ubuntu 卸载干净软件(包括配置文件)

ubuntu 卸载干净软件(包括配置文件)_第1张图片


ubuntu 卸载干净软件(包括配置文件)_第2张图片



ubuntu 卸载干净软件(包括配置文件)_第3张图片


var/cache/apt/archives occupying huge space

I am in the process of cleaning up my system. And I see a lot of space occupied by this folder /var/cache/apt/archives (1.5GB). Is it absolutely necessary to keep all these archives?

You don't need to keep them around if you don't want them. Executing a

sudo apt-get clean

will clean out the directory.



sudo apt-get --purge remove nginx
  • 1


sudo apt-get autoremove

列出与nginx相关的软件 并删除显示的软件

dpkg --get-selections|grep nginx

sudo apt-get --purge remove nginx
sudo apt-get --purge remove nginx-common sudo apt-get --purge remove nginx-core


dpkg --get-selections|grep nginx

which nginx # 不在显示nginx


sudo service nginx stop

What is the best way to uninstall nginx

sudo apt-get remove nginx nginx-common # Removes all but config files.

sudo apt-get purge nginx nginx-common # Removes everything.

sudo apt-get autoremove # After using any of the above commands, use this in order to remove dependencies used by nginx which are no longer required.

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