

#ifdef __OBJC__

It means the objective C compiler is being used. So you can create hybrid header files that can be used when compiling objective C or C or C++.
或者This would be the case if you were developing an objective-c / cocoa application. In other words, if you were developing a C++ / carbon application, the OBJC symbol would not be defined and those objective-c dependant frameworks would not be imported.


#if !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error This library requires automatic reference counting


类似:NS_AVAILABLE(_mac, _ios) 共用的方法

NS_DEPRECATED_IOS(_iosIntro,_iosDep, …)

类似;NS_DEPRECATED(_macIntro, _macDep, _iosIntro, _iosDep, …)
类似:__TVOS_PROHIBITED不可用或者__TVOS_UNAVAILABLE不可用或者__TVOS_AVAILABLE(_vers) 或者__TVOS_DEPRECATED(_start, _dep, _msg) 同样的 watchOS类似;


这个取值来源于deployment target;
__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWEDQ取值来源于你的base sdk值;俩个值主要用在不同版本api适配上。
