理解MIPS指令集中的ll (load linked) 和 sc (store conditional)指令

关于MIPS指令集的ll(load linked)和sc(store conditional)指令,课本上的叙述实在不好理解(于我)

Q:What is ll and sc in mips?
A:Load linked (LL) and store conditional (SC) instructions are a way to achieve atomic memory >updates in shared memory multiprocessor systems, without locking memory locations for >exclusive access by one processor.

The idea is that you use LL to load the value stored at a memory location into a register, modify >it however you like there, and subsequently write it back to the same place using SC. SC will only >overwrite the value in memory with your modified one if no other processor has altered it while >you were working on the copy in the register. It has the side-effect of setting a status flag to >indicate whether or not it was successful.

When the updated value is successfully stored, a thread can trust that its read-modify-write >sequence was completed without interference from other threads. On a failure, it is up to the >program to decide whether to give up or reload the address and try again, but at least it doesn’t >produce an undetected Race condition.



意思是,你用ll指令读取一个内存中的数据并存到一个寄存器,然后在寄存器修改(或不)这个值,随后用sc指令将它写入到同样的(原来的)位置。而sc指令只在你修改寄存器中的值的期间,没有任何一个处理器改变它内存中的值 这种情况下,将值写入。它同时需要(的副作用是)设置一个指示状态的变量来表明是否成功写入。(成功为1,失败为0)

