unity5 设置场景的图片背景

The old method does't work quite well in Unity 5. To apply the same effect, you'll need Sprite with your camera.

  • Create a new camera (GameObject > Camera), and name it "Background Camera".

  • Create a new Sprite (GameObject -> 2D Object -> Sprite), and name it "Background Image".

  • Click the "Layer" dropdown menu in the Background Image's inspector pane, and select "Add Layer".

In the next free "User Layer" slot, create a new layer name called "Background Image".

Select your Background Image in the hierarchy, and give it the desired texture, and set the x, y, width and height under "Pixel Inset" so that it fills the screen appropriately.

Now select your Background Camera in the hierarchy, and adjust these settings in the inspector:

Un-Check Flare Layer and Audio Listener and GUILayer (Legacy in Unity 5)

  • Set Clear Flags to Solid Color

  • Set Depth to -1

  • Set Culling Mask, first to "Nothing", and then to "Background Image"

Now Select you other (main) camera, and in the inspector:

  • Set its Clear Flags to "Depth Only"

  • Set Depth to 0

Click its culling mask setting, and un-check "Background Image". This should result in the culling mask displaying as "Mixed ..."

Things should be working now.

Sample code here: https://github.com/jamessa/ImageAsBackground
