学习Qt:使用uic(user interface compiler)



在终端中查看uic的帮助文件:uic --help
Usage: uic  [options] [mode]
Generate declaration:
   uic  [options]
Generate implementation:
   uic  [options] -impl
            name of the declaration file
Generate image collection:
   uic  [options] -embed ...
   uic  [options] -embed -f
               project name
            image files
Generate subclass declaration:
   uic  [options] -subdecl
             name of the subclass to generate
            declaration file of the baseclass
Generate subclass implementation:
   uic  [options] -subimpl
             name of the subclass to generate
            declaration file of the subclass
        -o file         Write output to file rather than stdout
        -nofwd          Omit forward declarations of custom classes
        -nounload       Don't unload plugins after processing
        -tr func        Use func() instead of tr() for i18n
        -L path         Additional plugin search path
        -version        Display version of uic
        -help           Display this information



(-1-)uic -version
User Interface Compiler for Qt version 3.1.1

(-2-)将利用Qt Designer生成的.ui文件转换为C++文件:

这里使用的ui文件为: sortdialog.ui.
生成指定的名字的".h"文件: uic -o sortdialog.h sortdialog.ui
                         或者: uic sortdialog.ui -o sortdialog.h
生成指定的名字的".cpp"文件: uic sortdialog.ui -i sortdialog.h -o sortdialog.cpp



