source insight 的base工程配置文件utils.em的修改

 * utils.em
 *  Created on: March 13, 2015
 *      Author: [email protected]

//szMyName = getenv(MYNAME)

 * 1. GetCurrentBuf(): 获取当前输入的句柄
 * 2. GetCurSymbol(): 获取当前光标后的符号
 * 3. GetBufLnCur(): 获取当前光标所在的行号
 * 4. hwnd=GetCurrentWnd(), sel=GetWndSel(hwnd), col=sel.ichFirst+1 : 获取列号
 * 5. InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, sz): 在ln行插入sz的字符内容
 * 6. SetBufIns(hbuf, ln, n): 将光标转移到第ln行的第n在字符
 * 7. sz = cat(sz, "abc"): 将abc添加到sz后面

macro InsertHeader()
	hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
	ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf)
	if (ln < 0)
		ln = 0

	sz = "/******************************************************************************/"
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, sz)
	SetBufIns(hbuf, ln+1, 0)

macro GetCurrentFileName(pathName)
	name = ""
	nlength = strlen(pathName)
	i = nlength - 1

	while (i + 1)
    	ch = pathName[i]
   		if ("\\" == "@ch@")
   		i = i - 1

	i = i + 1
	while (i < nlength)
	   name = cat(name, pathName[i])
	   i = i + 1
	return name

macro MonthNumToName(Month)
	if (Month == 1)
		return "January"
	if (Month == 2)
		return "February"
	if (Month == 3)
		return "March"
	if (Month == 4)
		return "April"
	if (Month == 5)
		return "May"
	if (Month == 6)
		return "June"
	if (Month == 7)
		return "July"
	if (Month == 8)
		return "August"
	if (Month == 9)
		return "September"
	if (Month == 10)
		return "October"
	if (Month == 11)
		return "November"
	if (Month == 12)
		return "December"

macro GetCurrentTimeAndDate()
	szTimeDate = ""

	szTime = GetSysTime(1)
	Hour = szTime.Hour
	if (Hour < 10)
		Hour = "0@Hour@"

	Minute = szTime.Minute
	if (Minute < 10)
		Minute = "0@Minute@"

	Second = szTime.Second
	if (Second < 10)
		Second = "0@Second@"

	Year = szTime.Year
	Month = szTime.Month
	Day = szTime.Day

	if (Day < 10)
		szDay = "0@Day@"
		szDay = Day

	szMonth = MonthNumToName(Month)
	if (Month < 10)
		szMonth = "0@Month@"
		szMonth = Month
	szTimeDate = "@szMonth@ @szDay@, @Year@  @Hour@:@Minute@:@Second@"
	return szTimeDate

macro GetMyEmailAddress()
	szMyEmail = "xtank.nie\"
	return szMyEmail

macro InsertFileHeader()
	ln = 0;
	hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "/*")

	szPathName = GetBufName(hBuf)
	szCurrentFileName = GetCurrentFileName(szPathName)

	sz = " * @szCurrentFileName@"
	ln = ln + 1
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, sz)

	ln = ln + 1
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, " *")

	szTimeDate = GetCurrentTimeAndDate()
	sz = " *  Created on: @szTimeDate@"
	ln = ln + 1
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, sz)

	szEmail = GetMyEmailAddress()
	sz = " *      Author: @szEmail@"
	ln = ln + 1
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, sz)

	ln = ln + 1
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, " */")
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "")
	SetBufIns(hbuf, ln+2, 0)

macro IfdefSz(sz)
	hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()
	lnFirst = GetWndSelLnFirst(hwnd)
	lnLast = GetWndSelLnLast(hwnd)

	hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
	InsBufLine(hbuf, lnFirst, "#ifdef @sz@")
	InsBufLine(hbuf, lnLast+2, "#endif /* @sz@ */")

macro InsertCPlusPlus()
	hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
	ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf)
	ln_bak = ln
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "#ifdef __cplusplus")
	ln = ln + 1
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "extern \"C\" {")
	ln = ln + 1
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "#endif /* __cplusplus */")

	ln = ln + 1
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "")

	ln = ln + 1
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "#ifdef __cplusplus")
	ln = ln + 1
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "}")
	ln = ln + 1
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "#endif /* __cplusplus */")
	SetBufIns(hbuf, ln_bak+3, 0)

macro isUpperLetter(letter)
	if (letter == "A"
	    || letter == "B"
	    || letter == "C"
	    || letter == "D"
	    || letter == "E"
	    || letter == "F"
	    || letter == "G"
	    || letter == "H"
	    || letter == "I"
	    || letter == "J"
	    || letter == "K"
	    || letter == "L"
	    || letter == "M"
	    || letter == "N"
	    || letter == "O"
	    || letter == "P"
	    || letter == "Q"
	    || letter == "R"
	    || letter == "S"
	    || letter == "T"
	    || letter == "U"
	    || letter == "V"
	    || letter == "W"
	    || letter == "X"
	    || letter == "Y"
	    || letter == "Z")
	    return 1
	    return 0

macro GetHeadFileDefine()
	szHeadFileNameDefine = ""
	hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
	szPathName = GetBufName(hBuf)
	szCurrentFileName = GetCurrentFileName(szPathName)
	szCurrentFileName = toupper(szCurrentFileName)

	nlength = strlen(szCurrentFileName)
	szHeadFileNameDefine = cat(szHeadFileNameDefine, "__")
	i = 0
	while (i < nlength)
    	ch = szCurrentFileName[i]
   		if (isUpperLetter("@ch@") == 1)
    		szHeadFileNameDefine = cat(szHeadFileNameDefine, "@ch@")
			szHeadFileNameDefine = cat(szHeadFileNameDefine, "_")
   		i = i + 1

	szHeadFileNameDefine = cat(szHeadFileNameDefine, "__")
	return szHeadFileNameDefine

macro InsertDefineHeadName()
	hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
	ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf)
	ln_bak = ln

	szHeadFileDefineName = GetHeadFileDefine()
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "#ifndef @szHeadFileDefineName@")
	ln = ln + 1
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "#define @szHeadFileDefineName@")

	ln = ln + 1
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "")

	ln = ln + 1
	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "#endif /* @szHeadFileDefineName@ */")
	SetBufIns(hbuf, ln_bak+2, 0)

// Inserts "Returns True .. or False..." at the current line
macro ReturnTrueOrFalse()
	hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
	ln = GetBufLineCur(hbuf)

	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "    Returns True if successful or False if errors.")

/* Inserts ifdef REVIEW around the selection */
macro IfdefReview()

/* Inserts ifdef BOGUS around the selection */
macro IfdefBogus()

/* Inserts ifdef NEVER around the selection */
macro IfdefNever()

// Ask user for ifdef condition and wrap it around current
// selection.
macro InsertIfdef()
	sz = Ask("Enter ifdef condition:")
	if (sz != "")

// Delete the current line and appends it to the clipboard buffer
macro KillLine()
	hbufCur = GetCurrentBuf();
	lnCur = GetBufLnCur(hbufCur)
	hbufClip = GetBufHandle("Clipboard")
	AppendBufLine(hbufClip, GetBufLine(hbufCur, lnCur))
	DelBufLine(hbufCur, lnCur)

// Paste lines killed with KillLine (clipboard is emptied)
macro PasteKillLine()

// delete all lines in the buffer
macro EmptyBuf(hbuf)
	lnMax = GetBufLineCount(hbuf)
	while (lnMax > 0)
		DelBufLine(hbuf, 0)
		lnMax = lnMax - 1

// Ask the user for a symbol name, then jump to its declaration
macro JumpAnywhere()
	symbol = Ask("What declaration would you like to see?")

// list all siblings of a user specified symbol
// A sibling is any other symbol declared in the same file.
macro OutputSiblingSymbols()
	symbol = Ask("What symbol would you like to list siblings for?")
	hbuf = ListAllSiblings(symbol)

// Given a symbol name, open the file its declared in and
// create a new output buffer listing all of the symbols declared
// in that file.  Returns the new buffer handle.
macro ListAllSiblings(symbol)
	loc = GetSymbolLocation(symbol)
	if (loc == "")
		msg ("@symbol@ not found.")

	hbufOutput = NewBuf("Results")

	hbuf = OpenBuf(loc.file)
	if (hbuf == 0)
		msg ("Can't open file.")

	isymMax = GetBufSymCount(hbuf)
	isym = 0;
	while (isym < isymMax)
		AppendBufLine(hbufOutput, GetBufSymName(hbuf, isym))
		isym = isym + 1


	return hbufOutput

