
一般人们解决的方式,仍然使用DateTime而从数据上,设置hour,mintue等等为0。 然而,这与DDD的理念相背,名称有与含义有偏差,另外,数据一致性的维护,散布在各个角落,如,保证日期始终为1,小时,分钟为0。另外,与月份相关的功能,如:得到下一个月份,要么用DateTime本身的功能(AddMonths),要么提炼出一个Utitlies出来。 前者,需要开发者时刻重复DateTime到YearMonth的映射逻辑,后者是个反模式。 (本文版权属于© 2012 - 2013 予沁安)


[代码] 用Extension的方式,来增强代码流畅性和可读性

public static class YearMonthExtension
        public static YearMonth year(this int year, int month)
            return new YearMonth(year, month);

        public static bool is_later_than(this YearMonth left, YearMonth right) {
            return left.CompareTo(right) > 0;

        public static bool is_ealier_than(this YearMonth left, YearMonth right) {
            return left.CompareTo(right) < 0;

        public static YearMonth get_ealier(this YearMonth left, YearMonth right)
            if (left.is_ealier_than(right))
                return left;
            return right;

        public static YearMonth get_later(this YearMonth left, YearMonth right)
            if (left.is_later_than(right))
                return left;
            return right;

[代码] 从测试看功能:公用的测试基类,很简单,就是声明一个YearMonth对象做测试

public class YearMonthSpecs
        protected static YearMonth subject;


[代码] 通过构造器,创建YearMonth对象

public class When_init_by_year_month
        private Because of =
            () => subject = new YearMonth(2011,3);

        private It year_should_set_properly =
            () => subject.Year.ShouldEqual(2011);

         private It month_should_set_properly =
             () => subject.Month.ShouldEqual(3);


[代码] 通过流畅接口创建YearMonth: 2012.year(3)。你还可以自己定制为: 2012.年(3)

public class When_create_year_month_through_fluent_interface
        private It should_create_year_month_properly =
            () => 2012.year(3).ShouldEqual(new YearMonth(2012, 3));

[代码] 通过字符串创建

public class When_init_by_string : YearMonthSpecs
        private Because of =
            () => subject = new YearMonth("2011年01月");

        private It year_should_set_properly =
             () =>

[代码] Special Case模式,特别处理:世界末日的下一个月还是世界末日,创世纪的上一个月还是创世纪

private It far_past_last_month_is_still_far_past =
            () => YearMonth.FarPast.get_last().ShouldEqual(YearMonth.FarPast);
        private It far_past_next_month_is_still_far_past =
         () => YearMonth.FarPast.get_next().ShouldEqual(YearMonth.FarPast);

        private It far_future_last_month_is_stil_far_future =
          () => YearMonth.FarFuture.get_last().ShouldEqual(YearMonth.FarFuture);

        private It far_future_next_month_is_stil_far_future =
            () => YearMonth.FarFuture.get_next().ShouldEqual(YearMonth.FarFuture);


using System;
using Skight.Arch.Domain.Interfaces;

namespace Skight.Arch.Domain.Entities
    public struct YearMonth : IEquatable, IComparable
        private readonly int ticks;
        private readonly int year;
        private readonly int month;
        private const int MONTHS_PER_YEAR=12;

        public static YearMonth FarPast = new YearMonth(0,1);
        public static YearMonth FarFuture = new YearMonth(9999,12);
        #region Constructors by ticks, year/month and datetime
        internal YearMonth(int ticks)
            this.ticks = ticks;
            int remain;
            year = Math.DivRem(ticks-1, MONTHS_PER_YEAR, out remain);
            month = remain + 1;
        public YearMonth(int year, int month)
            :this(year*MONTHS_PER_YEAR + month){}
        public YearMonth(DateTime date_time)

        public YearMonth(string yearMonth):this(int.Parse(yearMonth.Substring(0, 4))
            ,int.Parse(yearMonth.Substring(5, 2)))


        public int Year { get { return year; } }
        public int Month { get { return month; } }
        public DateTime as_date_Time()
            return new DateTime(Year,Month,1);

        public override string ToString()
            return string.Format("{0}年{1}月", year.ToString("0000"), month.ToString("00"));

        #region Euqals and Compare
        public bool Equals(YearMonth other)
            return other.ticks == ticks;

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
            if (obj.GetType() != typeof (YearMonth)) return false;
            return Equals((YearMonth) obj);

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return ticks;

        public int CompareTo(YearMonth other)
            return ticks.CompareTo(other.ticks);


        #region Discrete interface
        public YearMonth get_last()
            if (Equals(FarPast))
                return FarPast;

            if (Equals(FarFuture))
                return FarFuture;
            return new YearMonth(ticks - 1);
        public YearMonth get_last(int Dvalue)
            if (Equals(FarPast))
                return FarPast;

            if (Equals(FarFuture))
                return FarFuture;
            return new YearMonth(ticks - Dvalue);

        public YearMonth get_next()
            if (Equals(FarPast))
                return FarPast;

            if (Equals(FarFuture))
                return FarFuture;
            return new YearMonth(ticks + 1);

        public YearMonth get_next(int DValue)
            if (Equals(FarPast))
                return FarPast;

            if (Equals(FarFuture))
                return FarFuture;
            return new YearMonth(ticks + DValue);

         public static implicit operator DateTime(YearMonth year_month)
             return year_month.as_date_Time();

        public static implicit operator YearMonth(DateTime date_time)
            return new YearMonth(date_time);

(本文版权属于© 2012 - 2013 予沁安 | 转载请注明作者和出处)
