1',to_date('2012-12-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,1,1,1,'2012','12',95012,99081,0,1,sysdate,44.51,'1',to_date('2013-01-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );

insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,2,1,3,'2012','01',30334,50433,0,1,sysdate,34.51,'1',to_date('2013-02-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,2,1,3,'2012','02',50433,60765,0,1,sysdate,23.43,'1',to_date('2013-03-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,2,1,3,'2012','03',60765,74155,0,1,sysdate,45.34,'1',to_date('2013-04-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,2,1,3,'2012','04',74155,77099,0,1,sysdate,52.54,'1',to_date('2013-05-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,2,1,3,'2012','05',77099,79076,0,1,sysdate,54.66,'1',to_date('2013-06-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,2,1,3,'2012','06',79076,80287,0,1,sysdate,76.45,'1',to_date('2013-07-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,2,1,3,'2012','07',80287,88432,0,1,sysdate,65.65,'1',to_date('2013-08-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,2,1,3,'2012','08',88432,89765,0,1,sysdate,55.67,'1',to_date('2013-09-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,2,1,3,'2012','09',89765,90567,0,1,sysdate,112.54,'1',to_date('2013-10-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,2,1,3,'2012','10',90567,93932,0,1,sysdate,76.21,'1',to_date('2013-11-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,2,1,3,'2012','11',93932,95076,0,1,sysdate,76.25,'1',to_date('2013-12-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,2,1,3,'2012','12',95076,99324,0,1,sysdate,44.51,'1',to_date('2014-01-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );

insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,100,1,3,'2012','12',95076,99324,0,1,sysdate,44.51,'1',to_date('2014-01-01','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,101,1,3,'2012','12',95076,99324,0,1,sysdate,44.51,'1',to_date('2015-01-01','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );

update t_account set usernum=num1-num0;
update t_account set money=usernum*2.45;

2.1 查询–单表查询

2.1.1 标准SQL和方言


2.1.2 回顾:标准DQL语法

select distinct * | 列名 as 别名, 列表2 as 别名2... | 聚合函数
from 表名 as 别名, 表名2 as 别名2 ,....
where 查询条件
group by 分组字段 having 分组条件
order by 排序字段 asc | desc,....

2.1.3 简单查询

-- 1 查询水表编号为30408的业主记录
select * from t_owners where watermeter = '30408';
--  使用表的别名
select * from t_owners ow where ow.watermeter = '30408';

-- 2查询业主名称包含“刘”的业主记录
--- like 语句  %匹配多个字符  _匹配1个字段
select * from t_owners where name like '%刘%';

-- 3查询业主名称包含“刘”的并且门牌号包含5的业主记录
select * from t_owners where name like '%刘%' and housenumber like '%5%';

-- 4查询业主名称包含“刘”的或者门牌号包含5的业主记录
select * from t_owners where name like '%刘%' or housenumber like '%5%';

--- and 优先级 高于 or,如果先执行or,需要使用小括号
select * from t_owners where (name like '%刘%' or housenumber like '%5%') and addressid = 3;

-- 6查询台账记录中用水字数大于等于10000,并且小于等于20000的记录
--- 关系运算符: > >= < <= == <>
select * from t_account where usenum >= 10000 and usenum <= 20000;
--- 字段 between ... and ...
select * from t_account where usenum between 10000 and 20000;

select * from t_pricetable where maxnum is null;
select * from t_pricetable where maxnum is not null;

2.1.4 去重复和排序

-- 去重复
-- 需求:查询业主表中的地址ID,不重复显示
select distinct addressid from t_owners;
select distinct(addressid) from t_owners;

-- 排序
-- select ... order by 字段 asc|desc ,字段2 asc|desc,....
select * from t_account order by usenum asc

select * from t_account order by usenum desc

--需求:对T_ACCOUNT表 按照month降序,如果相同按照usenum进行升序
select * from t_account order by month desc , usenum asc ;

2.1.5 伪列

  • 伪列是oracle中独有的,伪列也是真实存在的列,用于查询操作,不能增删改操作
常见伪列 描述
rowid 物理文件上唯一区别记录的唯一标识
rownum 在查询的结果集中,ROWNUM为结果集中每一行标识一个行号


  • 在mysql表中存在数据相同记录,如果对某一条进行操作,将修改所有的数据
  • Oracle使用rowid区别每一条数据,不会存在操作一条,影响多条的情况

2.1.6 聚合函数

  • ORACLE的聚合统计是通过分组函数来实现的,与MYSQL一致。
  • 聚合函数:通过提供函数,将查询结果处理成一行一列数据。
    • 特点:聚合函数不计算null值
聚合函数 描述
sum 求和
avg 平均
max 最大值
min 最小值
count 计数
-- 聚合函数
--1 统计2012年所有用户的用水量总和
select sum(usenum) from t_account where year = '2012'
--2 统计2012年所有用水量(字数)的平均值
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,2,1,3,'2012','12',95076,99324,null,1,sysdate,44.51,'1',to_date('2014-01-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );
select avg(usenum) from t_account where year = '2012'
select max(usenum) from t_account
select min(usenum) from t_account
5统计记录个数 count
select count(id) from t_account

2.2 查询–连接查询

2.2.1 语法回顾

  • 笛卡尔积:两个表乘积,所有的数据最大集(开发无用)

    select * from A , B;
  • 内连接

    • 隐式内连接

      select * from A , B where = b.aid;
    • 显示内连接

      select * from A
      inner join B on = b.aid;
  • 外链接

    • 左外连接:查询左表(A)所有数据,如果条件成立显示右边(B)的数据,否则显示null

      select * from A
      left outer join B on = b.aid
    • 右外连接:查询右表(B)所有数据,如果条件成立显示左边(A)的数据,否则显示null

      select * from A
      right outer join B on = b.aid

      2.2.2 内连接查询练习

-- 1查询显示业主编号,业主名称,业主类型名称
--- 隐式内连接
select,, from t_owners ow , t_ownertype ot 
where ow.ownertypeid =;
--- 显示内连接
select,, from t_owners ow
inner join t_ownertype ot on ow.ownertypeid =;

-- 2查询显示业主编号,业主名称、地址和业主类型
--- 隐式内连接
select,,, from t_owners ow , t_ownertype ot , t_address ad
where ow.ownertypeid = and ow.addressid =;
select, as 业主名称, 地址名称, 业主类型名称 from t_owners ow , t_ownertype ot , t_address ad
where ow.ownertypeid = and ow.addressid =;
--- 显示内连接
select,,, from t_owners ow 
inner join t_address ad on ow.addressid =
inner join t_ownertype ot on ow.ownertypeid =;

-- 3查询显示业主编号、业主名称、地址、所属区域、业主分类
--- 隐式内连接
select, 业主名称, 地址, 所属区域, 业主分类 from t_owners ow , t_ownertype ot , t_address ad , t_area ar 
where ow.ownertypeid = and ow.addressid = and ad.areaid =
--- 显示内连接
select, 业主名称, 地址, 所属区域, 业主分类 from t_owners ow
inner join t_ownertype ot on ow.ownertypeid =
inner join t_address ad on ow.addressid = 
inner join t_area ar on ad.areaid =;

2.2.4 左外连接

-- 左外链接
select,,ac.year,ac.month, from t_owners ow
left outer join t_account ac on = ac.ownerid 

2.2.5 Oracle 左外连接特殊用法

  • 在内连接基础上,使用(+) 转换 左外连接
-- Oracle 班级簿左外连接
select,,ac.year, ac.month , from t_owners ow , t_account ac where = ac.ownerid (+);
  • 用法:
    • 左外连接:在连接条件处,右表条件字段添加(+)

2.2.6 右外连接

--- 准备数据,修改将 t_account 表 ownerid 非空约束去掉
insert into t_account values( seq_account.nextval,null,1,3,'2012','12',95076,99324,0,1,sysdate,44.51,'1',to_date('2014-01-14','yyyy-MM-dd'),2 );

select,,ac.year,ac.month, from t_owners ow 
right outer join t_account ac on = ac.ownerid
  • 右外连接可以完成的功能,左外连接也可以完成(交换一下表即可)

2.3 子查询

2.3.1 概述

  • 子查询:一个select语句,作为另一条select语句语法的一部分。

  • select语句语法:

    select distinct * | 字段 from 表名
    where 查询条件
    group by 分组字段 having 分组条件
    order by 排序字段 asc | desc

2.3.2 单行子查询

  • 编写步骤,将一个需求拆分成多个子需求,依次完成每一个子需求,最后将组合子需求
-- 查询2012年1月用水量大于平均值的台账记录
-- 1 用水量平均值
select avg(usenum) from t_account where year='2012' and month = '01'
-- 2 查询2012年1月所有用水量
select * from t_account where year='2012' and month = '01'
-- 3 合并
select * from t_account where year='2012' and month = '01' and usenum > 20009.5
select * from t_account where year='2012' and month = '01' and usenum > (
  select avg(usenum) from t_account where year='2012' and month = '01'

2.3.3 多行子查询

-- 方式1:求最大值
-- 1. 求2012年3月最大使用量
select max(usenum) from t_account where year = '2012' and month = '03'
-- 2. 查询2012年台账 大于 13808
select * from t_account where year = '2012' and usenum > 13808
-- 3. 整合
select * from t_account where year = '2012' and usenum > (
  select max(usenum) from t_account where year = '2012' and month = '03'

-- 方式2:使用all运算符
-- 1. 求2012年3月所有使用量
select usenum from t_account where year = '2012' and month = '03'
-- 2. 查询2012年台账 大于 3月所有使用量
select * from t_account where year = '2012' and usenum > all (13808,13390)
-- 3. 整合
select * from t_account where year = '2012' and usenum > all (
  select usenum from t_account where year = '2012' and month = '03'

2.3.4 嵌套子查询

  • 嵌套子查询:在子查询中再次嵌入子查询
-- 查询在海淀区的小区名字中含有花园的业主记录
-- 1. 查询区域id,名称为“海淀” --多个海淀
select id from t_area where name = '海淀'
-- 2. 查询地址id,条件:名称含“花园” 和 区域id 
select id from t_address where name like '%花园%' and areaid in (1)
-- 3 组合 1+2
select id from t_address where name like '%花园%' and areaid in (
  select id from t_area where name = '海淀'
-- 4. 查询业主,条件:一组地址id
select * from t_owners where addressid in (1)
-- 5. 组合
select * from t_owners where addressid in (
  select id from t_address where name like '%花园%' and areaid in (
    select id from t_area where name = '海淀'

--- 只有一个海淀
select id from t_address where name like '%花园%' and areaid = (
  select id from t_area where name = '海淀'

2.3.5 标量子查询

  • 标量子查询:子查询的语句执行的结果直接作为主查询的结果显示
-- 查询台账表中的用户年用水量的总和    以及  年平均用水量
-- 1. 查询用水量总和  137868
select sum(usenum) from t_account
-- 2. 查询用水量平均值 5514.72
select avg(usenum) from t_account
-- 3. 将两个不相关的数据,使用虚表 dual 组合在一起
select (137868) as 总和,(5514.72) as 平均 from dual
select (
  select sum(usenum) from t_account
) as 总和,(
  select avg(usenum) from t_account
) as 平均 from dual

2.3.6 相关子查询

  • 相关子查询:子查询依赖外面的主查询的结果

1) 练习1:3表练习

-- 查询显示业主编号,业主名称、地址和业主类型
-- 1. 查询业主编号,名称
select id,name,addressid,ownertypeid from t_owners 
-- 2. 根据地址id,查询地址
select name from t_address where id = 1
-- 3. 根据类型id,查询业主类型
select name from t_ownertype where id = 1

-- 4. 组合
  select name from t_address where id = ow.addressid
) 地址名称 ,ownertypeid from t_owners ow

  select name from t_address where id = ow.addressid
) 地址名称 ,(
  select name from t_ownertype where id = ow.ownertypeid
) from t_owners ow


-- 查询显示业主编号、业主名称、地址、所属区域、业主分类
-- 1. 查询业主编号,名称
select id,name,addressid,ownertypeid, from t_owners 
-- 2. 根据地址id,查询地址
select name from t_address where id = 1
-- 3. 根据类型id,查询业主类型
select name from t_ownertype where id = 1
-- 4. 根据区域id,查询区域
select from t_area ar, t_address ad where = ad.areaid and = 1
-- 5 组合

  select name from t_address where id = ow.addressid
) ,(
  select name from t_ownertype where id = ow.ownertypeid
) , (
  select from t_area ar, t_address ad where = ad.areaid and = ow.addressid
) from t_owners ow

2.4 分页查询

2.4.1 概述

  • mysql 提供 limit语句进行分页。
  • Oracle没有提供特定关键字处理分页。
  • Oracle分页需要使用 :rownum + 子查询

2.4.2 基本分页

  • 一条select rownum 只能使用 < 和 <= (rownum是在查询语句扫描每条记录时产生)
-- 分页
--- 基本分页
select * from t_account
select rownum r, a.* from t_account a
select rownum, a.* from t_account a where rownum <=10
--4.第二页 , rownum 在处理每行数据时生产,不能使用大于号>
--select t.* from A t
--where t.r > 10 and t.r <=20

select t.* from ( select rownum r, a.* from t_account a ) t
where t.r > 10 and t.r <=20

2.4.3 分页 + 排序

  • 需要使用3个select完成此功能

    1. 查询所有,并排序

    2. 给排好序的结果,添加rownum

    3. 对最后结果进行分页条件过滤

--- 排序 + 分页
--1. 查询所有 + 排序
select * from t_account order by usenum desc
--2. 结果 --> + rownum
-- select rownum r, t.* from () t

select rownum r , t.* from (
  select * from t_account order by usenum desc
) t
--3. 结果 --> 分页条件
-- select * from B t2
-- where t2.r > 10 and t2.r <= 20

select * from (
  select rownum r , t.* from (
    select * from t_account order by usenum desc
  ) t
) t2
where t2.r > 10 and t2.r <= 20

2.4.4 Oracle 语句执行顺序

  1. 先扫描每一条记录,并添加rownum
  2. 在进行where条件过滤
  3. 在进行order by 排序
  • 执行以下语句,已经完成rownum初始化
select rownum, t.* from t_account t


  • rownum初始化后,再执行 order by
select rownum, t.* from t_account t order by usenum desc

