ionic 模板个人理解(本例子下载命令 ionic start myapp slidemenu)
1、文件一:app.js (主程序入口)
//定义一个启动模块starter,并引入ionic、starter.controllers 两个已经定义的大模块
//方括号中的模块均会在应用启动的时候加载angular. module( 'starter' , [ 'ionic' , 'starter.controllers'])
.run(function($ionicPlatform) { //相当于java中的主函数,程序开始运行的地方 $ionicPlatform.ready(function() { //平台就绪回调函数 // Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard // for form inputs) if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) { //cordova键盘插件的默认设置,隐藏键盘附件,并设置不可滚动 cordova.plugins.Keyboard.hideKeyboardAccessoryBar(true); cordova.plugins.Keyboard.disableScroll(true); } if (window.StatusBar) { //设置手机状态栏按默认行为显示 // org.apache.cordova.statusbar required StatusBar.styleDefault(); } }); })
.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) { //angularjs 全局配置均放置于此方法内 $stateProvider //angularjs 路由配置,控制各个页面之间的跳转,以及配置页面的跳转参数、页面的缓存,每个页面对应的controller .state('app', { //页面的唯一标识 url: '/app', abstract: true, templateUrl: 'templates/menu.html', //页面实际的地址,当前页面放在templates文件夹下 controller: 'AppCtrl' //通常情况下,为了方便管理,一个页面对应一个controller,当前页面内的逻辑代码均写在相对应的controller内 }) .state('', { url: '/search', views: { 'menuContent': { templateUrl: 'templates/search.html' } } }) .state('app.browse', { url: '/browse', views: { 'menuContent': { templateUrl: 'templates/browse.html' } } }) .state('app.playlists', { url: '/playlists', views: { 'menuContent': { templateUrl: 'templates/playlists.html', controller: 'PlaylistsCtrl' } } }) .state('app.single', { url: '/playlists/:playlistId', //此处playlistId的配置是为了接受上个页面传过来的名为playlistId的参数 views: { 'menuContent': { templateUrl: 'templates/playlist.html', controller: 'PlaylistCtrl' } } }); // if none of the above states are matched, use this as the fallback $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/app/playlists'); //如果在地址栏中输入的url没有在路由配置中找到,则跳转到一个默认的页面 });2、controller.js (控制层,放置每个页面对应的controller)
angular.module('starter.controllers', []) //app.js 中方括号内的模块在此定义了 .controller('AppCtrl', function($scope, $ionicModal, $timeout) { //AppCtrl必须在app.js的路由中进行配置,否则会报错 // With the new view caching in Ionic, Controllers are only called // when they are recreated or on app start, instead of every page change. // To listen for when this page is active (for example, to refresh data), // listen for the $ionicView.enter event: //$scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function(e) { //}); // Form data for the login modal $scope.loginData = {}; //$scope 是angularjs双向绑定实现的服务,在此服务上可以定义变量、对象、方法,$scope定义变量发生变化会同步到页面上 // Create the login modal that we will use later $ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl('templates/login.html', { //ionic的一个组件,弹出一个预先定义好的模态框 scope: $scope }).then(function(modal) { $scope.modal = modal; }); // Triggered in the login modal to close it $scope.closeLogin = function() { $scope.modal.hide(); }; // Open the login modal $scope.login = function() { $; }; // Perform the login action when the user submits the login form $scope.doLogin = function() { console.log('Doing login', $scope.loginData); // Simulate a login delay. Remove this and replace with your login // code if using a login system $timeout(function() { $scope.closeLogin(); }, 1000); }; })