

问题 Problem:

My Sony Vaio SVF14N with 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04 installed with windows has a problem. Every time it resumes from being suspended, neither the keyboard nor touchpad work for a few seconds. Then the touchpad becomes responsive but the keyboard still remains non-responsive.

I've tried all the answers on the Chinese website however none of them work. At last i found the answer on StackExchange and partly solve the problem.

解决方式 Solving ways:

Terminal-sudo gedit /etc/default/grub


and Edit it like

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i8042.direct i8042.dumbkbd"

Running  sudo update-grub and then reboot 
依然存在的问题 Problems still existing:

Although the CapsLock light will always  be on after resuming from being suspend, and it still need 10 seconds to let the keyboard 'WAKE UP', i needn't reboot my laptop or disable the sleeping mode.

猜测 Guessing:

It seems like to be the problems of the new kernel of Ubuntu because i successfully run Ubuntu without any flaws 1 year before.

The new kernal may be the enemy of the keyboard controller i8042 used pervasively by Sony
