linux oracle 安装错误 系统参数小于要求的参数 Error Message:PRVF-4353 PRVF-4354





INFO: Verification Result for Node:pc-mjj
INFO: Expected Value:65536
INFO: Actual Value:4096
INFO: Error Message:PRVF-4354 : Proper hard limit for resource "maximum open file descriptors" not found on node "pc-mjj" [Expected = "65536" ; Found = "4096"]
INFO: Cause: Hard limit for the resource does not meet the requirement on the specified node.

INFO: Verification Result for Node:pc-mjj
INFO: Expected Value:16384
INFO: Actual Value:14446
INFO: Error Message:PRVF-4354 : Proper hard limit for resource "maximum user processes" not found on node "pc-mjj" [Expected = "16384" ; Found = "14446"]
INFO: Cause: Hard limit for the resource does not meet the requirement on the specified node.
INFO: Action: Modify the resource limits to meet the requirement.

INFO: Error Message:PRVF-4353 : Proper soft limit for resource "maximum user processes" not found on node "pc-mjj" [Expected = "2047" ; Found = "1024"]
INFO: Cause: Soft limit for the resource does not meet the requirement on the specified node.
INFO: Action: Modify the resource limits to meet the requirement.
一看是硬件和软件的大小使用量?想到了安装前配置过得文件vi /etc/security/limits.conf


oracle          soft      nproc          2047
oracle          hard      nproc          16348
oracle          soft      nofile         4096
oracle          hard      nofile         65536
oracle          soft      stack          10240
数据没错啊,再看上面的日志文件Proper hard limit for resource "maximum user processes" not found on node "pc-mjj",会发现原来自己的mjj用户根本就没有配置过。好吧,那就是说第一行的oracle 是用户名,我装在mjj用户下,改成mjj就OK了。


你可能感兴趣的:(linux oracle 安装错误 系统参数小于要求的参数 Error Message:PRVF-4353 PRVF-4354)