1) 1亿个浮点数,其数据大小为 400 M。如此规模的排序,首先想到分批处理。每次读取 1 000 000 个数据并进行快速排序。需要的内存空间为 1 000 000 * 4 = 4M。需要100 次这样的排序。
2)完全没的规律的数据,考虑使用快速排序。快速排序的平均复杂度是 O( Nlog(N) )。我们可以直接使用 stl 提供的全局函数 sort() , 它使用了快速排序算法(实际是三平均分区法 median-of-three )。
3) 最后只要最大的 10000 个。则每个批次只需要保留排序结果的前 10000 个数据。这段数据已经是分段有序的。数据量为 10000 * 100。
1) 数据结构定义:
batchCapacity = 1000000 ,
batchCount = 100 ,
resultCount = 10000
2)生成 数据样本:
float * pbuf;
if ( ( pbuf = ( float * )malloc( batchCapacity * sizeof ( float ) )) == NULL )
throw ( " failed to malloc " );
// 生成 batchCapacity * batchCount 个随机实数,并保存到文件
ofstream fout;
fout.exceptions(std::ios::badbit | std::ios::failbit | std::ios::eofbit );
fout.open( filName, ios::binary ) ;
if ( ! fout )
throw ( " file not exits " );
for ( size_t index = 0 ; index < batchCount; index ++ )
for ( size_t index = 0 ; index < batchCapacity; index ++ )
pbuf[index] = RandomFloat( 0 , 65537 );
fout.write( ( char * )pbuf, batchCapacity * sizeof ( float ) );
delete pbuf;
pbuf = NULL;
return ;
以上,用 RandomFloat() 生成随机数。其定义如下:
* Rand::rand 线性同余算法获得随机数
* 会循环出现相同的数。有待改进
******************************************** */
#include < cstdlib >
#include < ctime >
class Rand
public :
static long long r;
static int rand() // 产生随机数
// 三个参数的取值 关键字:辗转相除 二次同余
r = ( r * 1010557 + 79390691 ) % 100663363 ;
return r;
long long Rand::r = 43215 ;
float RandomFloat( float low, float high) {
float d = float ( Rand::rand()) / ( float (RAND_MAX) + 1 );
return low + d * (high - low);
3 ) 排序
void dataOrder( const char * filName )
float * pbuf = ( float * )malloc( batchCapacity * sizeof ( float ) );
if ( pbuf == NULL )
throw ( " failed to malloc " );
ifstream fin;
ofstream fout;
fin.exceptions(std::ios::badbit | std::ios::failbit | std::ios::eofbit );
fout.exceptions(std::ios::badbit | std::ios::failbit | std::ios::eofbit );
fin.open( filName, ios::binary );
fout.open( string ( string (filName).append( " .order " ) ).c_str(), ios::binary );
for ( size_t index = 0 ;index < batchCount;index ++ )
// 分批读入,排序
fin.read( ( char * )pbuf, batchCapacity * sizeof ( float ) );
std::sort( pbuf, pbuf + batchCapacity );
fout.write( ( char * )pbuf, resultCount * sizeof ( float ) );
cout << " writed bytes: " << resultCount * index + 1 << endl;
delete pbuf;
// 将分组的数据综合排序
pbuf = ( float * )malloc( resultCount * batchCount * sizeof ( float ) );
if ( pbuf == NULL )
throw ( " failed to malloc " );
fin.open( string ( string (filName).append( " .order " ) ).c_str(), ios::binary );
fin.read( ( char * )pbuf, resultCount * batchCount * sizeof ( float ) );
std::sort( pbuf, pbuf + resultCount * batchCount );
// merge_sort
for ( size_t index = 0 ; index < resultCount; index ++ )
printf( " %d\t%f\n " , index, pbuf[index ] );
delete pbuf;
pbuf = NULL;
性能测试结果: p4 的 cpu,每秒大约处理 30万个记录。
void dataPrepare( const char * filName );
void helpInfo();
void dataOrder( const char * filName );
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
if ( argc == 1 )
return 0 ;
const char * filename = argv[ 1 ] + 2 ;
if ( filename != NULL && strlen( filename ) > 0 )
filName = filename;
switch ( argv[ 1 ][ 1 ] )
case ' g ' :
dataPrepare( filName );
break ;
case ' o ' :
dataOrder( filName );
break ;
default :
return 0 ;
break ;
catch ( const char * e)
cout << e << endl;
catch (

cout << " unknown error " << endl;
system( " pause " );
return 0 ;
the c++ programming lanauage, by bjarne stroustrup chapter 18: Algorithms and Function Objects
Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition,by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. 11.3 Hash functions 介绍了线性同余法的原理和用法。
Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition,by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Problems 7-5: Median-of-3 partition