UML Sequence
UML Class
UML Activity
title decoupling
'skinparam packageStyle rect/' 加入这行代码,样式纯矩形'/
skinparam backgroundColor #EEEBDC
skinparam roundcorner 20
skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
'skinparam handwritten true
class Rxbus {
+IEventSubscriber iEventSubscriber
interface IEventSubscriber
Rxbus --> IEventSubscriber
namespace com.xueshuyuan.cn.view #purple{
interface ILoginView{
+void loginWithPw()
+void loginByToken()
+void register()
+void success()
class LoginActivity<<接收反馈并更新UI>> {
+void loginWithPw()
+void loginByToken()
+void register()
+void success()
ILoginView <|--[#red] LoginActivity
namespace com.xueshuyuan.cn.presenter #orange{
interface ILoginPresenter{
+void loginByToken()
+void register()
class LoginPresenterImpl<<承接事件及接收通知处理并转发反馈>> {
+ILoginView iLoginView
+ILoginManager iLoginManager
+LoginPresenterImpl(ILoginView, ILoginManager)
+void loginWithPw()
+void loginByToken()
+void register()
+void receiveMessage(Event)
ILoginPresenter <|--[#red] LoginPresenterImpl
com.xueshuyuan.cn.view.LoginActivity <..[#red] LoginPresenterImpl : Dependency
com.xueshuyuan.cn.moudle.LoginManagerImpl <..[#red] LoginPresenterImpl : Dependency
.IEventSubscriber <|..[#red] ILoginPresenter
namespace com.xueshuyuan.cn.moudle #green{
interface ILoginManager{
+void loginWithPw()
+void loginByToken()
+void register()
+boolean checkUserExit()
+boolean checkPw()
class LoginManagerImpl<<承接事件及Rxbus发送通知>> {
+void loginWithPw()
+void loginByToken()
+void register()
+boolean checkUserExit()
+boolean checkPw()
+void sendMessageToXX(Event)
ILoginManager <|--[#red] LoginManagerImpl
关联 | 依赖 | 聚集 | 泛化 extends | 实现 implements |
带实线的箭头 | 带虚线的箭头 | 菱形箭头 | 带实线的三角形箭头 | 带虚线的三角形箭头 |
ClassA <-- ClassB:关联
ClassA <.. ClassB : 依赖
ClassA o-- ClassB:聚集
ClassA <|-- ClassB:泛化
ClassA <|.. ClassB:实现
Class China {
String area
int rivers
long person
class Beijing{}
interface aa{}
String getArea()
long getPerson()
Class China {
-String area /'-表示权限private'/
#int rivers /'#表示权限protected'/
+long person /'+表示权限public'/
class Beijing{}
interface aa{}
~String getArea() /'~表示权限package private'/
long getPerson()
Class China {
{static}+int id /' 表示 静态属性(下划线) '/
-String area
#int rivers
+long person
~String getArea()
{abstract}long getPerson() /' 表示 抽象方法(斜体) '/
class China {
{static} int id
int rivers
long person
.. /' 省略号 '/
String city
double lat
==/' 双分割线 '/
{abstract}long getCities()
__/' 单分割线 '/
long getPerson()
double getLat()
class Beijing {
.. 注解说明 ..
+ setRiver()
+ setName()
__ 注解说明 __
+ setPerson()
-- 注解说明 --
String password
China <-- Beijing
class MainActivity
note left:左侧注明用途
note right of MainActivity:右侧注明用途
note top of MainActivity:上面注明用途
note bottom of MainActivity:下面注明用途
class List<>
note top of List : 接口类型,xxList extends it
class ArrayList
note left : 基于长度可变的数组的列表
note "Collection 的衍生接口和类" as NOTE
List .. NOTE
NOTE .. ArrayList
List <|-- ArrayList
class Feeder<<饲养员>>{
-void feed()
abstract Food
class Bone
class Fish
Food <|--Bone
Food <|--Fish
abstract Animal{
-void eat()
class Dog{
-void eat()
class Cat{
-void eat()
Animal <|-- Dog
Animal <|-- Cat
Feeder ..>Food
Feeder ..>Animal
interface Set<<接口>>{
boolean add (Object o)
boolean remove(Object o)
class HashSet{
+boolean add (Object o)
+boolean remove(Object o)
interface IntSet{
boolean add (int i)
boolean remove(int i)
class IntHashSet{
+boolean add (int i)
+boolean remove(int i)
Set <|.. HashSet
HashSet <|-- IntHashSet
IntSet <|.. IntHashSet
class TreeSet{
+boolean add (Object o)
+boolean remove(Object o)
class IntTreeSet{
+boolean add (int i)
+boolean remove(int i)
IntSet <|.. IntTreeSet
TreeSet <|-- IntTreeSet
Set <|.. TreeSet
class HashSet{
+boolean add (Object o)
+boolean remove(Object o)
interface Set<<接口>>{
boolean add (Object o)
boolean remove(Object o)
package "com.ztman.cn" #green{
class HashSet{
+boolean add (Object o)
+boolean remove(Object o)
interface IntSet{
boolean add (int i)
boolean remove(int i)
class IntHashSet{
+boolean add (int i)
+boolean remove(int i)
Set <|.. HashSet
HashSet <|-- IntHashSet
IntSet <|.. IntHashSet
class TreeSet{
+boolean add (Object o)
+boolean remove(Object o)
class IntTreeSet{
+boolean add (int i)
+boolean remove(int i)
IntSet <|.. IntTreeSet
TreeSet <|-- IntTreeSet
Set <|.. TreeSet
skinparam packageStyle rect/' 加入这行代码,样式纯矩形'/
interface Set<<接口>>{
boolean add (Object o)
boolean remove(Object o)
package "com.ztman.org" as Pa #green{
class HashSet{
+boolean add (Object o)
+boolean remove(Object o)
interface IntSet{
boolean add (int i)
boolean remove(int i)
class IntHashSet{
+boolean add (int i)
+boolean remove(int i)
Set <|.. HashSet
HashSet <|-- IntHashSet
IntSet <|.. IntHashSet
package "com.ztman.org.cn" as Pb #orange{
class TreeSet {
+boolean add (Object o)
+boolean remove(Object o)
class IntTreeSet{
+boolean add (int i)
+boolean remove(int i)
IntSet <|.. IntTreeSet
TreeSet <|-- IntTreeSet
Set <|.. TreeSet
Pb +-- Pa
skinparam packageStyle rect/' 加入这行代码,样式纯矩形'/
interface Set<<接口>>{
boolean add (Object o)
boolean remove(Object o)
namespace com.ztman.org #green{
class HashSet{
+boolean add (Object o)
+boolean remove(Object o)
interface IntSet{
boolean add (int i)
boolean remove(int i)
class IntHashSet{
+boolean add (int i)
+boolean remove(int i)
.Set <|.. HashSet
HashSet <|-- IntHashSet
IntSet <|.. IntHashSet
namespace com.ztman.org.cn #orange{
class TreeSet {
+boolean add (Object o)
+boolean remove(Object o)
class IntTreeSet{
+boolean add (int i)
+boolean remove(int i)
com.ztman.org.IntSet <|.. IntTreeSet
TreeSet <|-- IntTreeSet
.Set <|.. TreeSet
。只需要在其类 class 前加hide
title 视频播放功能的业务关联图
package 全屏播放业务功能 <> #DeepSkyBlue{
package 视频播放业务层 <> #DodgerBlue{
package 播放内核 <> #Blue{
interface ADVideoPlayerListener{
+{static}{abstract}void onBufferUpdate(int position);//回调,视频缓冲
+{static}{abstract}void onAdVideoLoadSucess();//回调,视频加载成功
+{static}{abstract}void onAdVideoPlayComplete();//回调,视频正常播放完成
+{static}{abstract}void onAdVideoLoadFailed();//回调,视频不能正常播放
+{static}{abstract}void onClickVideo();//回调,点击视频区域的
+{static}{abstract}void onClickFullScreenBtn();//回调,点击全屏按钮
+{static}{abstract}void onClickBackBtn();
+{static}{abstract}void onClickPlay();
class CustomVideoView {
.. 视频播放器,只有暂停、播放和停止的基本功能 ..
interface ADVideoPlayerListener
-MediaPlayer mediaPlayer
-ADVideoPlayerListener listener
-ScreenEventReceiver mScreenEventReceiver
CustomVideoView o-down- ADVideoPlayerListener
interface AdSDKShellListener {
+{static}{abstract}ViewGroup getAdParent();
+{static}{abstract}void onAdVideoLoadSuccess();
+{static}{abstract}void onAdVideoLoadFailed();
+{static}{abstract}void onAdVideoPlayComplete();
+{static}{abstract}void onClickVideo(String url);
class VideoAdShell{
interface ADVideoPlayerListener
+VideoAdShell(AdValue, AdSDKShellListener, ADFrameImageLoadListener)
-MediaPlayer mediaPlayer
-ADVideoPlayerListener listener
-ScreenEventReceiver mScreenEventReceiver
AdSDKShellListener -down-o VideoAdShell
VideoAdShell -right-|> ADVideoPlayerListener
VideoAdShell .right.> CustomVideoView
class VideoFullDialog{
- AdSDKShellListener mShellListener
-MediaPlayer mediaPlayer
-ADVideoPlayerListener listener
-ScreenEventReceiver mScreenEventReceiver
+VideoFullDialog(Context, CustomVideoView, AdValue, int)
+void setShellListener(AdSDKShellListener)//承接业务层回调
+void setListener(FullToSmallListener)//切换小屏回调
VideoFullDialog -up-|> ADVideoPlayerListener
package 客户端 <> #LightGray{
package SDK入口 <> #gray{
interface AdSDKShellListener{
+{static}{abstract}void onAdSuccess();//视频资源加载成功
+{static}{abstract}void onAdFailed();//无法播放
+{static}{abstract}void onClickVideo(String url);//点击播放窗口回调
class VideoAdFactory{
-final ViewGroup mParentView;
-final AdValue mInstance;
+void setAdResultListener(AdFactoryInterface)
+void updateAdInScrollView//根据用户滑动页面来判断视频自动播放
+{static} class Builder
VideoAdFactory -up-|> AdSDKShellListener
class Client<<用户层>> {
Client -left-> VideoAdFactory