



        //+new Date() 转化为Number类型,会调用Date.prototype上的valueOf方法,等同于Date.prototype.getTime()
        var data = {}, dataAttr = $.fn.data, camelize = $.camelCase,
            exp = $.expando = 'Zepto' + (+new Date()), emptyArray = [];

        // Get value from node:
        // 1. first try key as given,
        // 2. then try camelized key,
        // 3. fall back to reading "data-*" attribute.
        function getData(node, name) {
            var id = node[exp], store = id && data[id];
            if (name === undefined) return store || setData(node);
            else {
                if (store) {
                    if (name in store) return store[name];
                    var camelName = camelize(name);
                    if (camelName in store) return store[camelName]
                return dataAttr.call($(node), name)

        // Store value under camelized key on node
        function setData(node, name, value) {
            var id = node[exp] || (node[exp] = ++$.uuid),
                store = data[id] || (data[id] = attributeData(node));
            if (name !== undefined) store[camelize(name)] = value;
            return store

        // Read all "data-*" attributes from a node
        function attributeData(node) {
            var store = {};
            $.each(node.attributes || emptyArray, function(i, attr){
                if (attr.name.indexOf('data-') == 0)
                    store[camelize(attr.name.replace('data-', ''))] =
            return store

        $.fn.data = function(name, value) {
            return value === undefined ?
                // set multiple values via object
                $.isPlainObject(name) ?
                    this.each(function(i, node){
                        $.each(name, function(key, value){ setData(node, key, value) })
                    }) :
                    // get value from first element
                    (0 in this ? getData(this[0], name) : undefined) :
                // set value on all elements
                this.each(function(){ setData(this, name, value) })

        $.data = function(elem, name, value) {
            return $(elem).data(name, value)

        $.hasData = function(elem) {
            var id = elem[exp], store = id && data[id];
            return store ? !$.isEmptyObject(store) : false

        $.fn.removeData = function(names) {
            if (typeof names == 'string') names = names.split(/\s+/);
            return this.each(function(){
                var id = this[exp], store = id && data[id];
                if (store) $.each(names || store, function(key){
                    delete store[names ? camelize(this) : key]

        // Generate extended `remove` and `empty` functions
        ;['remove', 'empty'].forEach(function(methodName){
            var origFn = $.fn[methodName];
            $.fn[methodName] = function() {
                var elements = this.find('*');
                if (methodName === 'remove') elements = elements.add(this);
                return origFn.call(this)


1、0 in this判断是否为数组
