
Before Godot 3.0, the only choice for scripting a game was to use GDScript. Nowadays, Godot has four (yes, four!) official languages and the ability to add extra scripting languages dynamically!

在godot 3.0 之前,编写游戏的唯一选择是使用GDScript,现在,godot有四个(是的,四个!)官方语言以及动态添加额外脚本语言的能力。

This is great, mostly due to the large amount of flexibility provided, but it also makes our work supporting languages more difficult.


The “main” languages in Godot, though, are GDScript and VisualScript. The main reason to choose them is their level of integration with Godot, as this makes the experience smoother; both have slick editor integration, while C# and C++ need to be edited in a separate IDE. If you are a big fan of statically typed languages, go with C# and C++ instead.

虽然godot的主要语言是 GDScript 和 VisualScript,选择它们的主要原因是它们与godot的整合程度,让表达更流畅,两者都有平滑的编辑器集成。而C#和C++需要在单独的IDE中进行编辑,如果您是静态类型语言的粉丝,请使用C#语言和C++替代。


GDScript is, as mentioned above, the main language used in Godot. Using it has some positive points compared to other languages due to its high integration with Godot:


it’s simple, elegant, and designed to be familiar for users of other languages such as Lua, Python, Squirrel, etc.
Loads and compiles blazingly fast.
The editor integration is a pleasure to work with, with code completion for nodes, signals, and many other items pertaining to the scene being edited.
Has vector types built-in (such as Vectors, transforms, etc.), making it efficient for heavy use of linear algebra.
Supports multiple threads as efficiently as statically typed languages - one of the limitations that made us avoid VMs such as Lua, Squirrel, etc.
Uses no garbage collector, so it trades a small bit of automation (most objects are reference counted anyway), by determinism.
Its dynamic nature makes it easy to optimize sections of code in C++ (via GDNative) if more performance is required, all without recompiling the engine.

⑦它的动态特性使得c++代码段的优化变得容易(通过 GDNative),如果需要更多的性能,都不需要重新编译引擎


Finally, one of our brightest additions for the 3.0 release: GDNative allows scripting in C++ without needing to recompile (or even restart) Godot.
Any C++ version can be used, and mixing compiler brands and versions for the generated shared libraries works perfectly, thanks to our use of an internal C API Bridge.

任何C++版本都可以使用,由于我们使用了内部的C API作为桥梁,混合编译器和生成的共享库都可以完美工作。

This language is the best choice for performance and does not need to be used throughout an entire game, as other parts can be written in GDScript or Visual Script. However the API is clear and easy to use as it resembles, mostly, Godot’s actual C++ API
More languages can be made available through the GDNative interface, but keep in mind we don’t have official support for them

这种语言是性能最好的选择,不需要在整个游戏中使用。因为其他部分可以用GDScript或VisualScript编写。不管怎样,它的API清晰且易于使用,类似于Godot的C++ API




For the rest of this tutorial we’ll set up a GUI scene consisting of a button and a label, where pressing the button will update the label. This will demonstrate:
Writing a script and attaching it to a node.
Hooking up UI elements via signals.
Writing a script that can access other nodes in the scene.


Before continuing, please make sure to read the GDScript reference. It’s a language designed to be simple, and the reference is short, so it will not take more than a few minutes to get an overview of the concepts.

