The result of an asynchronous {@link Channel} I/O operation. 是异步Channel IO的操作结果。
一、异步Channel IO 的2中结果:
1、完成 isDone() = true , 有3种状态,
(1)成功 isSuccess() = true
(2)失败 , 有失败的异常, isSuccess() = false , cause() = is not null
(3)取消 , isCancelled() = true
2、未完成 isDone() = false , isSuccess()= false , isCancelled() = false
二、结果通知谁?谁来处理结果? =》引入 ChannelFutureListener , 基于事件驱动的响应式设计
源码建议:addListener(GenericFutureListener)} is non-blocking. It simply adds
the specified {@link ChannelFutureListener} to the {@link ChannelFuture}, and
I/O thread will notify the listeners when the I/O operation associated with
the future is done. {@link ChannelFutureListener} yields the best
performance and resource utilization because it does not block at all, but
it could be tricky to implement a sequential logic if you are not used to
event-driven programming.
addListener(GenericFutureListener)}是非阻塞的。 它只是添加
指定的{@link ChannelFutureListener}到{@link ChannelFuture},以及
I / O线程会在与I / O操作相关联时通知侦听器
未来就完成了。 {@link ChannelFutureListener}获得最佳效果
By contrast, {@link #await()} is a blocking operation. Once called, the
caller thread blocks until the operation is done. It is easier to implement
a sequential logic with {@link #await()}, but the caller thread blocks
unnecessarily until the I/O operation is done and there's relatively
expensive cost of inter-thread notification. Moreover, there's a chance of
dead lock in a particular circumstance, which is described below.
相反,{@link #await()}是一个阻止操作。 一旦调用,
调用程序线程阻塞直到操作完成。 它更容易实现
具有{@link #await()}的顺序逻辑,但调用者线程阻塞
不必要直到I / O操作完成,并有相对
线程间通知成本昂贵。 此外,有机会
The event handler methods in {@link ChannelHandler} are usually called by an I/O thread. If {@link #await()} is called by an event handler
method, which is called by the I/O thread, the I/O operation it is waiting
for might never complete because {@link #await()} can block the I/O
operation it is waiting for, which is a dead lock.
{@link ChannelHandler}中的事件处理程序方法通常由I / O线程调用。 如果{@link #await()}被事件处理程序调用
方法,由I / O线程调用,它等待的I / O操作
因为{@link #await()}可以阻止I / O,因此可能永远不会完成
三、 ChannelFuture 的 接口定义与实现
列举几个重要的 方法,添加和移除listener, 转同步结果,等待
1、Channel channel(); 哪个 Channel 的 处理结果。
2、ChannelFuture addListener();
3、ChannelFuture remove();
4、ChannelFuture sync();
5、ChannelFuture await();
1、CompleteChannelFuture extends CompleteChannel implements ChannelFuture
(1) addListener() ; 添加一个 监听类,做了哪些事?
立刻告诉监听者,future has completed , 促发 事件完成后需要 干的活。回调 监听者的函数
(2)完成的ChannelFuture 有两个 更具体的实现
SuccessChannelFuture 和 FailedChannelFuture
2、ChannelProgressiveFuture extends ChannelFuture,ProgressiveFuture
An special {
ChannelFuture} which is used to indicate the {
FileRegion} transfer progress
一个特殊的{@link ChannelFuture},用于指示{@link FileRegion}传输进度
ChannelProgressivePromise extends ProgressivePrimise , ChannelProgressiveFuture , ChannelPromise
Special {
ChannelPromise} which will be notified once the associated bytes is transferring
特殊的{@link ChannelPromise},一旦相关的字节传输,它将被通知。
四、产生 ChannelFuture 的源头
channel 的 IO 事件
1、Channel 接口的定义, 一个能够进行I / O操作(如读,写,连接和绑定)的组件,
(1)ChannelConfig 保存 Channel 的所有的配置属性
(2)ChannelPipeline 处理 Channel 的所有的 IO事件 和请求,
(3)所有的 IO 操作都是异步的,Netty中的所有I / O操作都是异步的。 这意味着任何I / O调用将立即返回,不保证所请求的I / O操作
在通话结束时完成。 相反,你会被带回来一个{@link ChannelFuture}实例,当您出现I / O操作成功,失败或取消时会通知您。
(4)Channel 是分成的,