JDK6 中队web service的支持

JDK6中对Web Service的支持
原文: http://blog.csdn.net/zhongweijian/article/details/8008471



Jdk 6中通过提供的wsimport工具,集成了WEB service的支持,通过WebService 的annotation来暴露服务的实现,并通过Endpoint.publish将服务发布到指定的地址,客户端通过wsimport来访问响应地址的wsdl文件,生成调用服务器端服务的stub类信息,客户端即可通过生成的类来调用服务器的服务了。


Usage: wsimport [options] 

where [options] include:
  -b                  specify jaxws/jaxb binding files or additional schemas
                            (Each  must have its own -b)
  -B            Pass this option to JAXB schema compiler
  -catalog            specify catalog file to resolve external entity references
                            supports TR9401, XCatalog, and OASIS XML Catalog format.
  -d             specify where to place generated output files
  -extension                allow vendor extensions - functionality not specified
                            by the specification.  Use of extensions may
                            result in applications that are not portable or
                            may not interoperate with other implementations
  -help                     display help
  -httpproxy::  specify a HTTP proxy server (port defaults to 8080)
  -keep                     keep generated files
  -p                   specifies the target package
  -quiet                    suppress wsimport output
  -s             specify where to place generated source files
  -target          generate code as per the given JAXWS spec version
                            Defaults to 2.2, Accepted values are 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2
                            e.g. 2.0 will generate compliant code for JAXWS 2.0 spec
  -verbose                  output messages about what the compiler is doing
  -version                  print version information
  -wsdllocation   @WebServiceClient.wsdlLocation value
  -clientjar       Creates the jar file of the generated artifacts along with the
                            WSDL metadata required for invoking the web service.

  -XadditionalHeaders              map headers not bound to request or response message to
                                   Java method parameters
  -Xauthfile                       file to carry authorization information in the format
                                   http://username:[email protected]/stock?wsdl
  -Xdebug                          print debug information
  -Xno-addressing-databinding      enable binding of W3C EndpointReferenceType to Java
  -Xnocompile                      do not compile generated Java files
  -XdisableSSLHostnameVerification disable the SSL Hostname verification while fetching

  wsimport stock.wsdl -b stock.xml -b stock.xjb
  wsimport -d generated http://example.org/stock?wsdl




    public interface TestWebService {  
        public String echo();  


    import javax.jws.WebService;  
    import javax.xml.ws.Endpoint;  
    public class WebServiceImpl implements TestWebService{  
        public String echo() {  
            return "webservice return msg";  
        public static void main(String[] args) {  
            Endpoint.publish("http://localhost:8080/MyWebService", new WebServiceImpl());  



    wsimport -keep http://localhost:8080/MyWebService?wsdl  



import localhost.client.MyWebService;  
public class WebServiceClient {  
    public static void main(String[] args) {  
        MyWebService myWebService = new MyWebService();  




package localhost.client;  
import java.net.MalformedURLException;  
import java.net.URL;  
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;  
import javax.xml.ws.Service;  
import javax.xml.ws.WebEndpoint;  
import javax.xml.ws.WebServiceClient;  
 * This class was generated by the JAXWS SI. 
 * JAX-WS RI 2.0_02-b08-fcs 
 * Generated source version: 2.0 
@WebServiceClient(name = "MyWebService", targetNamespace = "http://localhost/client", wsdlLocation = "http://localhost:8080/MyWebService?wsdl")  
public class MyWebService  
    extends Service  
    private final static URL MYWEBSERVICE_WSDL_LOCATION;  
    static {  
        URL url = null;  
        try {  
            url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/MyWebService?wsdl");  
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {  
    public MyWebService(URL wsdlLocation, QName serviceName) {  
        super(wsdlLocation, serviceName);  
    public MyWebService() {  
        super(MYWEBSERVICE_WSDL_LOCATION, new QName("http://localhost/client", "MyWebService"));  
     * @return 
     *     returns MyTestWS 
    @WebEndpoint(name = "MyTestWSPort")  
    public MyTestWS getMyTestWSPort() {  
        return (MyTestWS)super.getPort(new QName("http://localhost/client", "MyTestWSPort"), MyTestWS.class);  
