2019 年 4 月 5 日,以太币交易总额为 2,759,262 ETH ,比前日下降 6.97%;日活跃用户量 185,682,比前日下降 3.85%;新增合约 27,277 个,比前日上升 206.10%;平均交易费用为 11.90 GWEI,比前日下降 13.12%;最活跃合约为 0X24B663...;通证代币交易总额为 342,913 个,比前日下降 14.00%。
April 5, 2019, ETH transferred volume is 2,759,262 ETH, decreasing 6.97% (compared to April 4); the number of daily active users is 185,682, decreasing 3.85%; the number of new contracts is 27,277 , increasing 206.10%; average fees are 11.90 GWEI, decreasing 13.12%; the most active contract is 0X24B663...; tokens transferred volume is 342,913, decreasing 14.00%.
去中心化交易所 Radar 推出闪电开发工具
CoinDesk 报道,去中心化交易运营商 Radar 周五宣布,将为开发人员推出用以构建闪电网络的新工具。据报道,该公司支持基于以太坊的代币交易,将在黑客松 Boltathon 中发布这些工具。产品负责人 Brandon Curtis 表示,此举是该公司向以太坊扩张的一部分计划。Curtis 告诉 CoinDesk :“我们在不断寻找突破性的技术,去年,我们的研发团队发现闪电是一种有前途的技术,它的潜力不仅限于支付。虽然以太坊[去中心化应用(DAPP)]是我们的第一个产品,但我们的母公司品牌 Radar 正在努力为我们的下一代金融系统搭建产品。”
Decentralized exchange Radar rolls out Lightning developer tools
Decentralized exchange operator Radar announced on Friday the roll-out of new tools for developers building out the lightning network, reports CoinDesk. The firm, which supports trading of ethereum-based tokens, will release the tools at the so-called Boltathon hackathon, according to the report. The move is part of the firm's branching out into the ethereum world, said product lead Brandon Curtis. "We’re constantly scanning the horizon for groundbreaking technologies, last year our R&D team identified lightning as promising technology, with the potential for more than just payments. While an ethereum [decentralized application (dapp)] was our first product, our parent brand Radar is focused on building products for our next financial system," Curtis told CoinDesk.
Coinbase 被领英列为 50 强公司
根据 2019 年领英(LinkedIn)顶级公司名单,总部位于旧金山的加密货币交易所 Coinbase 已经被列为美国最具吸引力的公司之一。该公司在 50 强的公司中排名第 35 位,是唯一一家排名靠前的加密货币公司。该交易所的排名高于推特、英特尔和摩根大通。报告指出,Coinbase 主要聘用的员工包括工程、信息技术和人力资源方向,目前在美国拥有约 600 名员工。该交易所的员工可以选择接受部分或全部比特币付薪,目前大约 40%的员工工资分配给了加密货币。
Coinbase listed as one of LinkedIn’s Top Companies
San Francisco-based cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has been ranked one of the most attractive workplaces in the U.S., according to the 2019 LinkedIn Top Companies list. The company placed 35 out of 50, and is the only cryptocurrency company to make the ranking. The exchange was ranked higher on the list than the likes of Twitter, Intel, and JPMorgan. Coinbase has predominantly hired staff in engineering, IT and human resources roles in the recent past, and has a current headcount of about 600 employees in the U.S., the report indicated. The exchange’s employees can choose to be paid partially or entirely in bitcoin, and around 40 percent have some portion of their salary allocated to cryptocurrency.
Barclays,RBS 和 Clifford Chance 投入区块链试验以简化房地产销售流程
据彭博社报道,巴克莱银行(Barclays)、苏格兰皇家银行(RBS )和律师事务所 Clifford Chance 等 40 家公司正在试用一个新的区块链平台,该平台可以简化房地产的购买流程。由 R3 支持的初创公司 Instant Property Network(IPN)正在使用分布式账本技术,可将购房时间从几个月减少到几周。据 IPN 称,该平台可提供在一个平台上购买房产所需所有信息的安全可信记录,此举可能在全球范围内节省 1600 亿美元。从理论上讲,这可以消除一些中间商,节省时间,简化采购流程。该公司计划在 9 月份发布此平台的测试版。
Barclays, RBS, Clifford Chance join blockchain trial to streamline property sales
Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland and law-firm Clifford Chance are among 40 companies trialling a new blockchain platform that could streamline buying a property, Bloomberg reports. R3-backed startup Instant Property Network (IPN) is using distributed ledger technology to reduce the time it takes to buy a house—to weeks instead of months. According to IPN, the platform could potentially save $160 billion globally by providing a secure and trusted record of all the information necessary to buy a property on one platform. In theory, this could eliminate some middlemen and save time, simplifying the purchasing process. The company is planning to launch a beta version of the platform in September.
加拿大加密货币挖矿公司 Hut 8 在第二轮裁员中进一步缩小规模
加拿大加密货币挖矿公司 Hut 8 在 Drumheller 和 Medicine Hat 拥有 85 个数据中心,据加拿大广播公司(CBC)报道,该公司已裁掉大批员工。该公司没有透露裁员的规模,声称 1 月份和当前一轮裁员可以归因于精简流程。一位在一月份被解雇的匿名员工说,在第一次大规模裁员中,Drumheller “可能有一半的数据中心运营人员被解雇”。尽管比特币的价格在本周大幅上涨,但挖矿业的利润仍然不如价格下跌前的水平。CBC 称,Hut 8 第三季度的利润率约为51%,其利润了受到高额电价和挖矿市场竞争加剧的影响。
Canadian cryptocurrency mine Hut 8 downsizes even more as second round of layoffs hits
Canadian cryptocurrency mine Hut 8, which operates 85 data centres in Drumheller and Medicine Hat, has laid off more workers, CBC reports. The company does not reveal the extent of the downsizing, claiming layoffs in January and the current round can be attributed to streamlining processes. According to an anonymous worker that was laid off in January, “probably half of the data centre ops crews were let go" in Drumheller in the first mass layoffs. Even though bitcoin’s price has jumped this week, mining is still not nearly as profitable as it had been before the price drop. CBC writes Hut 8 reported approximately 51 per cent mining profit margin in its third quarter. The profit was impacted by high electricity prices and increased competition in the mining industry.
Joseph Young
Top government officials in South Korea say it's time to re-evaluate crypto regulations.
In the past year, South Korea imposed strict policies that often served as a roadblock for investors and companies. Top officials want this changed. Positive stuff.
Jimmy Song
* Money is a zero-sum system.
* Governance in a zero-sum system is a problem because any decision to help one group hurts someone else.
* Therefore, money needs to have no governance. This is another way of saying that money needs to be decentralized or have no center.
Eric Conner
「Unitimes注:硬顶的英文名为Hard Cap。硬顶是投资者从首次币发行中获得的最大金额。 」
Ethereum: Lowest possible issuance to secure the network.
Bitcoin: Highest possible price to secure the hard cap.
Erik Voorhees
It is no coincidence that the most free-market money ever created is also the least discriminatory.
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