Symbol MC1000开发

symbol mc1000技术探讨-----platform下的Display.reg开机亮灯的代码

; *** This file is provided to configure the defaults for Contrast and Backlight settings.          ***
; *** The template settings provided below should be uncommented to set the desired registry value. ***
; *** The TermConfig driver will NOT overwrite any registry keys uncommented from this file.        ***
; *****************************************************************************************************

; "ContrastLevels"=dword:00000010
; "ContrastMin"=dword:00000009
; "ContrastMax"=dword:00000018
; "Contrast"=dword:00000007









symbol mc1000技术探讨-----apllication下的Startup.reg自动安装代码

; FILENAME: museStart.reg
; Copyright(c) 2007 Wood. All rights reserved.
; DESCRIPTION: Registry setting used by Wood managed class libraries
; Coder:yanghang


; For Symbol Dotnet SDK
"Command"="/noaskdest /Application/ARM/"

; For Windows CE .NET devices
"Command"="/noaskdest /Application/ARM/"

; For Dotnet SqlCe20
"Command"="/noaskdest /Application/ARM/sqlce20.CAB"







 ; indicates which configure type, from 0 - MAX_CONFIG_TYPE
 ; ConfigData value - translates dword data (in hex) to meaningful string name

 "RegSection"=dword:80000001      ; HKCU



Symbol Mc1000 快捷键 的 设置 事件 开发

switch (e.KeyCode)
    case Keys.F1://清除数据
     if(File.Exists("Storage Card/CG.sdf"))
      File.Delete("Storage Card/CG.sdf");
        case Keys.F2://导入数据
    case Keys.F3://导出数据
    case Keys.F4://清除预定库
     SqlCeCommand DelYdk=Mc.gConn.CreateCommand();
     DelYdk.CommandText="Delete from Ydk";
     this.lbYdzs.Text = Mc.InallYd();
    case Keys.Right:
     this.CaiGou.Visible = true;
     this.ShuShangSheZhi.Visible = false;
     this.TongJi.Visible = false;
    case Keys.Down:
     this.CaiGou.Visible = false;
     this.ShuShangSheZhi.Visible = true;
     this.TongJi.Visible = false;
    case Keys.Up:
     //     this.lbGczs.Text = Mc.InallGc();
     this.lbYdzs.Text = Mc.InallYd();

     this.CaiGou.Visible = false;
     this.ShuShangSheZhi.Visible = false;
     this.TongJi.Visible = true;
    case Keys.Left:
     if (this.CaiGou.Visible == false && this.ShuShangSheZhi.Visible == false && this.TongJi.Visible == false)
      this.CaiGou.Visible = false;
      this.ShuShangSheZhi.Visible = false;
      this.TongJi.Visible = false;

Symbol Mc1000 声音的设置以及播放


加一命名空间using Symbol.Audio;

   //Select Device from device list
   Symbol.Audio.Device MyDevice = (Symbol.Audio.Device)Symbol.StandardForms.SelectDevice.Select(

   if (MyDevice == null)
    MessageBox.Show("No Device Selected", "SelectDevice");

    //close the form


   //check the device type
   switch (MyDevice.AudioType)
     //if standard device
    case Symbol.Audio.AudioType.StandardAudio:
     MyAudioController = new Symbol.Audio.StandardAudio(MyDevice);

     //if simulated device
    case Symbol.Audio.AudioType.SimulatedAudio:
     MyAudioController = new Symbol.Audio.SimulatedAudio(MyDevice);

     throw new Symbol.Exceptions.InvalidDataTypeException("Unknown Device Type");





  /// 叫唤声音

  private void PlaySound(int SoundNum)
   switch (SoundNum)

    case 1://正常
    case 2://出错

  private void Sound()
   int Duration;//长短
   int Frequency;//赫兹
   Duration = 60;//长短
   Frequency = 2670;//赫兹
   this.MyAudioController.PlayAudio(Duration, Frequency);//播放一段

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