虎牙豆商赚钱技巧_如何建立赚钱会员网站的技巧 第2部分


有关如何建立赚钱会员网站的提示 (Tips on how to Build a Money-Making Membership Website)

Subsequently, you should unpublish all those buttons on the front page that that you do not require. You check out the main menu section and also unpublish all except the home button. You will have to visit Joomla extensions page as well as check out menu section in order to find a menu extension that will permit you to have graphics as well as additional files to set up the menu items. You will have the suitable file extension all set when it is time for you to hyperlink your menu items which can be the final part of putting together your site.

随后,您应该取消发布首页上不需要的所有那些按钮。 您检出主菜单部分,并取消发布除“主页”按钮以外的所有内容。 您将必须访问Joomla扩展页面以及检出菜单部分才能找到菜单扩展,该菜单扩展将使您拥有图形以及其他文件来设置菜单项。 当您需要超链接菜单项时,将为您设置所有合适的文件扩展名,这可能是将站点组合在一起的最后一部分。

A very important factor that can be done at this point is actually to determine exactly what extensions or even additional items you will require on the site. You may simply have a simple mini site now, however, you shall do much better within the search engines like Google as well as in the eyes of the website visitors when you have a theme-based authority website and not present only a sales page to your visitors, for example. In the event you include a chat client, some sort of discussion board, along with a weblog in your website, you will notice that these potential customers get involved with your website as well as keep coming back to it very frequently. The more they return to your website, the higher will be the opportunities for you to sell them your products and services, whether it is an affiliate marketer offer, an e-book, a report, or an important membership.

在这一点上可以做的一个非常重要的因素实际上是确定站点上将需要哪些扩展或什至其他项。 您现在可能只是拥有一个简单的小型网站,但是,如果您拥有基于主题的授权网站,而不仅仅是展示销售页面,那么在Google之类的搜索引擎中以及在网站访问者眼中,您将做得更好例如,您的访客。 如果您包括聊天客户端,某种讨论区以及网站中的网络日志,您会注意到这些潜在客户参与了您的网站,并且会经常访问该网站。 他们返回您的网站的次数越多,无论是会员营销商的报价,电子书,报告还是重要的会员资格,您向他们出售产品和服务的机会就越高。

Examine every portion of the extensions. Particularly examine the graphics section in which all of the banner advertising materials are kept. It is possible to generate income from the website using ad banners and/or textual content advertisements that could bring in extra cash from your website. It is a fact that when you have quality content, SEO factors taken care of, along with advertisements like Adsense program on the website, your website may show up in the search engines like Google sooner and it will enable your site to get more visitors from the search engines helping you get additional income from the advertisements present on the site. There are many Google Adsense modules to consider. These can be placed at strategic locations on your web pages, and the content that is present on those pages are quality content related to the theme of your website, the Google places related advertisements quite effectively and enables your site to generate high income from its advertisements. Other types of advertisements are also present and you should research for the networks that offer them.

检查扩展的每个部分。 尤其要检查其中保留了所有横幅广告材料的图形部分。 可以使用广告标语和/或文字内容广告从网站上赚取收入,这些广告可以从您的网站中带来额外的现金。 事实是,当您拥有高质量的内容,SEO要素并在网站上投放广告(例如Adsense计划)后,您的网站可能会很快出现在Google之类的搜索引擎中,这将使您的网站从搜索引擎可帮助您从网站上的广告中获得更多收入。 有许多Google Adsense模块可供考虑。 这些可以放置在您网页上的重要位置,并且这些页面上显示的内容是与您的网站主题相关的高质量内容,Google可以非常有效地放置相关广告,并使您的网站从其广告中获得高收益。 还存在其他类型的广告,您应该研究提供它们的网络。

Community builder and AEC integration can be beneficial in case you are creating a regular membership website. You will require one of many WYSIWYG content editors within the content as well as a news section to be able to revise your website very easily as well as swiftly. You need to set up your WYSIWYG editor as the default content editor for Joomla. When you do this, you will be able to create good-looking content material, and you could also easily as well as swiftly modify your web pages. You need to look at the Blog section and also include X-Blogg type of applications with regard to modifying your site offline and also should download one of several weblog applications with regard to very easily creating as well as writing a blog from the website. You must include one of several payment processors and/or some sort of very secure shopping cart to your website should you be promoting products and services out of your website. After you have included most of the extensions, whether it is a component, a module, or even mambot, you will be all set to be able to go to the following stage.

如果您要创建常规会员网站,则社区构建器和AEC集成可能会有所帮助。 您将需要内容中的许多所见即所得内容编辑器之一以及新闻栏目,以便能够轻松,快速地修改您的网站。 您需要将WYSIWYG编辑器设置为Joomla的默认内容编辑器。 执行此操作时,您将能够创建美观的内容材料,并且还可以轻松快速地修改您的网页。 您需要查看“博客”部分,并包括有关X-Blogg类型的应用程序以脱机修改站点,并且还应下载一些Weblog应用程序中的一种以非常轻松地创建和从网站编写博客。 如果您要在网站外推广产品和服务,则必须在网站中包括几个付款处理者之一和/或某种非常安全的购物车。 包括了大多数扩展之后,无论它是组件,模块,甚至是Mambot,都将可以进入下一阶段。

So next, you may begin including the actual sections you may need as part of your website. You can include categories to the sections till you have divided up your website into a well-structured company. You may modify the front page by using the content editor and also the WYSIWYG editor which you have designed as the default content editor. You may include pictures as well as include more content articles making sure that things are all implemented to your total satisfaction. Make use of polls, ad banners, and also the Adsense web marketing program or even include additional textual content advertisements to your affiliate marketing programs to the front page using rotating banner applications or perhaps rotating advertising campaign schedules to make the website deliver very professional-looking and lively advertisements. Also use the tracking applications. Doing this, it is possible to monitor exactly where the majority of your sales and profits are originating from. Always keep adding new content articles in all the sections in your website even after the site is completed. Be sure to include sales pages for all the services that you offer on the site, products, or affiliate marketing opportunities that you may be promoting. You can also add “Thank You” pages for any downloads of offer or e-books or software which always include hyperlinks to your income-generating affiliate programs so that you can profit more out of giving away free gifts to your website visitors. You may use good Autoresponder scripts to your web pages to collect the visitors’ email addresses and their names so that you will be able to send them more information about everything, including the information about the affiliate products and services that you are selling.

因此,接下来,您可以开始在网站中包括您可能需要的实际部分。 在将网站划分为结构良好的公司之前,您可以在各部分中包括类别。 您可以使用内容编辑器以及设计为默认内容编辑器的WYSIWYG编辑器来修改首页。 您可能会包含图片,也可能会包含更多内容文章,以确保一切都完全令人满意。 利用民意测验,广告横幅以及Adsense网络营销计划,甚至使用轮换横幅应用程序或轮流投放广告活动时间表,将其他文字内容广告添加到您的会员营销计划的首页上,以使网站提供非常专业的外观和生动的广告。 还使用跟踪应用程序。 这样一来,就可以准确监控您大部分销售和利润的来源。 即使网站建成后,也要始终在网站的所有部分中添加新的内容文章。 确保在您可能要推广的站点,产品或会员营销机会中包括所有服务页面的销售页面。 您还可以为要约,电子书或软件的任何下载添加“谢谢”页面,这些页面始终包括指向您的创收会员计划的超链接,以便您可以从向网站访问者赠送免费礼物中获利。 您可以在网页上使用良好的Autoresponder脚本来收集访问者的电子邮件地址及其名称,以便向他们发送有关所有信息的更多信息,包括有关所出售的会员产品和服务的信息。

As soon as everything is properly set up, recheck each and every aspect of your website to ensure that the complete website works as intended and there are no errors of whatsoever nature. Check your hyperlinks and ensure that things are all in order. Ensure that your shopping cart is fully functional. Be sure that any kind of forms present on your website are functioning correctly so as to add your visitors to your various opt-in mailing lists. Test drive all the features on your website to ensure that all are working efficiently. Set up your auto-responders for any product orders or any requests for your newsletters. It is best to set up your newsletters. As soon as all the features appear to be running effectively, publish your web pages so that web surfers can visit them. Always ping your content and advertise your website using all means of offline and online optimization methods.

一旦一切设置正确,请重新检查网站的每个方面,以确保完整的网站能够按预期运行,并且没有任何性质的错误。 检查您的超链接,并确保一切正常。 确保您的购物车功能齐全。 确保您网站上存在的任何形式的表格都能正常运行,以便将访问者添加到各种选择加入的邮件列表中。 试用您网站上的所有功能,以确保所有功能均有效运行。 为任何产品订单或对新闻通讯的任何请求设置自动回复。 最好设置您的新闻通讯。 一旦所有功能似乎都有效运行,就发布您的网页,以便网络冲浪者可以访问它们。 始终使用所有离线和在线优化方法来ping您的内容并宣传您的网站。

Great job!, Now your website is live on the internet to welcome the web traffic. Write at least a couple of great articles in your area of expertise every day and you will have over 150 great articles in a year’s time spread out all over the internet and possibly generating serious cash through sales of your advertisements, products, and services.

太好了!,现在您的网站可以上网了,欢迎网络访问。 每天至少要在您的专业领域写几篇精彩的文章,一年之内您将有150篇精彩的文章遍布整个互联网,并可能通过销售广告,产品和服务而产生可观的现金收入。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/tips-on-how-to-build-a-money-making-membership-website-part-2/

