根据Qfont中的family 得到字体文件的路径和文件名称;
std::string GetFontPathFromQFont::GetSystemFontFile(const std::string &faceName) {
static const LPWSTR fontRegistryPath = L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts";
HKEY hKey;
LONG result;
std::wstring wsFaceName(faceName.begin(), faceName.end());
// Open Windows font registry key
result = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, fontRegistryPath, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return "";
DWORD maxValueNameSize, maxValueDataSize;
result = RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &maxValueNameSize, &maxValueDataSize, nullptr, nullptr);
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return "";
DWORD valueIndex = 0;
LPWSTR valueName = new WCHAR[maxValueNameSize];
LPBYTE valueData = new BYTE[maxValueDataSize];
DWORD valueNameSize, valueDataSize, valueType;
std::wstring wsFontFile;
// Look for a matching font name
do {
valueDataSize = maxValueDataSize;
valueNameSize = maxValueNameSize;
result = RegEnumValue(hKey, valueIndex, valueName, &valueNameSize, nullptr, &valueType, valueData, &valueDataSize);
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS || valueType != REG_SZ) {
std::wstring wsValueName(valueName, valueNameSize);
// Found a match
if (_wcsnicmp(wsFaceName.c_str(), wsValueName.c_str(), wsFaceName.length()) == 0) {
wsFontFile.assign((LPWSTR)valueData, valueDataSize);
while (result != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS);
delete[] valueName;
delete[] valueData;
if (wsFontFile.empty()) {
return "";
// Build full font file path
GetWindowsDirectory(winDir, MAX_PATH);
std::wstringstream ss;
ss << winDir << "\\Fonts\\" << wsFontFile;
wsFontFile = ss.str();
return std::string(wsFontFile.begin(), wsFontFile.end());
#define MAKE_TAG(ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4) (\
(((quint32)(ch4)) << 24) | \
(((quint32)(ch3)) << 16) | \
(((quint32)(ch2)) << 8) | \
((quint32)(ch1)) \
quint16 GetFontPathFromQFont::getUShort(const unsigned char *p)
quint16 val;
val = static_cast<quint16>(*p++ << 8);
val |= *p;
return val;
QString GetFontPathFromQFont::getEnglishName(const uchar *table, quint32 bytes)
QString i18n_name;
enum {
NameRecordSize = 12,
FamilyId = 1,
MS_LangIdEnglish = 0x009
// get the name table
quint16 count;
quint16 string_offset;
const unsigned char *names;
int microsoft_id = -1;
int apple_id = -1;
int unicode_id = -1;
if(getUShort(table) != 0)
goto error;
count = getUShort(table+2);
string_offset = getUShort(table+4);
names = table + 6;
if(string_offset >= bytes || 6 + count*NameRecordSize > string_offset)
goto error;
for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
// search for the correct name entry
quint16 platform_id = getUShort(names + i*NameRecordSize);
quint16 encoding_id = getUShort(names + 2 + i*NameRecordSize);
quint16 language_id = getUShort(names + 4 + i*NameRecordSize);
quint16 name_id = getUShort(names + 6 + i*NameRecordSize);
if(name_id != FamilyId)
enum {
PlatformId_Unicode = 0,
PlatformId_Apple = 1,
PlatformId_Microsoft = 3
quint16 length = getUShort(names + 8 + i*NameRecordSize);
quint16 offset = getUShort(names + 10 + i*NameRecordSize);
if(DWORD(string_offset + offset + length) >= bytes)
if ((platform_id == PlatformId_Microsoft
&& (encoding_id == 0 || encoding_id == 1))
&& (language_id & 0x3ff) == MS_LangIdEnglish
&& microsoft_id == -1)
microsoft_id = i;
// not sure if encoding id 4 for Unicode is utf16 or ucs4...
else if(platform_id == PlatformId_Unicode && encoding_id < 4 && unicode_id == -1)
unicode_id = i;
else if(platform_id == PlatformId_Apple && encoding_id == 0 && language_id == 0)
apple_id = i;
bool unicode = false;
int id = -1;
if(microsoft_id != -1) {
id = microsoft_id;
unicode = true;
} else if(apple_id != -1) {
id = apple_id;
unicode = false;
} else if (unicode_id != -1) {
id = unicode_id;
unicode = true;
if(id != -1) {
quint16 length = getUShort(names + 8 + id*NameRecordSize);
quint16 offset = getUShort(names + 10 + id*NameRecordSize);
if(unicode) {
// utf16
length /= 2;
QChar *uc = (QChar *) i18n_name.unicode();
const unsigned char *string = table + string_offset + offset;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
uc[i] = getUShort(string + 2*i);
} else {
// Apple Roman
QChar *uc = (QChar *) i18n_name.unicode();
const unsigned char *string = table + string_offset + offset;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
uc[i] = QLatin1Char(string[i]);
//qDebug("got i18n name of '%s' for font '%s'", i18n_name.latin1(), familyName.toLocal8Bit().data());
return i18n_name;
QString GetFontPathFromQFont::getEnglishName(const QString &familyName)
QString i18n_name;
HDC hdc = GetDC( nullptr );
memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT));
memcpy(lf.lfFaceName, familyName.utf16(), qMin(LF_FACESIZE, familyName.length()) * sizeof(wchar_t));
HFONT hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
if(!hfont) {
ReleaseDC(nullptr, hdc);
return QString();
HGDIOBJ oldobj = SelectObject( hdc, hfont );
const DWORD name_tag = MAKE_TAG( 'n', 'a', 'm', 'e' );
// get the name table
unsigned char *table = nullptr;
DWORD bytes = GetFontData( hdc, name_tag, 0, nullptr, 0 );
if ( bytes == GDI_ERROR ) {
// ### Unused variable
/* int err = GetLastError(); */
goto error;
table = new unsigned char[bytes];
GetFontData(hdc, name_tag, 0, table, bytes);
if ( bytes == GDI_ERROR )
goto error;
i18n_name = getEnglishName(table, bytes);
delete [] table;
SelectObject( hdc, oldobj );
DeleteObject( hfont );
ReleaseDC( nullptr, hdc );
//qDebug("got i18n name of '%s' for font '%s'", i18n_name.latin1(), familyName.toLocal8Bit().data());
return i18n_name;
std::string path = GetFontPathFromQFont::GetSystemFontFile(GetFontPathFromQFont::getEnglishName(font.family()).toStdString());
QString fontPath = QString().fromLocal8Bit(path.c_str());//根据字体得到字体文件名和路径
结果输入 根据QFontComboBox 选择字体宋体
结果输出 C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\simsun.ttc