SIGGRAPH 2015 papers


ACM Digital Library: ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) Volume 34, Issue 4 (July 2015) Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2015

ACM DOI ACM Digital Library (DOI) Link for the paper   Paper Abstract Paper Abstract   Author version Author Preprint   Paper Video Paper Video  

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Computational Illumination

Homogeneous Codes for Energy Efficient Illumination and Imaging  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Matthew O'Toole ( University of Toronto),  Supreeth Achar,  Srinivasa G. Narasimhan ( Carnegie Mellon University),  Kiriakos N. Kutulakos ( University of Toronto)
Doppler Time-of-Flight Imaging  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Felix Heide ( Stanford University,  The University of British Columbia,  King Abdullah University of Science and Technology),  Gordon Wetzstein ( Stanford University),  Matthias Hullin ( Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn), Wolfgang Heidrich ( King Abdullah University of Science and Technology and  The University of British Columbia)
Phasor Imaging: A Generalization of Correlation-Based Time-of-Flight Imaging  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Demo Program or Source Code ( TOG Paper)
Mohit Gupta,  Shree Nayar ( Columbia University),  Matthias B. Hullin, Jaime Martin ( University of Bonn)
Micron-scale Light Transport Decomposition Using Interferometry  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Ioannis Gkioulekas ( Harvard University),  Anat Levin ( The Weizmann Institute of Science),  Fredo Durand ( MIT CSAIL),  Todd Zickler ( Harvard University)

Geometry Field Trip

Integrable PolyVector Fields  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Data
Olga Diamanti ( ETH Zurich),  Amir Vaxman ( Vienna University of Technology),  Daniele Panozzo,  Olga Sorkine-Hornung ( ETH Zurich)
Stripe Patterns on Surfaces  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Demo Program or Source Code
Felix Knoppel ( Technische Universitat Berlin),  Keenan Crane ( Carnegie Mellon University),  Ulrich Pinkall ( Technische Universitat Berlin),  Peter Schroder ( California Institute of Technology)
Frame Field Generation through Metric Customization  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Tengfei Jiang, Xianzhong Fang,  Jin Huang,  Hujun Bao ( Zhejiang University),  Yiying Tong ( Michigan State University),  Mathieu Desbrun ( California Institute of Technology)
Discrete Derivatives of Vector Fields on Surfaces -- An Operator Approach  ACM DOI  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Omri Azencot ( Technion - Israel Institute of Technology),  Maks Ovsjanikov ( LIX - Ecole polytechnique),  Frederic Chazal ( INRIA),  Mirela Ben-Chen ( Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)

Modeling, Controlling, and Suturing Humans

Computational Bodybuilding: Anatomically-based Modeling of Human Bodies  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Shunsuke Saito ( University of Pennsylvania and  Waseda University),  Zi-Ye Zhou,  Ladislav Kavan ( University of Pennsylvania)
Biomechanical Simulation and Control of Hands and Tendinous Systems  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Prashant Sachdeva,  Shinjiro Sueda, Susanne Bradley, Mikhail Fain,  Dinesh Pai ( The University of British Columbia)
Realistic Biomechanical Simulation and Control of Human Swimming  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Weiguang Si ( University of California, Los Angeles),  Sung-Hee Lee ( Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology),  Eftychios Sifakis ( University of Wisconsin, Madison),  Demetri Terzopoulos ( University of California, Los Angeles)
GRIDiron: An interactive authoring and cognitive training foundation for reconstructive plastic surgery procedures  Author Preprint
Nathan Mitchel ( University of Wisconsin, Madison), Court Cutting ( New York University),  Eftychios Sifakis ( University of Wisconsin, Madison)

Face Reality

Detailed Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction of Eyelids  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Amit Bermano ( Disney Research Zurich and  ETH Zurich),  Thabo Beeler ( Disney Research Zurich), Yeara Kozlov ( Disney Research Zurich and  ETH Zurich),  Derek Bradely ( Disney Research Zurich),  Bernd Bickel ( Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) and  Disney Research Zurich),  Markus Gross ( Disney Research Zurich and  ETH Zurich)
Dynamic 3D Avatar Creation from Hand-held Video Input  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Alexandru-Eugen Ichim,  Sofien Bouaziz,  Mark Pauly ( EPFL)
Driving High-Resolution Facial Scans with Video Performance Capture  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Graham Fyffe, Andrew Jones, Oleg Alexander, Ryosuke Ichikari,  Paul Debevec ( USC Institute for Creative Technologies)
Real-Time High-Fidelity Facial Performance Capture  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Chen Cao ( Zhejiang University),  Derek Bradley,  Thabo Beeler ( Disney Research Zurich),  Kun Zhou ( Zhejiang University)
Facial Performance Sensing Head-Mounted Display  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Hao Li ( University of Southern California), Laura Trutoiu ( OculusVR), Kyle Olszewski, Lingyu Wei ( University of Southern California), Tristan Trutna ( OculusVR), Pei-Lun Hsieh ( University of Southern California), Aaron Nicholls ( OculusVR),  Chongyang Ma ( University of Southern California)

Rendering Complex Appearance

Complex Luminaires: Illumination and Appearance Rendering  ACM DOI  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Edgar Velazquez-Armendariz,  Zhao Dong,  Bruce Walter,  Donald P. Greenberg ( Cornell University)
Directional Dipole Model for Subsurface Scattering  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Demo Program or Source Code ( TOG Paper)
Jeppe Revall Frisvad ( Technical University of Denmark, Denmark),  Toshiya Hachisuka ( Aarhus University, Denmark),  Thomas Kim Kjeldsen ( The Alexandra Institute, Denmark)
Hyperspectral Modeling of Skin Appearance  ACM DOI  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Tenn F. Chen,  Gladimir V. G. Baranoski,  Bradley W. Kimmel,  Erik Miranda ( University of Waterloo)
The SGGX Microflake Distribution  Author Preprint  Demo Program or Source Code
Eric Heitz ( Karlsruhe Institute of Technology),  Jonathan Dupuy ( Universite de Montreal and  Universite de Lyon 1),  Cyril Crassin ( MAVERICK - INRIA),  Carsten Dachsbacher ( Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Multi-Scale Modeling and Rendering of Granular Materials  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Johannes Meng ( Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and  Disney Research Zurich),  Marios Papas ( Disney Research Zurich and  ETH Zurich),  Ralf Habel ( ETH Zurich),  Carsten Dachsbacher ( Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)  Steve Marschner ( Cornell University),  Markus Gross ( Disney Research Zurich and  ETH Zurich),  Wojciech Jarosz ( Disney Research Zurich and  Dartmouth College)

Wave-Particle Fluidity

Power Particles: An incompressible fluid solver based on power diagrams  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Fernando de Goes ( California Institute of Technology), Corentin Wallez ( Ecole Polytechnique),  Jin Huang ( Zhejiang University),  Dmitry Pavlov ( Imperial College London),  Mathieu Desbrun ( California Institute of Technology)
The Affine Particle-In-Cell Method  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Chenfanfu Jiang ( University Of California, Los Angeles),  Craig Schroeder,  Andrew Selle ( Walt Disney Animation Studios),  Joseph Teran ( University Of California, Los Angeles), Alexey Stomakhin ( Walt Disney Animation Studios)
Restoring the Missing Vortices in Advection Projection Fluid Solvers  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code
Xinxin Zhang ( University of British Columbia),  Robert Bridson ( Autodesk and  University of British Columbia),  Chen Greif ( University of British Columbia)
A Stream Function Solver for Liquid Simulations  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Ryoichi Ando ( Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria)),  Nils Thurey ( TU Munich),  Chris Wojtan ( Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria))
Water Wave Animation via Wavefront Parameter Interpolation  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Stefan Jeschke,  Chris Wojtan ( Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria))

VR, Display, and Interaction

Augmented Airbrush for Computer Aided Painting (CAP)  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Roy Shilkrot,  Pattie Maes,  Joseph A. Paradiso,  Amit Zoran ( MIT Media Lab)
eyeSelfie: Self-Directed Eye Alignment Using Reciprocal Eye-Box Imaging  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Tristan Swedish,  Ramesh Raskar,  Karin Roesch, Krishna Rastogi, Ik Hyun Lee, Shoshana Bernstein ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Optimal Presentation of Imagery with Focus Cues on Multi-Plane Displays  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Rahul Narain ( University of Minnesota),  Rachel A. Albert, Abdullah Bulbul, Gregory J. Ward,  Martin S. Banks,  James F. O'Brien ( University of California at Berkeley)
The Light-Field Stereoscope: Immersive Computer Graphics via Factored Near-Eye Light -Field Displays With Focus Cues  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Presentation 
Fu-Chung Huang, Kevin Chen,  Gordon Wetzstein ( Stanford University)

Simsquishal Geometry

Dihedral Angle-based Maps of Tetrahedral Meshes  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Gilles-Philippe Paille ( Universite de Montreal),  Nicolas Ray ( Inria-Nancy Grand-Est),  Pierre Poulin ( Universite de Montreal),  Alla Sheffer ( University of British Columbia),  Bruno Levy ( Inria-Nancy Grand-Est)
Conformal Mesh Deformations With Mobius Transformations  Author Preprint
Amir Vaxman, Christian Muller ( Vienna University of Technology),  Ofir Weber ( Bar Ilan University)
Close to Conformal Deformation of Volumes
Albert Chern ( California Institute of Technology),  Ulrich Pinkall ( Technische Universitat Berlin),  Peter Schroder ( California Institute of Technology)
Linear Subspace Design for Real-Time Shape Deformation  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Yu Wang ( University of Pennsylvania),  Alec Jacobson ( Columbia University),  Jernej Barbic ( University of Southern California),  Ladislav Kavan ( University of Pennsylvania)

Meshing Around

Isotopic Approximation Within a Tolerance Volume  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Manish Mandad,  David Cohen-Steiner,  Pierre Alliez ( Inria Sophia Antipolis - TITANE)
Data-Driven Interactive Quadrangulation  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Data
Giorgio Marcias ( CNR - ISTI, Italy),  Kenshi Takayama ( National Institute of Informatics),  Nico Pietroni ( CNR - ISTI, Italy),  Daniele Panozzo,  Olga Sorkine-Hornung ( ETH Zurich),  Enrico Puppo ( University of Genova),  Paolo Cignoni( CNR - ISTI, Italy)
Spectral Quadrangulation With Feature-Curve Alignment and Element-Size Control  ACM DOI  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Ruotian Ling ( The University of Hong Kong),  Jin Huang ( Zhejiang University),  Bert Juttler ( Johannes Kepler University), Feng Sun ( The University of Hong Kong),  Hujun Bao ( Zhejiang University),  Wenping Wang ( The University of Hong Kong)
Convolutional Wasserstein Distances: Efficient Optimal Transportation on Geometric Domains  Author Preprint  Demo Program or Source Code
Justin Solomon ( Stanford University),  Fernando de Goes ( Pixar Animation Studios),  Gabriel Peyre ( CNRS),  Marco Cuturi ( Kyoto University),  Adrian Butscher ( Autodesk Research),  Andy Nguyen, Tao Du,  Leonidas Guibas ( Stanford University)

Let¡¦s Do the Time Warp

Decomposing Time-Lapse Paintings into Layers  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Jianchao Tan ( George Mason University), Marek Dvoroznak,  Daniel Sykora ( CTU in Prague, FEE),  Yotam Gingold ( George Mason University)
RingIt: Ring-Ordering Casual Photos of a Temporal Event  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Data
Hadar Averbuch-Elor,  Daniel Cohen-Or ( Tel Aviv University)
Time-lapse Mining from Internet Photos  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Ricardo Martin-Brualla ( University of Washington),  David Gallup ( Google Inc.),  Steven M. Seitz ( University of Washington and  Google Inc.)
Real-Time Hyperlapse Creation via Optimal Frame Selection  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code
Neel Joshi,  Wolf Kienzle, Mike Toelle,  Matt Uyttendaele,  Michael F. Cohen ( Microsoft Research)

Parameterization & Mapping

Bijective Parameterization with Free Boundaries  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Jason Smith,  Scott Schaefer ( Texas A&M University)
Computing Locally Injective Mappings by Advanced MIPS  Author Preprint
Xiaoming Fu ( University of Science and Technology of China and  Microsoft Research Asia),  Yang Liu ( Microsoft Research Asia),  Baining Guo ( Microsoft Research Asia and  University of Science and Technology of China)
Seamless Surface Mappings  Author Preprint
Noam Aigerman,  Roi Poranne,  Yaron Lipman ( Weizmann Institute of Science)
Bounded-Distortion Harmonic Mappings in the Plane  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Renjie Chen ( University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill),  Ofir Weber ( Bar Ilan University)

Video Processing

Sampling Based Scene-Space Video Processing  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Felix Klose ( TU Braunschweig),  Oliver Wang,  Jean-Charles Bazin ( Disney Research Zurich),  Marcus Magnor ( TU Braunschweig),  Alexander Sorkine-Hornung ( Disney Research Zurich)
Gaze-driven Video Re-editing  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Data ( TOG Paper)
Eakta Jain ( University of Florida),  Yaser Sheikh ( Carnegie Mellon University),  Ariel Shamir ( Interdisciplinary Center Israel and  Disney Research Pittsburgh),  Jessica Hodgins ( Carnegie Mellon University and  Disney Research Pittsburgh)
AudeoSynth: Music-Driven Video Montage  Author Preprint
Zicheng Liao ( Zhejiang University),  Yizhou Yu ( The University of Hong Kong), Bingchen Gong, Lechao Cheng ( Zhejiang University)
High-Quality Streamable Free-Viewpoint Video  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Alvaro Collet,  Ming Chuang,  Pat Sweeney,  Don Gillett,  Dennis Evseev,  David Calabrese,  Hugues Hoppe,  Steve Sullivan ( Microsoft Research)

Deform Me a Solid

Interactive Material Design Using Model Reduction  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Hongyi Xu,  Yijing Li,  Yong Chen,  Jernej Barbic ( University of Southern California)
Data-Driven Finite Elements for Geometry and Material Design  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Desai Chen ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology),  David Levin ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology and  The Walt Disney Company),  Shinjiro Sueda ( California Polytechnic State University,  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The Walt Disney Company),  Wojciech Matusik ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Nonlinear Material Design Using Principal Stretches  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Hongyi Xu, Fun Shing Sin, Yufeng Zhu,  Jernej Barbic ( University of Southern California)
Subspace Condensation: Full Space Adaptivity for Subspace Deformations  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Yun Teng ( University of California, Santa Barbara),  Mark Meyer,  Tony DeRose ( Pixar Animation Studios),  Theodore Kim ( University of California, Santa Barbara)

Taking Control

Hybrid Skeletal-Surface Motion Graphs for Character Animation from 4D Performance Capture  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Peng Huang,  Margara Tejera,  John Collomosse,  Adrian Hilton ( University of Surrey)
Iterative Training Of Dynamic Skills Inspired By Human Coaching Techniques  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Sehoon Ha,  C. Karen Liu ( Georgia Institute of Technology)
Dynamic Terrain Traversal Skills Using Reinforcement Learning  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Xue Bin Peng,  Glen Berseth,  Michiel van de Panne ( The University of British Columbia)
Online Control of Simulated Humanoids Using Particle Belief Propagation  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Perttu Hamalainen, Joose Rajamaki ( Aalto University),  C. Karen Liu ( Georgia Institute of Technology)
Intuitive and Efficient Camera Control with the Toric Space  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Christophe Lino,  Marc Christie ( INRIA)

Image Processing

Perceptually Based Downscaling of Images  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Presentation  Paper Data 
Cengiz Oztireli,  Markus Gross ( ETH Zurich)
Dehazing using Color-Lines  ACM DOI-->  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Raanan Fattal ( The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
An L1 Image Transform for Edge-Preserving Smoothing and Scene-Level Intrinsic Decomposition  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Sai Bi,  Xiaoguang Han,  Yizhou Yu ( The University of Hong Kong)
Learning to Remove Soft Shadows  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Images ( TOG Paper)
Maciej Gryka ( University College London),  Michael Terry ( University of Waterloo),  Gabriel Brostow ( University College London)
A Computational Approach for Obstruction-Free Photography  Author Preprint
Tianfan Xue ( MIT CSAIL),  Michael Rubinstein,  Ce Liu ( Google Inc.),  William Freeman ( MIT CSAIL)

Shape Analysis

Interaction Context (ICON): Towards a Geometric Functionality Descriptor  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Ruizhen Hu ( SFU,  SIAT,  ZJU), Chenyang Zhu ( Simon Fraser University),  Oliver van Kaick ( Carleton University),  Ligang Liu ( University of Science and Technology of China),  Ariel Shamir ( The Interdisciplinary Center),  Hao Zhang( Simon Fraser University)
Elements of Style: Learning Perceptual Shape Style Similarity  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Data
Zhaoliang Lun,  Evangelos (Vangelis) Kalogerakis ( University of Massachusetts at Amherst),  Alla Sheffer ( The University of British Columbia)
Style Compatibility For 3D Furniture Models  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Tianqiang Liu, ( Princeton University),  Aaron Hertzmann,  Wilmot Li ( Adobe Research),  Thomas Funkhouser ( Princeton University)
Semantic Shape Editing Using Deformation Handles  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
M. Ersin Yumer ( Carnegie Mellon University),  Siddhartha Chaudhuri ( Cornell University),  Jessica Hodgins,  Levent Burak Kara ( Carnegie Mellon University)
Single-View Reconstruction via Joint Analysis of Image and Shape Collections  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Qixing Huang, Hai Wang ( Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago),  Vladlen Koltun ( Intel Visual Computing Lab)

Fabricating Fabulous Forms

Architecture-Scale Human-Assisted Additive Manufacturing  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Hironori Yoshida,  Takeo Igarashi, Yusuke Obuchi, Yosuke Takami, Jun Sato, Mika Araki,  Masaaki Miki, Kosuke Nagata ( The University of Tokyo), Kazuhide Sakai, Syunsuke Igarashi ( Shimizu Corporation)
Parametric Self-supporting Surfaces via Direct Computation of Airy Stress Functions  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code
Masaaki Miki,  Takeo Igarashi ( The University of Tokyo),  Philippe Block ( ETH Zurich)
Foldabilizing Furniture  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Honghua Li* ( Simon Fraser University and  NUDT),  Ruizhen Hu* ( SFU /  SIAT /  ZJU),  Ibraheem Alhashim,  Hao Zhang ( Simon Fraser University) *joint first authors
Computational Interlocking Furniture Assembly  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Chi-Wing Fu* ( Nanyang Technological University),  Peng Song* ( University of Science and Technology of China),  Xiaoqi Yan, Lee Wei Yang,  Pradeep Kumar Jayaraman ( Nanyang Technological University),  Daniel Cohen-Or ( Tel Aviv University) (* joint 1st authors)

Transfer & Capture

LazyFluids: Appearance Transfer for Fluid Animations  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Ondrej Jamriska,  Jakub Fiser ( CTU in Prague, FEE),  Paul Asente,  Jingwan Lu,  Eli Shechtman ( Adobe Research),  Daniel Sykora ( CTU in Prague, FEE)
Fluid Volume Modeling from Sparse Multi-view Images by Appearance Transfer  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Makoto Okabe ( The University of Electro-Communications and  JST, CREST),  Yoshinori Dobashi ( Hokkaido University and  JST, CREST),  Ken Anjyo ( OLM Digital, Inc. and  JST, CREST), Rikio Onai ( The University of Electro-Communications)
Garment Replacement in Monocular Video Sequences  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Lorenz Rogge,  Felix Klose,  Michael Stengel,  Martin Eisemann,  Marcus Magnor ( Technische Universitat Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany)
Deformation Capture and Modeling of Soft Objects  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Bin Wang,  Longhua Wu ( VisuCA/SIAT),  KangKang Yin ( National University of Singapore),  Uri Ascher,  Libin Liu ( The University of British Columbia),  Hui Huang ( VisuCA/SIAT)

Geometry Zoo

Zoomorphic Design  Paper Video
Noah Duncan,  Lap-Fai (Craig) Yu ( University of Massachusetts Boston),  Sai-Kit Yeung ( Singapore University of Technology and Design),  Demetri Terzopoulos ( University of California, Los Angeles)
Shading-based Refinement on Volumetric Signed Distance Function  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Michael Zollhofer ( University of Erlangen-Nuremberg /  Max Planck Institute for Informatics),  Angela Dai ( Stanford University),  Matthias Innmann ( University of Erlangen-Nuremberg),  Chenglei Wu ( Max Planck Institute for Informatics),  Marc Stamminger ( University of Erlangen-Nuremberg),  Christian Theobalt ( Max Planck Institute for Informatics),  Matthias Niesner ( Stanford University)
Smoothed Quadratic Energies on Meshes  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code ( TOG Paper)
Janick Martinez Esturo ( Max Planck Institute for Informatics),  Christian Rossl,  Holger Theisel ( University of Magdeburg)
Real-Time Nonlinear Shape Interpolation  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Christoph von Tycowicz ( Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)),  Christian Schulz,  Hans-Peter Seidel ( MPI Informatik),  Klaus Hildebrandt ( Delft University of Technology and  MPI Informatik)

Image Similarity & Search

PatchTable: Efficient Patch Queries for Large Datasets and Applications  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Data
Connelly Barnes ( University of Virginia),  Fang-Lue Zhang, Liming Lou, Xian Wu,  Shi-Min Hu ( Tsinghua University (Beijing))
Synthesis of Complex Image Appearance from Limited Exemplars  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Olga Diamanti ( ETH Zurich),  Connelly Barnes ( Adobe Research and  University of Virginia),  Sylvain Paris,  Eli Shechtman ( Adobe Research),  Olga Sorkine-Hornung ( ETH Zurich)
Learning Visual Similarity for Product Design with Convolutional Neural Networks  Author Preprint
Sean Bell,  Kavita Bala ( Cornell University)
ImageSpirit: Verbal Guided Image Parsing  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Ming-Ming Cheng,  Shuai Zheng ( The University of Oxford), Wen-Yan Lin, Vibhav Vineet, Paul Sturgess, Nigel Crook ( Oxford Brookes University),  Niloy Mitra ( University College London)  Philip Torr ( The University of Oxford)

Reconstruction & Analysis

RAPter: Rebuilding Man-made Scenes with Regular Arrangements of Planes  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Aron Monszpart,  Nicolas Mellado,  Gabriel J. Brostow,  Niloy J. Mitra ( University College London)
LOD Generation for Urban Scenes  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Yannick Verdie  Florent Lafarge  Pierre Alliez ( Inria Sophia Antipolis - TITANE)
Coupled Segmentation and Similarity Detection for Architectural Models  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Ilke Demir,  Daniel G. Aliaga,  Bedrich Benes ( Purdue University)
Shape Segmentation by Approximate Convexity Analysis  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Data  Demo Program or Source Code ( TOG Paper)
Oliver van Kaick ( Carleton University),  Noa Fish,  Yanir Kleiman, Shmuel Asafi,  Daniel Cohen-Or ( Tel Aviv University)

Fabrication & Function

LinkEdit: Interactive Linkage Editing Using Symbolic Kinematics  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Moritz Bacher ( The Walt Disney Company),  Stelian Coros ( Carnegie Mellon University),  Bernhard Thomaszewski ( The Walt Disney Company)
Fab Forms: Customizable Objects for Fabrication With Validity and Geometry Caching  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Maria Shugrina ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology),  Ariel Shamir ( The Interdisciplinary Center),  Wojciech Matusik ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Computational Design of Twisty Joints and Puzzles  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Timothy Sun,  Changxi Zheng ( Columbia University)
Reduced-Order Shape Optimization Using Offset Surfaces  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Przemyslaw Musialski,  Thomas Auzinger,  Michael Birsak,  Michael Wimmer ( Vienna University of Technology),  Leif Kobbelt ( RWTH Aachen University)

Fluids, From Air to Goo

OmniAD: Data-Driven Omni-Directional Aerodynamics  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Tobias Martin ( ETH Zurich),  Nobuyuki Umetani ( The Walt Disney Company),  Bernd Bickel ( Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria))
Robust Simulation of Sparsely Sampled Thin Features in SPH-Based Free Surface Flows  ACM DOI  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Xiaowei He ( Zhejiang University),  Huamin Wang ( Ohio State University), Fengjun Zhang, Hongan Wang,  Guoping Wang,  Kun Zhou ( Zhejiang University)
An Implicit Viscosity Formulation for SPH Fluids  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Andreas Peer,  Markus Ihmsen,  Jens Cornelis,  Matthias Teschner ( University of Freiburg)
Codimensional Non-Newtonian Fluids  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Bo Zhu, Minjae Lee,  Ed Quigley,  Ron Fedkiw ( Stanford University)

Procedural Modeling

Controlling Procedural Modeling Programs with Stochastically-Ordered Sequential Monte Carlo  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Daniel Ritchie, B. Mildenhall,  Noah Goodman  Pat Hanrahan ( Stanford University)
WorldBrush: Interactive Example-based Synthesis of Procedural Virtual Worlds  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Arnaud Emilien ( University of Montreal and  INRIA Rhone-Alpes),  Ulysse Vimont,  Marie-Paule Cani, ( INRIA Rhone-Alpes),  Pierre Poulin ( Universite de Montreal),  Bedrich Benes ( Purdue University)
Advanced Procedural Modeling of Architecture  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Michael Schwarz, Pascal Muller ( Esri R&D Center Zurich)
Learning Shape Placements by Example  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Paul Guerrero,  Stefan Jeschke,  Michael Wimmer ( TU Wien),  Peter Wonka ( Arizona State University)

Appearance Capture

Skin Microstructure Deformation with Displacement Map Convolution  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Data
Koki Nagano, Graham Fyffe, Oleg Alexander ( USC/ICT),  Jernej Barbic,  Hao Li ( University of Southern California),  Abhijeet Ghosh ( Imperial College London),  Paul Debevec ( USC/ICT)
Two-shot SVBRDF Capture for Stationary Materials  Author Preprint
Miika Aittala ( Aalto University),  Tim Weyrich ( University College London),  Jaakko Lehtinen ( Aalto University and  NVIDIA Research)
Image Based Relighting Using Neural Networks  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video 
Peiran Ren,  Yue Dong,  Stephen Lin  Xin Tong,  Baining Guo ( Microsoft Research Asia)
Measurement-Based Editing of Diffuse Albedo with Consistent Interreflections  ACM DOI  Author Preprint
Bo Dong,  Yue Dong,  Xin Tong ( Microsoft Research Asia),  Pieter Peers ( College of William & Mary)

Character Fashion & Style

Animating Human Dressing  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Alexander Clegg,  Jie Tan,  Greg Turk,  C. Karen Liu ( Georgia Institute of Technology)
A Perceptual Control Space for Garment Simulation  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Leonid Sigal, Moshe Mahler, Spencer Diaz, Kyna McIntosh, Elizabeth Carter ( Disney Research Pittsburgh), Timothy Richards ( The Walt Disney Company),  Jessica Hodgins ( Disney Research Pittsburgh)
Space-time sketching of character animation  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Martin Guay,  Remi Ronfard ( INRIA Rhone-Alpes),  Michael Gleicher ( University of Wisconsin, Madison),  Marie-Paule Cani, ( INRIA Rhone-Alpes)
Real-Time Style Transfer for Unlabeled Heterogeneous Human Motion
Shihong Xia, Congyi Wang ( Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences),  Jinxiang Chai ( Texas A&M University),  Jessica Hodgins ( Carnegie Mellon University)
Dyna: A Model of Dynamic Human Shape in Motion  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Gerard Pons-Moll,  Javier Romero,  Naureen Mahmood,  Michael J. Black ( Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)

Sampling & Filtering

Adaptive Rendering Based on Weighted Local Regression  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Data  Demo Program or Source Code ( TOG Paper)
Bochang Moon ( Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology),  Nathan Carr ( Adobe Research),  Sung-Eui Yoon ( Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Adaptive Rendering With Linear Predictions  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Bochang Moon,  Jose A. Iglesias-Guitian ( The Walt Disney Company),  Sung-Eui Yoon ( Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology),  Kenny Mitchell ( The Walt Disney Company)
A Machine Learning Approach for Filtering Monte Carlo Noise  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code
Nima Khademi Kalantari,  Steve Bako,  Pradeep Sen ( University of California, Santa Barbara)
Gradient-Domain Path Tracing  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Images
Markus Kettunen ( Aalto University),  Marco Manzi ( University of Bern),  Miika Aittala ( Aalto University),  Jaakko Lehtinen ( Aalto University and  NVIDIA Research),  Fredo Durand ( MIT CSAIL),  Matthias Zwicker ( University of Bern)
Variance Analysis for Monte Carlo Integration  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Adrien Pilleboue*,  Gurprit Singh* ( Universite Lyon 1, France),  David Coeurjolly ( CNRS-LIRIS),  Michael Kazhdan ( Johns Hopkins University ),  Victor Ostromoukhov ( Universite Lyon 1, France and  CNRS-LIRIS) *joint first authors

Sketching & Surfacing

Single-View Hair Modeling Using A Hairstyle Database  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Liwen Hu,  Chongyang Ma ( University of Southern California),  Linjie Luo ( Princeton University),  Hao Li ( University of Southern California)
SecondSkin: Sketch-Based Construction of Layered 3D Models  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Chris De Paoli,  Karan Singh ( University of Toronto)
BendFields: Regularized Curvature Fields from Rough Concept Sketches  ACM DOI  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Data  Demo Program or Source Code ( TOG Paper)
Emmanuel Iarussi ( INRIA),  David Bommes ( INRIA and  RWTH Aachen University),  Adrien Bousseau ( INRIA)
Flow Aligned Surfacing of Curve Networks  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Data
Pan Hao ( The University of Hong Kong),  Yang Liu ( Microsoft Research Asia),  Alla Sheffer,  Nicholas Vining ( The University of British Columbia), Chang-Jian Li,  Wenping Wang ( The University of Hong Kong)
Topology-Constrained Surface Reconstruction From Cross-section  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Ming Zou,  Michelle Holloway ( Washington University in St. Louis),  Nathan Carr ( Adobe Research),  Tao Ju ( Washington University in St. Louis)

Computational Printing

Beating Shapes Relying on Moire Level Lines  ACM DOI ( TOG Paper)
Sylvain Chosson,  Roger Hersch ( EPFL)
MultiFab: A Machine-Vision-Assisted Platform for Multi-Material 3D Printing  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Pitchaya Sitthi-amorn  Javier Ramos,  Wojciech Matusik ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Yuwang Wang ( Tsinghua University (Beijing)), Justin Lan, Joyce Kwan,  Wenshou Wang ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Color Imaging and Pattern Hiding on a Metallic Substrate  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Petar Pjanic,  Roger Hersch ( EPFL)
Computational Hydrographic Printing  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Yizhong Zhang, Chunji Yin ( Zhejiang University),  Changxi Zheng ( Columbia University),  Kun Zhou ( Zhejiang University)

Constraints, Collisions, and Clarinets

Stable Constrained Dynamics  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Maxime Tournier ( LIRMM and  RIKEN BSI),  Matthieu Nesme ( IMAGINE),  Benjamin Gilles ( DEMAR and  LIRMM),  Francois Faure ( IMAGINE)
Air Meshes for Robust Collision Handling  Author Preprint
Matthias Muller,  Nuttapong Chentanez,  Tae-Yong Kim,  Miles Macklin ( NVIDIA Research)
Using Nesterov¡¦s Method to Accelerate Multibody Dynamics With Friction and Contact  ACM DOI ( TOG Paper)
Hammad Mazhar ( University of Wisconsin-Madison),  Toby Heyn ( University of Wisconsin-Madison and  Epic Systems),  Dan Negrut ( University of Wisconsin-Madison),  Alessandro Tasora ( University of Parma)
Aerophones in Flatland: Interactive Wave Simulation of Wind Instruments  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Presentation
Andrew Allen,  Nikunj Raghuvanshi ( Microsoft Research)

Meshful Thinking

3DFlow: Continuous Summarization of Mesh Editing Workflows  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Jonathan D. Denning ( Taylor University), Valentina Tibaldo,  Fabio Pellacini ( Sapienza University of Rome)
Practical Hex-Mesh Optimization via Edge-Cone Rectification  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Marco Livesu,  Alla Sheffer,  Nicholas Vining ( The University of British Columbia),  Marco Tarini ( ISTI-CNR, Italy)
Hexahedral Mesh Re-parameterization from Aligned Base Domains  Author Preprint
Xifeng Gao,  Guoning Chen,  Zhigang Deng ( Univesity of Houston)
Dyadic T-Mesh Subdivision  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Denis Kovacs ( FiftyThree and  New York University), Justin Bisceglio ( Blue Sky Studios and  New York University),  Denis Zorin ( New York University)

Perception & Color

Simulating the Visual Experience of Very Bright and Very Dark Scenes  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
David E. Jacobs ( Stanford University),  Orazio Gallo ( NVIDIA Research),  Emily A. Cooper ( Stanford University), Kari Pulli ( NVIDIA Research),  Marc Levoy ( Stanford University)
A Total Variation Approach for Customizing Imagery to Improve Visual Acuity  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Ignacio Garcia-Dorado*,  Carlos Montalto*,  Daniel G. Aliaga ( Purdue University),  Manuel M. Oliveira ( Instituto de Informatica, UFRGS), Feng Meng ( Purdue University) *joint first authors
Palette-based Photo Recoloring  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Huiwen Chang,  Ohad Fried,  Yiming Liu, Stephen Diverdi,  Adam Finkelstein ( Princeton University)
Data-driven Color Manifolds  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code ( TOG Paper)
Chuong H. Nguyen,  Tobias Ritschel,  Hans-Peter Seidel ( MPI Informatik)

Printing Elastics

Elastic Textures for Additive Fabrication  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Presentation  Paper Data
Julian Panetta*,  Qingnan Zhou* ( New York University),  Luigi Malomo,  Nico Pietroni,  Paolo Cignoni ( CNR - ISTI, Italy),  Denis Zorin ( New York University) *joint first authors
Microstructures to Control Elasticity in 3D Printing  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Christian Schumacher ( ETH Zurich and  The Walt Disney Company),  Bernd Bickel ( Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria))  Steve Marschner ( Cornell University), Jan Rys ( ETH Zurich),  Markus Gross ( Disney Research Zurich and  ETH Zurich)  Chiara Daraio ( ETH Zurich)
By-Example Synthesis of Structurally Sound Patterns  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Jeremie Dumas ( INRIA), An Lu ( Technische Universitat Munchen),  Sylvain Lefebvre ( INRIA),  Jun Wu,  Christian Dick ( Technische Universitat Munchen)
Optimization-Based Design and Fabrication of Flexible Rod Meshes  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Jesus Perez ( Universidad Rey Juan Carlos),  Bernhard Thomaszewski ( The Walt Disney Company),  Stelian Coros ( Carnegie Mellon University and  The Walt Disney Company),  Bernd Bickel ( Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) and  Disney Research Zurich), Jose A. Canabal ( Universidad Rey Juan Carlos),  Robert Sumner ( The Walt Disney Company),  Miguel Otaduy ( Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)

Scalable Graphics

Lillicon: Using Transient Widgets to Create Scale Variations of Icons  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code
Wilmot Li ( Adobe Research),  Gilbert Bernstein ( Stanford University)
Vector Graphics Animation with Time-Varying Topology  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Boris Dalstein ( The University of British Columbia),  Remi Ronfard ( INRIA Rhone-Alpes),  Michiel van de Panne ( The University of British Columbia)
Accelerating Vector Graphics Rendering Using the Graphics Hardware Pipeline  Author Preprint
Vineet Batra ( Adobe Systems Inc.), Mark Kilgard ( NVIDIA Corporation), Harish Kumar ( Adobe Systems Inc.), Tristan Lorach ( NVIDIA Corporation)
Piko: A Framework for Authoring Programmable Graphics Pipelines  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Anjul Patney, Stanley Tzeng,  Kerry A. Seitz, Jr.,  John D. Owens ( University of California, Davis)

Simulating With Surfaces

Fast Grid-Free Surface Tracking  Author Preprint
Nuttapong Chentanez,  Matthias Muller,  Miles Macklin,  Tae-Yong Kim ( NVIDIA Research)
Double Bubbles Sans Toil and Trouble: Discrete Circulation-Preserving Vortex Sheets for Soap Films and Foams  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Fang Da ( Columbia University),  Christopher Batty ( University of Waterloo),  Chris Wojtan ( Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria)),  Eitan Grinspun ( Columbia University)
Simulating Rigid Body Fracture with Surface Meshes  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Yufeng Zhu ( University of British Columbia),  Robert Bridson ( Autodesk and  University of British Columbia),  Chen Greif ( University of British Columbia)
High-Resolution Brittle Fracture Simulation with Boundary Elements  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code
David Hahn,  Chris Wojtan ( Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria))

Light Fields

Linear volumetric focus for light field cameras  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Donald G. Dansereau,  Oscar Pizarro,  Stefan B. Williams ( University of Sydney)
A Light Transport Framework for Lenslet Light Field Cameras  ACM DOI  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Chia-Kai Liang ( Lytro, Inc.),  Ravi Ramamoorthi ( University of California, San Diego)
Improving Light Field Camera Sample Design With Irregularity and Aberration  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Presentation
Li-Yi Wei ( The University of Hong Kong),  Chia-Kai Liang, Graham Myhre, Colvin Pitts,  Kurt Akeley ( Lytro, Inc.) Light Field Reconstruction Using Sparsity in the Continuous Fourier Domain  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code ( TOG Paper)
Lixin Shi,  Haitham Hassanieh,  Abe Davis,  Dina Katabi,  Fredo Durand ( MIT CSAIL)
Layered Light-Field Reconstruction for Defocus Blur  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Karthik Vaidyanathan,  Jacob Munkberg,  Petrik Clarberg, Marco Salvi ( Intel Corporation)
