用netbeans改了哪些文件,你还记得吗?一个一个地记,也太麻烦了。好在netbeans已经为你记住了,你可以在netbeans修改一下文件历史时间,默认是7天 。工具->选项->其它->本地历史记录。在“保存本地历史文件[30]天数”这里,我填写为30天。如果你的项目比较长,可以把天数改大一点。
您很可能需要安装unzip。如果你使用windows,你可能要改一下function ISO_8859_1_To_ANSI( $src)里面的内容,因为linux的目录是这样的"/linux-apps/www",windows是这样的"C:\www"
/media/linux-apps/www/wudimei.com 假如这是我的网站的项目文件夹,里面是我的源代码
/media/linux-apps/www/wudimei.com_update 这个是要放我修改过的文件。
/home/rong/.netbeans/6.9/var/filehistory 这个是netbeans的修改记录文件
projectDirectory = $projectDirectory;
$this->destDirectory = $destDirectory;
$this->historyLocation = $historyLocation;
public function scanHistoryFolders()
$dirObj = dir( $this->historyLocation );
while( ( $file = $dirObj->read() ) != false )
if( $file != "." && $file != ".." )
$subPath = $this->historyLocation . "/" . $file ;
if( is_dir( $subPath ) )
$dirObj2 = dir( $subPath );
while( ( $file2 = $dirObj2->read() ) != false )
if( $file2 != "." && $file2 != ".." )
$subPath2 = $subPath . "/" . $file2 ;
$dataPath = @file_get_contents( $subPath2 . "/data");
$dataPath = $this->ISO_8859_1_To_ANSI( $dataPath );
file_put_contents( $subPath2 . "/data2" , $dataPath );
$this->data[] = array(
"md5_key" => $file2 ,
"src_path" => $dataPath,
"history_dir" => $subPath2,
"history_files" => $this->readHistoryFileNames( $subPath2)
public function readHistoryFileNames($dir )
$dirObj = dir( $dir );
$files = array();
while( ( $file = $dirObj->read() ) != false )
if( $file != "." && $file != ".." )
if( preg_match( "/^[0-9]+$/i" , $file ) )
$files[$file ] = $dir . "/" . $file ;
return $files;
function ISO_8859_1_To_ANSI( $src){
$src = substr( $src , strpos( $src ,"/") );
$newSrc = "";
for( $i=0; $i< strlen( $src); $i++ )
if( ord( $src[$i])> 0 )
$newSrc .= $src[$i];
//echo strpos($newSrc , "/linux") . " ";
return $newSrc;
* @param string $projectDirectory /media/linux-apps/www/wudimei.com
* @param string $destDirectory /media/linux-apps/www/wudimei.com_update
* @param string $historyLocation /home/rong/.netbeans/6.9/var/filehistory
public function export( $startDate, $endDate =null )
$startDateTimestamp = strtotime( $startDate ) ;
$endDateTimestamp = strtotime( $endDate ) ;
for( $i=0; $i< count( $this->data ); $i++ )
$r = $this->data[$i];
$src_path = $r["src_path"];
$history_files = $r["history_files"];
if( strpos( $src_path , $this->projectDirectory ) !== false )
$destFile = $this->destDirectory . str_replace($this->projectDirectory, "", $src_path );
$destDir = dirname( $destFile );
list( $fileName, $lastSrcFile )= $this->getLastFile( $history_files , $startDateTimestamp ,$endDateTimestamp );
if( trim( $lastSrcFile ) != "" && file_exists( $lastSrcFile))
if( !is_dir( $destDir ) )
mkdir($destDir,0777, true);
copy( $lastSrcFile, $destFile.".2" );
system("unzip " . $destFile.".2 -d " . dirname( $destFile) );
unlink( $destFile . ".2" );
copy( dirname( $destFile ) . "/" . $fileName , $destFile );
unlink(dirname( $destFile ) . "/" . $fileName );
public function getLastFile( $files, $startDateTimestamp , $endDateTimestamp )
$maxTime =0;
$files_in_period = array();
if( !empty( $files ) )
foreach( $files as $k => $v )
$time = $k /1000; //the filename is millisecond,so i divide 1000
if( $startDateTimestamp <= $time && $time<= $endDateTimestamp )
$files_in_period[$k] = $v;
foreach( $files_in_period as $k => $v )
if( $k> $maxTime )
$maxTime = $k;
return array( $maxTime , @$files_in_period[$maxTime] );
$FHE = new FileHistoryExport(
"/media/linux-apps/www/wudimei.com", /* +++++++CHANGE ME!path to your web project's root+++++++++*/
"/media/linux-apps/www/wudimei.com_update",/* +++++++CHANGE ME!the place to export +++++++++*/
"/home/rong/.netbeans/6.9/var/filehistory" /* +++++++CHANGE ME!netbeans's filehistory+++++++++*/
$startTime ="";
$endTime = "";
echo "===========File History Export===========\npowwer by wudimei.com\n";
echo "enter start time(eg:2012-08-2 00:00:00):";
$startTime = read();
echo "enter end time(eg:2012-09-06 23:00:00):";
$endTime = read();
//echo $startTime . " " . $endTime ; exit();
$startTime, $endTime
echo "Press any key to exit:";
$k = read();
fclose( $GLOBALS['StdinPointer'] );
然后写一个export.sh ,主要功能是删除更新文件夹中的旧文件,再把改动过的文件拷过去。
sudo rm -rf /media/linux-apps/www/wudimei.com_update/*
sudo /d/app/php5/bin/php -c /d/app/php5/etc/php.ini /media/linux-apps/app/wudimei/FileHistoryExport/FileHistoryExport.php
File History Export
powwer by wudimei.com
enter start time(eg:2012-08-2 00:00:00):2012-08-2 00:00:00 #输入你开始修改的时间
enter end time(eg:2012-09-06 23:00:00):2012-09-06 23:00:00 #输入结束的时间,可以是未来