windows+eclipse 连接hadoop集群

windows+eclipse 连接hadoop集群

1. 配置Eclipse-hadoop插件

.将编译好的hadoop-eclipse-plugin-2.5.2.jar拷贝至eclipse的plugins目录下,然后重启eclipse , 打开菜单栏->windows –> preferances-> HadoopMap/Reduce 添加本地hadoop目录位置。该hadoop目录为在集群中配置好的的hadoop目录,直接copy到本地即可。windows+eclipse 连接hadoop集群_第1张图片

2. windows 配置winutils.exe以及hadoop.dll

将hadoop对应版本的winutils.exe 拷贝到hadoop目录的bin下
将hadoop.dll拷贝到 windows/system32目录下

1. HADOOP_HOME : hadoop本地目录
2. path: $HADOOP_HOME/bin
windows+eclipse 连接hadoop集群_第2张图片
windows+eclipse 连接hadoop集群_第3张图片

3. eclipse中配置hadoop参数

在eclipse菜单栏中打开windows->show view->other… 选择Map/Reduce locations. , 并在Map/Reduce locations.中,右键new Map/Reduce location,如下图所示
windows+eclipse 连接hadoop集群_第4张图片
在 general 选项卡中配置基本信息:
location name: (随意命名)
hosts: 集群中ResourceManger 主机IP地址
port: 默认是10020 (可在mapred-site.xml自定义)
DFS hosts: namenode 主机IP地址


打开Eclipse,连接DFS locations.

在run configuration配置好运行参数后,运行wordcount 配置好运行参数!!




Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path Could not locate executable null \bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries.


private static String HADOOP_HOME_DIR = checkHadoopHome();

 public static final String WINUTILS = getWinUtilsPath();
 private static String checkHadoopHome() {
    String home = System.getProperty("hadoop.home.dir");

    // 首先获取系统变量HADOOP_HOME的值(这就是配置HADOOP_HOME的原因)
    if (home == null) {
      home = System.getenv("HADOOP_HOME");

    try {
       // couldn't find either setting for hadoop's home directory
       if (home == null) {  //如果为空抛出的异常
         throw new IOException("HADOOP_HOME or hadoop.home.dir are not set.");

       if (home.startsWith("\"") && home.endsWith("\"")) {
         home = home.substring(1, home.length()-1);

       // check that the home setting is actually a directory that exists
       File homedir = new File(home);
       if (!homedir.isAbsolute() || !homedir.exists() || !homedir.isDirectory()) {
         throw new IOException("Hadoop home directory " + homedir
           + " does not exist, is not a directory, or is not an absolute path.");

       home = homedir.getCanonicalPath();

    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Failed to detect a valid hadoop home directory", ioe);
      home = null;

    return home;
public static final String getWinUtilsPath() {
    String winUtilsPath = null;
    try {
      if (WINDOWS) {
        winUtilsPath = getQualifiedBinPath("winutils.exe");
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
       LOG.error("Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path",
    return winUtilsPath;
  1. 文件权限问题
    windows+eclipse 连接hadoop集群_第5张图片

windows+eclipse 连接hadoop集群_第6张图片
