

Vue头像作物 (Vue Avatar Cropper)

A simple and elegant avatar cropping and upload plugin.


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正在安装 (Installing)

$  npm i vue-avatar-cropper

用法 (Usage)

物产 (Properties)

Property Name Type Description
trigger String|Element The element to trigger avatar pick
upload-url String Url of upload croppped image
upload-form-name Object Form name of upload request, default: 'file'
upload-form-data Object Additional form data, default: '{}'
upload-handler Function Handler to replace default upload handler, the argument is cropperJS instance.
upload-headers Object Headers of upload request, default: {}
cropper-options Object Options passed to the cropperJS instance,
default: {
aspectRatio: 1,
autoCropArea: 1,
viewMode: 1,
movable: false,
zoomable: false
output-options Object Options passed to the cropper.getCroppedCanvas() method,
default: {width: 512, height: 512}
output-mime String The resulting avatar image mime type, default: image/jpeg
output-quality Number The resulting avatar image quality [0 - 1], default: 0.9
(if the output-mime property is image/jpeg or image/webp)
mimes String Allowed image formats, default:
image/png, image/gif, image/jpeg, image/bmp, image/x-icon
labels Object Label for buttons, default: { submit: "提交", cancel: "取消"}
物业名称 类型 描述
trigger 字符串|元素 触发头像选择的元素
upload-url 上传裁剪图片的网址
upload-form-name 目的 上载请求的表单名称,默认值:“文件”
upload-form-data 目的 其他表单数据,默认值:“ {}”
upload-handler 功能 替换默认上传处理程序的处理程序,其参数为cropperJS实例。
upload-headers 目的 上载请求的标题,默认值: {}
cropper-options 目的 传递给cropperJS实例的选项,
默认值: {
aspectRatio: 1,
autoCropArea: 1,
viewMode: 1,
movable: false,
zoomable: false
output-options 目的 传递给cropper.getCroppedCanvas()方法的选项,
默认值: {width: 512, height: 512}
output-mime 生成的头像图片mime类型,默认值: image/jpeg
output-quality 生成的头像图像质量[0-1],默认值: 0.9
(如果output-mime属性为image/jpegimage/webp )
mimes 允许的图像格式,默认:
image/png, image/gif, image/jpeg, image/bmp, image/x-icon
labels 目的 按钮的标签,默认值: { submit: "提交", cancel: "取消"}

大事记 (Events)

  • changed user picked a file


    • file object, file对象, File object.文件对象。
    • reader object, reader对象FileReaderFileReader
  • submit right after a click on the submit button


  • uploading before submit upload request, params:


    • form object, form对象, FormData instance.FormData实例。
    • xhr object, xhr对象, XMLHttpRequest instance.XMLHttpRequest实例。
  • uploaded after request is successful, params:

    请求成功后上传 ,参数:

    • response object, json parsed from xhr.responseText
    • response对象,从xhr.responseText解析为xhr.responseText
    • form object, form对象, FormData instance.FormData实例。
    • xhr object, xhr对象, XMLHttpRequest instance.XMLHttpRequest实例。
  • completed after request has completed, params:


    • response object, json parsed from xhr.responseText
    • response对象,从xhr.responseText解析为xhr.responseText
    • form object, form对象, FormData instance.FormData实例。
    • xhr object, xhr对象, XMLHttpRequest instance.XMLHttpRequest实例。
  • error something went wrong, params:


    • message error message.message错误消息。
    • type error type, example: type错误类型,例如: upload/upload / user.user
    • context context data.context上下文数据。

You can listen these events like this:


    methods: {
        handleUploading(form, xhr) {
            form.append('foo', 'bar')
        handleUploaded(response, form, xhr) {
            // update user avatar attribute
        handleCompleted(response, form, xhr) {
            // xhr.status
        handlerError(message, type, xhr) {
          if (type == 'upload') {
            // xhr.response...


