Ubuntu 配置任意版本apt-get 国内开源镜像站 source list

We can set a source list from a 开源镜像站 located in China to boost up download speech. e.g.  电子科技大学 开源镜像站:

  1. Backup the original soure list: cp /etc/apt/source.list /etc/apt/source.list.bak
  2. Configure the new soure list as following: vi /etc/apt/source.list

deb MIRROR_URL/ubuntu/ UBUNTURELEASENAME main restricted universe multiverse

deb MIRROR_URL/ubuntu/ UBUNTURELEASENAME-security main restricted universe multiverse

deb MIRROR_URL/ubuntu/ UBUNTURELEASENAME-updates main restricted universe multiverse

deb MIRROR_URL/ubuntu/ UBUNTURELEASENAME-proposed main restricted universe multiverse

deb MIRROR_URL/ubuntu/ UBUNTURELEASENAME-backports main restricted universe multiverse

deb-src MIRROR_URL/ubuntu/ UBUNTURELEASENAME main restricted universe multiverse

deb-src MIRROR_URL/ubuntu/ UBUNTURELEASENAME-security main restricted universe multiverse

deb-src MIRROR_URL/ubuntu/ UBUNTURELEASENAME-updates main restricted universe multiverse

deb-src MIRROR_URL/ubuntu/ UBUNTURELEASENAME-proposed main restricted universe multiverse

deb-src MIRROR_URL/ubuntu/ UBUNTURELEASENAME-backports main restricted universe multiverse

3. Substitute keywords MIRROR_URL and UBUNTU_RELEASENAME (See section Notes).
     4. Update apt-get: apt-get update
     5. We can use a ISO-Image source list mounted in CDROM:
deb cdrom:[ UBUNTURELEASENAME main multiverse restricted universe >] 
     6. Now we are ready to install package with command apt-get: apt-get install

Replace the keyword "MIRROR_URL" with the real mirror site in China:
1. http://mirrors.164.dom
2. http://mirrors.sohu.com
3. http://ubuntu.uestc.edu.cn

Replace the keyword " UBUNTURELEASENAME" with the real ubuntu release name, where:
11.04:  natty
11.10: oneiric
12.04:  precise
12.10: quantal
13.04: raring
13.10: saucy
14.04:  trusty
14.10:  utopic
15.04:  vivid
15.10: wily

P.S. 欢迎交流更多在国内开源镜像站,我将会更新到上文里。

Note: replace the keyword " UBUNTURELEASENAME" with the real ubuntu release name, where:
