日常检查ORACLE数据性能常用的SQL整理如下: ---内存评估 --缓冲区命中率 select (1 - (sum(decode(name, 'physical reads', value, 0)) / (sum(decode(name, 'db block gets', value, 0)) + sum(decode(name, 'consistent gets', value, 0))))) * 100 "Hit Ration" from v$sysstat; --数据字典命中率 select (1 - (sum(getmisses) / sum(gets))) * 100 "Hit Ration" from v$rowcache; --库缓存命中率 select sum(pins) / (sum(pins) + sum(reloads)) * 100 "Hit Ratio" from v$librarycache; --内存中的排序 select a.value "Dish Sorts", b.value "Memor Sorts", round((100 * b.value) / decode((a.value + b.value), 0, 1, (a.value + b.value)), 2) "Pct Memory Sorts" from v$sysstat a, v$sysstat b where a.name = 'sorts (disk)' and b.name = 'sorts (memory)'; --空闲的数据缓冲区比例 select decode(state, 0, 'FREE', 1, decode(lrba_seq, 0, 'AVAILABLE', 'BEING USED'), 3, 'BEING USED', state) "Block Status", count(*) from x$bh group by decode(state, 0, 'FREE', 1, decode(lrba_seq, 0, 'AVAILABLE', 'BEING USED'), 3, 'BEING USED', state); --最浪费内存的前10个语句占全部内催读取量的比例 select sum(pct_bufgets) from (select rank() over(order by buffer_gets desc) as rank_bufgets, to_char(100 * ratio_to_report(buffer_gets) over(), '999.99') pct_bufgets from v$sqlarea) where rank_bufgets < 11; --最应该优化的25个SQL select * from ( SELECT buffer_gets,sql_text,rownum rn from v$sqlarea order by buffer_gets desc ) where rn<26; --固定缓存对象 select * from v$db_object_cache where sharable_mem > 100000 and type in ('PACKAGE', 'PACKAGE BODY', 'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION'); --磁盘评估 ---调整表和索引 表和索引不要在同一个表空间中 select i.index_name, t.table_name, t.tablespace_name from user_tables t, user_indexes i where t.table_name = i.table_name and t.tablespace_name = i.tablespace_name; --表的行链接问题 select count(*) chained_rows, table_name from chained_rows group by table_name; --关键文件路径 select file_name, tablespace_name, bytes from dba_data_files union all select file_name, tablespace_name, bytes from dba_temp_files union all select name file_name, null, null from v$controlfile union all select member file_name, to_char(a.group#) tablespace_name, b.bytes bytes from v$logfile a, v$log b where a.group# = b.group# union all (select value file_name, null, null from v$parameter where name like 'log_archive_dest_%' and value is not null minus select value file_name, null, null from v$parameter where name like 'log_archive_dest_state%'); --回滚段平衡 select name, value from v$parameter where name like '%undo_%'; select a.name, b.extents, b.rssize, b.xacts, b.waits, b.gets optsize, status from v$rollname a, v$rollstat b where a.usn = b.usn; --磁盘排序 select name, value from v$sysstat where name like '%sorts%'; --最浪费磁盘读操作的前10个语句占用所有语句的比例 select sum(pct_bufgets) from (select rank() over(order by disk_reads desc) as rank_bufgets, to_char(100 * ratio_to_report(disk_reads) over(), '999.99') pct_bufgets from v$sqlarea) where rank_bufgets < 11; --前25个最浪费磁盘读操作的SQL select * from (select executions, disk_reads, substr(sql_text, 1, 4000), rownum rn from v$sqlarea order by disk_reads desc) where rn < 26; --字典管理表控件中的EXTENT总数不超过4096 select a.tablespace_name, sum(a.extents) from dba_segments a, dba_tablespaces b where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name and b.extent_management = 'DICTIONARY' group by a.tablespace_name order by sum(a.extents)
日常检查ORACLE数据性能常用的SQL整理如下: ---内存评估 --缓冲区命中率 select (1 - (sum(decode(name, 'physical reads', value, 0)) / (sum(decode(name, 'db block gets', value, 0)) + sum(decode(name, 'consistent gets', value, 0))))) * 100 "Hit Ration" from v$sysstat; --数据字典命中率 select (1 - (sum(getmisses) / sum(gets))) * 100 "Hit Ration" from v$rowcache; --库缓存命中率 select sum(pins) / (sum(pins) + sum(reloads)) * 100 "Hit Ratio" from v$librarycache; --内存中的排序 select a.value "Dish Sorts", b.value "Memor Sorts", round((100 * b.value) / decode((a.value + b.value), 0, 1, (a.value + b.value)), 2) "Pct Memory Sorts" from v$sysstat a, v$sysstat b where a.name = 'sorts (disk)' and b.name = 'sorts (memory)'; --空闲的数据缓冲区比例 select decode(state, 0, 'FREE', 1, decode(lrba_seq, 0, 'AVAILABLE', 'BEING USED'), 3, 'BEING USED', state) "Block Status", count(*) from x$bh group by decode(state, 0, 'FREE', 1, decode(lrba_seq, 0, 'AVAILABLE', 'BEING USED'), 3, 'BEING USED', state); --最浪费内存的前10个语句占全部内催读取量的比例 select sum(pct_bufgets) from (select rank() over(order by buffer_gets desc) as rank_bufgets, to_char(100 * ratio_to_report(buffer_gets) over(), '999.99') pct_bufgets from v$sqlarea) where rank_bufgets < 11; --最应该优化的25个SQL select * from ( SELECT buffer_gets,sql_text,rownum rn from v$sqlarea order by buffer_gets desc ) where rn<26; --固定缓存对象 select * from v$db_object_cache where sharable_mem > 100000 and type in ('PACKAGE', 'PACKAGE BODY', 'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION'); --磁盘评估 ---调整表和索引 表和索引不要在同一个表空间中 select i.index_name, t.table_name, t.tablespace_name from user_tables t, user_indexes i where t.table_name = i.table_name and t.tablespace_name = i.tablespace_name; --表的行链接问题 select count(*) chained_rows, table_name from chained_rows group by table_name; --关键文件路径 select file_name, tablespace_name, bytes from dba_data_files union all select file_name, tablespace_name, bytes from dba_temp_files union all select name file_name, null, null from v$controlfile union all select member file_name, to_char(a.group#) tablespace_name, b.bytes bytes from v$logfile a, v$log b where a.group# = b.group# union all (select value file_name, null, null from v$parameter where name like 'log_archive_dest_%' and value is not null minus select value file_name, null, null from v$parameter where name like 'log_archive_dest_state%'); --回滚段平衡 select name, value from v$parameter where name like '%undo_%'; select a.name, b.extents, b.rssize, b.xacts, b.waits, b.gets optsize, status from v$rollname a, v$rollstat b where a.usn = b.usn; --磁盘排序 select name, value from v$sysstat where name like '%sorts%'; --最浪费磁盘读操作的前10个语句占用所有语句的比例 select sum(pct_bufgets) from (select rank() over(order by disk_reads desc) as rank_bufgets, to_char(100 * ratio_to_report(disk_reads) over(), '999.99') pct_bufgets from v$sqlarea) where rank_bufgets < 11; --前25个最浪费磁盘读操作的SQL select * from (select executions, disk_reads, substr(sql_text, 1, 4000), rownum rn from v$sqlarea order by disk_reads desc) where rn < 26; --字典管理表控件中的EXTENT总数不超过4096 select a.tablespace_name, sum(a.extents) from dba_segments a, dba_tablespaces b where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name and b.extent_management = 'DICTIONARY' group by a.tablespace_name order by sum(a.extents)