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A conversation about Zoom, security, and privacy in these times of social isolation.
(I should probably start by saying I wrote this of my own free will and the opinions are my own. Zoom did not ask me to write this and does not even know that I did.)
Over the past four weeks, our society has changed completely. We have moved from happy hours to social distancing, from long business meetings in stuffy conference rooms to digital discussions that look like the Brady Bunch introduction with virtual backgrounds. As a result, many products and services have been slammed front and center into the public eye, from Instacart and Amazon Fresh to Zoom Video Conferencing. It is this last product that I want to spend a few minutes discussing here as a result of countless questions from friends and family around security and privacy.
Ø版本,过去四周,我们的社会已经完全改变了。 我们已经从欢乐时光转向社交疏散,从在闷热的会议室中进行长时间的商务会议到看起来像具有虚拟背景的Brady Bunch简介的数字讨论。 结果,从Instacart和Amazon Fresh到Zoom Video Conferencing,许多产品和服务都受到了公众的强烈关注。 由于来自朋友和家人的有关安全性和隐私性的无数问题,我想在这里讨论这最后一个产品。
For those that know me, I am a security geek. I have been in computers and security for over 20 years. I have had the opportunity to run cybersecurity for the White House, supported massive cybersecurity programs for the Department of Homeland Security. I founded Dark Cubed, a cyber security-based startup over six years ago, a company that continues to help protect small and midsized companies in this time of increased cybersecurity threat.
对于那些了解我的人,我是一名安全专家。 我从事计算机和安全领域已有20多年了。 我有机会为白宫运行网络安全,为国土安全部提供了大规模的网络安全计划。 六年多以前,我创立了Dark Cubed,这是一家基于网络安全的初创公司,该公司在网络安全威胁日益严重的时期继续为中小型企业提供保护。
I have worked with my team of expert employees to raise the alarm on the security of Internet of Things (IoT) devices that are commonly made in China and communicate sensitive data to unknown ends of the Earth. I have run and managed countless penetration tests, vulnerability assessments, and risk assessments for large and small companies looking at everything from audiovisual systems to sophisticated industrial controls systems.
我曾与我的专家员工团队合作,对中国通常生产的物联网(IoT)设备的安全性发出警报,并将敏感数据传送到地球的未知端。 我为大型和小型公司运行和管理了无数的渗透测试,漏洞评估和风险评估,涉及从视听系统到复杂的工业控制系统的所有内容。
I write all of this background to say this. I am a strong advocate of using Zoom today. I am frustrated that the fear, uncertainty, and doubt that the media is spreading about the security of this platform will increase social isolation and cause physical harm in our time of great need.
我写所有这些背景来说明这一点。 我坚决主张今天使用Zoom。 我感到沮丧的是,在我们急需的时代,媒体对这个平台的安全性的担心,不确定性和怀疑会增加社会隔离并造成人身伤害。
Before diving into a few points on the Zoom platform, in particular, let me say this first. Yes, there will be vulnerabilities with any software you install on your computer. Yes, Zoom has made mistakes on the oversight of its platform communications, encryption technologies, and security controls.
在深入探讨Zoom平台的一些要点之前,首先让我先说一下。 是的,您在计算机上安装的任何软件都将存在漏洞。 是的,Zoom在监督其平台通信,加密技术和安全控制方面犯了错误。
Yes, there are countless examples of horrible people jumping into unsuspecting gatherings on Zoom and spewing racial slurs or showing pornography. I am not trying to minimize the emotional and psychological impacts that such an experience might have on people, but this happens in the physical world just as it happens in the digital world. We should not let these horrible people win by not communicating with those that we love or want to just hang out with for a while to forget the trials we are all facing.
是的,有无数可怕的例子,人们在Zoom上跳入毫无戒心的聚会,冒出种族歧视或显示色情内容。 我并没有尽力减少这种体验可能对人的情感和心理影响,但这种情况发生在物理世界中,就像在数字世界中一样。 我们不应该通过不与我们所爱的人或不想和他们闲逛一会儿而忘记我们都面临的考验的人交流来让这些可怕的人获胜。
ZoomBombing (ZoomBombing)
First, let me talk about the ZoomBombing issue that so many people are discussing in the press today.
Zoom provides a virtual conference room that is identified by a nine-digit number. At any given moment in time, there are likely hundreds of thousands of Zoom conferences going on with a unique number associated with them. There is even a chance that if you opened up Zoom and started guessing nine-digit combinations, you might find your way into a conference as an unwelcome visitor.
Zoom提供了一个虚拟会议室,该会议室由一个九位数的数字标识。 在任何给定的时间点,可能都有成千上万的Zoom会议正在进行,并且与之相关的唯一编号。 甚至有可能,如果您打开Zoom并开始猜测九位数的组合,您可能会以不受欢迎的访客身份进入会议。
Using a great website, GRC’s Password Haystacks (https://www.grc.com/haystack.htm), we can see that a password made from only numbers up to nine-digits has 1,111,111,110 different combinations. A significant number, but not impossibly large. Any specific nine-digit number could likely be guessed in less than two weeks by a fast computer. A password consisting of nine digits could be cracked in under a second by a specially designed password cracking setup. This means if you are running a Zoom meeting and have not configured a password, you are running the risk of someone dropping in and surprising you.
使用一个很棒的网站,GRC的密码干草堆( https://www.grc.com/haystack.htm ),我们可以看到仅由最多9位数字组成的密码具有1,111,111,110个不同的组合。 数量可观,但并不大。 快速计算机可能会在不到两周的时间内猜出任何特定的九位数数字。 可以通过特殊设计的密码破解设置在一秒钟内破解由九位数字组成的密码。 这意味着,如果您正在运行“缩放”会议且尚未配置密码,则可能会冒有人进入并令您感到惊讶的风险。
If you are running a Zoom meeting and have not configured a password, you are running the risk of someone dropping in and surprising you.
如果您正在运行Zoom Meeting且未配置密码,则可能会冒有人进入并使您感到惊讶的风险。
Is that a problem? Well, many of us are using Zoom for meetings with folks that have not typically been heavy computer users. These last few weeks have been overwhelming for those people. Introducing a password maybe be an added complexity you do not want to take, and you are willing to accept the risk of an uninvited visitor.
那是问题吗? 好吧,我们中的许多人正在使用Zoom来与通常不是重型计算机用户的人们开会。 对于那些人来说,这最后几个星期令人不知所措。 引入密码可能会增加您不想承担的复杂性,并且您愿意接受不请自来的访客的风险。
If you aren’t willing to accept the risk, just set a password for the meeting, and you can check off one concern from your list.
The second way “ZoomBombing” can occur is if you share your meeting information on social media, a website, or just broadcast it out. In this case, bad actors can potentially find this information and target you specifically. I find this example more concerning than the first because the bad guy will likely be able to spend a few minutes researching you or your organization online and will make the attack feel more personal.
发生“ ZoomBombing”的第二种方式是,如果您在社交媒体,网站上共享会议信息,或者只是将其广播出去。 在这种情况下,不良行为者可能会找到此信息并专门针对您。 我发现此示例比第一个示例更令人关注,因为坏人很可能可以花几分钟时间在线研究您或您的组织,并使攻击更加人性化。
Unfortunately, it is hard to both publicly share an event for people to join AND protect that event with a password for security reasons, without also sharing that password. Argggh. To manage this risk, you can use a feature called a “Waiting Room,” which allows you to only let in the folks you want to join and kick out people you do not.
不幸的是,出于安全原因,很难既公开共享供人加入的事件,又很难用密码保护该事件,而又不共享该密码。 啊 为了控制这种风险,您可以使用称为“等候室”的功能,该功能仅允许您加入想要加入的人,而踢出您不想加入的人。
If you are willing to pay for Zoom, you can also use Webinars to manage security in a slightly more precise way. We do this for our church. We set up a large group meeting as a Webinar. When people join the webinar, they are unable to talk or share content, but they can listen. This format allows you to get your message out and share information without having to mute or manage people. If you want to have a more interactive session, you can then promote up to 100 people to be “Panelists” in the webinar where they can fully participate. You can also demote Panelists back to attendees. This extra control may be helpful for organizations that are more paranoid or want to be able to control the flow of a meeting more precisely.
如果您愿意为Zoom付费,还可以使用网络研讨会以更精确的方式管理安全性。 我们为教会做这件事。 我们以网络研讨会的形式召开了一次大型会议。 人们参加网络研讨会时,他们无法讲话或共享内容,但可以收听。 这种格式可让您发布消息并共享信息,而无需忽略或管理人员。 如果您希望进行更具互动性的会议,则可以在网络研讨会中将多达100人提升为“专家小组成员”,让他们可以充分参与。 您也可以将小组成员降级回与会者。 对于那些偏执狂或希望能够更精确地控制会议流程的组织,这种额外的控制可能会有所帮助。
The other thing to think about when it comes to unwelcome visitors is the age-old password problem. If you sign up for a Zoom account and use the same password you used for other accounts, then you are welcoming trouble. I am a big fan of telling people that if you are using an online service that does not allow you to implement two-factor authentication, then do not use it. Zoom has this capability, and you should use it. If you are part of an organization, you can use single sign-on (SSO) to increase security. The bottom line here is that if you are going to set up an account to host and manage Zoom meetings, turn on two-factor authentication.
遇到不受欢迎的访客时要考虑的另一件事是古老的密码问题。 如果您注册一个Zoom帐户并使用与其他帐户相同的密码,那将会很麻烦。 我非常乐于告诉人们,如果您使用的在线服务不允许您实施两因素身份验证,请不要使用它。 缩放具有此功能,您应该使用它。 如果您是组织的一部分,则可以使用单点登录(SSO)来提高安全性。 底线是,如果您要设置一个帐户来主持和管理Zoom会议,请启用两因素身份验证。
The bottom line here is that if you are going to set up an account to host and manage Zoom meetings, turn on two-factor authentication.
For more information on ZoomBombing, just read the countless articles that are out there advising users on how to secure Zoom meetings. This press release from the FBI is a good start: https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/boston/news/press-releases/fbi-warns-of-teleconferencing-and-online-classroom-hijacking-during-covid-19-pandemic
有关ZoomBombing的更多信息,只需阅读无数篇文章,为用户提供有关如何确保Zoom会议安全的建议。 联邦调查局的本新闻稿是一个好的开始: https : //www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/boston/news/press-releases/fbi-warns-of-teleconferencing-and-online-classroom在covid-19大流行期间进行劫机
我的电脑会被黑客入侵吗? (Will My Computer Get Hacked?)
Secondly, while the ZoomBombing stuff we discussed above may feel like hacking, it is not. These horrible people do not get access to your computer or your phone unless you explicitly give it to them. They can not read your email or steal your files; they are just there to scare you.
其次,虽然我们上面讨论的ZoomBombing东西可能感觉像是黑客,但事实并非如此。 这些可怕的人无法访问您的计算机或电话,除非您明确将其授予他们。 他们无法阅读您的电子邮件或窃取您的文件; 他们只是在那里吓到你。
So, let’s discuss the dire warnings around “Zero Day Flaws,” hacking, and other security issues with the Zoom app. The security warnings related to Zoom are real. However, I pay attention to the amount of attention an application receives from security researchers and how the company responds. Think about the amount of attention that Microsoft Windows gets from security researchers, which is why we hear about so many vulnerabilities.
因此,让我们讨论有关Zoom应用程序中“零日缺陷”,黑客行为和其他安全问题的可怕警告。 与Zoom相关的安全警告是真实的。 但是,我关注应用程序从安全研究人员那里获得的关注以及公司的响应方式。 考虑一下Microsoft Windows从安全研究人员那里得到的关注,这就是为什么我们听到这么多漏洞的原因。
I cannot even imagine how many security researchers are pounding on the Zoom software and platform now that it has become so popular. Given my background, I am never surprised when software hacks are announced. Everything is hackable, there are always more vulnerabilities to find, and the impacts can often be severe. For Zoom, a great example of security research is the excellent work by Patrick Wardle published on March 30th, 2020, and amplified heavily in the press. You can read his posting here: https://objective-see.com/blog/blog_0x56.html
我什至无法想象现在有如此多的安全研究人员正在使用Zoom软件和平台。 基于我的背景,当软件被宣布时,我并不感到惊讶。 一切都是可入侵的,总是存在更多漏洞,其影响通常很严重。 对于Zoom来说,安全性研究的一个很好的例子是Patrick Wardle于2020年3月30日发表的出色著作,并在媒体上进行了大量报道。 您可以在这里阅读他的文章: https : //objective-see.com/blog/blog_0x56.html
Patrick is a highly respected member of the security community and does fantastic work, as evidenced by his posting. In his posting, he writes, “So, what to do? Honestly, if you care about your security and/or privacy perhaps stop using Zoom.” I appreciate his point, and he is not wrong, but he is also not right. The issue here is that for non-technical readers, the first reaction is panic, when that may not be the full story.
帕特里克(Patrick)是安全社区中备受推崇的成员,他的工作证明了他所做的出色工作。 他在帖子中写道:“那该怎么办? 老实说,如果您关心自己的安全和/或隐私,也许停止使用Zoom。” 我很欣赏他的观点,他没有错,但他也不对。 这里的问题是,对于非技术读者来说,第一个React是恐慌,而这可能不是全部。
It is critical to note that both of the techniques described by Wardle require a hacker to have access to your computer either through another piece of malware or via remote access. So, my point here is that the hacker must have already successfully attacked your computer before these issues become a problem. This fact does not trivialize the vulnerability, but it does change the risk calculus. The second part of this discussion was how Zoom reacted. They did not hide behind fancy press releases; they apologized and took action. A patch was released quickly and publicly, and a 90-day action plan was released to talk about how they would fix things going forward. The security community should continue to hold Zoom accountable for doing the right thing at all times, but this should happen in a way that does not scare people away from socializing.
请务必注意,Wardle所描述的两种技术都要求黑客能够通过另一种恶意软件或通过远程访问来访问您的计算机。 因此,我的意思是,在这些问题成为问题之前,黑客必须已经成功地攻击了您的计算机。 这个事实并不能消除漏洞,但是确实改变了风险计算。 讨论的第二部分是Zoom的React。 他们没有躲在花哨的新闻稿后面。 他们道歉并采取了行动。 快速公开发布了补丁程序,并发布了90天的行动计划,以讨论他们如何解决未来的问题。 安全社区应始终要求Zoom始终为做正确的事情负责,但这应以不会使人们远离社交活动的方式发生。
The security community should continue to hold Zoom accountable for doing the right thing at all times, but this should happen in a way that does not scare people away from socializing.
Given this information, what should you do? Well, if Zoom tells you there is a software update, you should install it, that is the result of them fixing these security flaws. If you use Zoom, do not live in fear of your computer being erased or hacked, it is highly unlikely your use of Zoom will cause this. Countless pieces of real malware are out there in your email inbox right now that are more likely to hack you. You should be worried about malware, and here is a great article you should read: https://staysafeonline.org/blog/easy-ways-protect-yourself-from-malware/. My advice is to install antivirus software and make sure you back up any important files you do not want to lose on a portable drive now and then.
有了这些信息,您应该怎么办? 好吧,如果Zoom告诉您有软件更新,则应该安装它,这是它们修复了这些安全漏洞的结果。 如果您使用Zoom,请不要担心计算机被擦除或被黑客入侵,使用Zoom不太可能导致这种情况。 现在,您的电子邮件收件箱中存在无数种真正的恶意软件,这些恶意软件很可能会入侵您。 您应该担心恶意软件,并且应该阅读以下精彩文章: https : //staysafeonline.org/blog/easy-ways-protect-yourself-from-malware/ 。 我的建议是安装防病毒软件,并确保您不时备份任何不想丢失的重要文件。
中国人在监视我吗? (Are the Chinese Spying on Me?)
Finally, there have been several news stories in the past week related to weak encryption, the use of encryption keys issued in China, or the routing of traffic through China, causing massive concern around the fact that China might be spying on us through Zoom. So, is China listening? The answer is probably. But I am more concerned about China’s deep penetration into the Internet of Things (IoT) market (https://darkcubed.com/iot-security), their efforts to gain control of telecommunication networks through companies like Huawei (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/u-s-officials-using-huawei-tech-opens-door-chinese-spying-n1136956), or the potential that using TikTok (https://www.vox.com/open-sourced/2019/12/16/21013048/tiktok-china-national-security-investigation) could be compromising your security than I am about Zoom.
最后,在过去一周中,有几则新闻报道涉及弱加密,使用在中国发布的加密密钥或通过中国的流量路由,引起了人们对中国可能通过Zoom监视我们这一事实的广泛关注。 那么,中国在听吗? 答案可能是。 但我更担心中国对物联网(IoT)市场( https://darkcubed.com/iot-security )的深度渗透,以及他们通过华为( https:// www)等公司获得电信网络控制权的努力.nbcnews.com / politics / national-security / us-officials-using-huawei-tech-opens-door-chinese-spying-n1136956 ),或使用TikTok的潜力( https://www.vox.com/open -sourced / 2019/12/16/21013048 / tiktok-china-national-security-investigation )可能会损害您的安全性,而不是我对Zoom的关注。
I would venture that any issues related to Zoom and China are a direct impact of trying to scale a global network quickly, while also trying to comply with a worldwide patchwork of requirements and regulations. I do not forgive them for the encryption issues; I just very strongly feel that this issue is overblown in the press. I never expect any voice or video platform to be private, including the cell phone network or Zoom or any non-national security system. If you are sharing state secrets, then you should not be using Zoom. If you are anxious about the Chinese spying on you, you should pay attention to the IoT space and the lack of oversight there, which is genuinely concerning. Read our report on this here: https://darkcubed.com/iot-security.
我敢冒险地说,与Zoom和China有关的任何问题都是试图快速扩展全球网络,同时又试图遵守全球范围内的要求和法规的直接影响。 对于加密问题,我不会原谅。 我只是非常强烈地感到这个问题在媒体上已经被夸大了。 我从未期望任何语音或视频平台是私有的,包括手机网络或Zoom或任何非国家安全系统。 如果要共享状态机密,则不应使用Zoom。 如果您担心中国人对您的监视,则应注意物联网领域以及那里缺乏监督,这是真正令人担忧的问题。 在此处阅读我们的报告: https : //darkcubed.com/iot-security 。
If you are anxious about the Chinese spying on you, you should pay attention to the IoT space and the lack of oversight there, which is genuinely concerning.
我应该使用变焦吗? (Should I Use Zoom?)
As a technologist, I look at what Zoom has built from an infrastructure perspective and am amazed. In 2019, all of 2019, they added 1.99 million users, according to an article on CNBC (https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/26/zoom-has-added-more-users-so-far-this-year-than-in-2019-bernstein.html). By February of 2020, Zoom added 2.22M more active users. According to Reuters Article on April 2nd (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-zoom/zoom-pulls-in-more-than-200-million-daily-video-users-during-worldwide-lockdowns-idUSKBN21K1C7), “Zoom’s daily users ballooned to more than 200 million in March from a previous maximum total of 10 million.” Zoom has experienced an insane amount of growth and to have a global network that can scale that quickly is nothing short of a miracle, even in today’s modern age. Another line from that same article states, “…Zoom usage has taken off over the last few weeks, with more than 90,000 schools across 20 countries, using its video conferencing services to conduct classes remotely.”
作为一名技术专家,我从基础架构的角度看待Zoom所构建的东西,并且感到惊讶。 根据CNBC上的一篇文章( https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/26/zoom-has-add-more-users-so-far- this-year-in-in-2019-bernstein.html )。 到2020年2月,Zoom增加了222万活跃用户。 根据4月2日的路透社文章( https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-zoom/zoom-pulls-in-more-than-200-million-daily-video-users-during-全球-lockdowns-idUSKBN21K1C7 ),“放大的日常用户猛增到200多万在三月份从先前的最大共计10万元。” Zoom经历了疯狂的增长,拥有一个可以Swift扩展的全球网络,即使在当今的现代时代,这也不是一个奇迹。 同一篇文章的另一行指出:“ ...在过去的几周中,缩放比例的使用开始起飞,遍布20个国家/地区的90,000所学校使用其视频会议服务远程上课。”
From personal experience, Zoom has brought together groups of family and friends during this time of crisis in ways that would be much harder on other platforms. My neighborhood held a happy hour last week, where neighbors were able to share a glass of wine virtually and chat about the weather.
从个人经验来看,在危机时期,Zoom聚集了家人和朋友,这在其他平台上要困难得多。 上周我的邻居度过了欢乐时光,邻居们得以虚拟分享一杯葡萄酒并聊起天气。
I helped a local church conduct their Sunday worship service on Zoom just a few hours ago. My pastor holds his regular Old Testament and New Testament classes with groups of 30–40 people weekly. While the social distance is hard, things feel normal for a brief period during the invigorating group discussion. My daughter spends countless hours of video chatting with her friends and scheming new ways to get us to foster pets as if our two dogs, two guinea pigs, and the rabbit aren’t enough. My kids are spending time with their classmates and teachers on Zoom, while the teachers try to keep the kids from goofing off with virtual backgrounds or strange pets making surprise cameos. Our oldest child attends our church’s youth group on Zoom. My wife’s preschool has been reading to their kids daily on Zoom. All of these things are GOOD THINGS. This is community coming together in a time of crisis.
几个小时前,我曾协助当地一家教堂在Zoom进行他们的周日敬拜活动。 我的牧师每周定期举行30-40人的小组定期的旧约和新约课程。 尽管社交距离很困难,但在充满活力的小组讨论中,短暂的一段时间内一切正常。 我的女儿花了无数小时与她的朋友聊天,并计划新的方法让我们养宠物,就像我们的两只狗,两只豚鼠和兔子还不够。 我的孩子们正在Zoom上与同学和老师共度时光,而老师们则试图让孩子们避免因虚拟背景或怪异的宠物制造出令人惊讶的浮夸而自嘲。 我们最大的孩子参加了Zoom教堂的青年团。 我妻子的学前班每天都在用Zoom给孩子们读书。 所有这些都是好东西。 这是在危机时期社区团结在一起。
This is community coming together in a time of crisis.
To pile on, no other video conference platform I have used to date can match the simplicity and ease of use of Zoom. I am sure this will change as time moves forward, but for now, the friction associated with using other platforms will likely result in reduced social interaction, which is a bad thing.
总而言之,我迄今为止使用的其他视频会议平台都无法与Zoom的简单性和易用性相提并论。 我相信随着时间的推移,这种情况将会改变,但是就目前而言,与使用其他平台相关的摩擦很可能会导致社交互动减少,这是一件坏事。
So yes, I recommend that you keep socializing, keep connecting, keep Zooming. I will. I am confident that many other experts agree with me, take this posting as proof: https://medium.com/@0xamit/zoom-isnt-malware-ae01618e2046.
因此,是的,我建议您继续社交,保持联系,保持缩放。 我会。 我相信许多其他专家也同意我的观点,可以将此帖子作为证据: https : //medium.com/@0xamit/zoom-isnt-malware-ae01618e2046 。
Might there be a chance that some neo-Nazi dressed as a chicken shows up and yells at everyone? Maybe, but in this crazy mixed-up world where toilet paper is worth its weight in gold, what else should we expect?
可能有一些打扮成鸡的新纳粹分子出现并大吼大叫吗? 也许吧,但是在这个疯狂的混杂世界中,厕纸的价值相当于黄金,我们还能期待什么?
我的建议 (My Advice)
My advice? Follow the guidelines and recommendations on securing Zoom. Keep all of the software on your computer updated and patched, not just Zoom. Use strong passwords, use two-factor authentication everywhere, to include Zoom, Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. It’s not like you don’t have the time to figure it out now that you are stuck at home!
我的建议? 请遵循有关保护Zoom的准则和建议。 保持计算机上所有软件的更新和修补,而不仅仅是Zoom。 使用强密码,在各处使用两因素身份验证,包括Zoom,Google,Facebook,Twitter等。这并不意味着您现在没有时间解决这个问题,因为您一直呆在家里!
If you have a hard time figuring out how to secure all of your accounts, then set up a Zoom with a neighborhood teenager, your granddaughter, or your niece or nephew, and they will show you how.
Most importantly, take every opportunity to connect with your friends, family members, neighbors, co-workers, and others in your community. It is clear that the human race is always stronger when we work together, we just need to re-envision what “together” looks like while we socially isolate to protect the most vulnerable in our society.
最重要的是,抓住一切机会与您的朋友,家人,邻居,同事和社区中的其他人联系。 显然,当我们一起工作时,人类总是会变得更加强大,我们只需要重新设想“团结”的模样,而我们却在社会上孤立以保护我们社会中最弱势的群体。
翻译自: https://medium.com/@vince_17729/zooming-to-conclusions-20560d9f40b9
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