select rand(); -- 输出随机数
select unix_timestamp(); -- 显示Unix时间戳
select id, name from student;
语法:select 字段 from 表名
select, score.math from student, score;
语法:select 字段 from 表名 where 条件;
select name fron student where city='陕西';
空值判断:is null | is not null
select name from student where description is null;
select name from student where description is not null;
范围判断:between …and … | not between … and …
select id, math from score where math between 60 and 70;
select id, math from score where math not between 60 and 70;
select * from score where math>=80 and english<=60;
select name, birthday from student where birthday > '1995-1-1';
select name, birthday from student having birthday > '1995-1-1';
select * from student where id>=3 and city='西安';
select * from student having id>=3 and city='西安';
select * from student where id>=3 having city='西安';
select name, birthday from student where id > 2;
select name, birthday from student having id >2;
select name as n, birthday as b, id as i from student having i > 2;
select name as n, birthday as b, id as i from student where i > 2;
select city, min(birthday) from student group by city having min(birthday)>='1996';
语法:select 字段 from 表名 group by 分组字段;
select sex, count(id) from student group by sex;
select sex, group_concat(name) from student group by sex;
ORDER BY主要作用是排序
ORDER BY写在GROUP BY后面,如果有having也要写在having后面
语法:select 字段 from 表名 order by 排序字段 asc|desc;
升序asc 降序desc 默认asc
select * from student order by age;
select * from student order by age desc;
select 字段 from 表名 limit m;
select 字段 from 表名 limit m, n;
select 字段 from 表名 limit m offset n;
select distinct city from student;
Name | Description |
AVG() | 返回平均值 |
COUNT() | 计数 |
GROUP_CONCAT() | 返回连接的字符串 |
MAX() | 返回最大值 |
MIN() | 返回最小值 |
SUM() | 返回总和 |
NAME | Description |
ABS(x) | 返回x的绝对值 |
CEIL(x) | 返回大于x的最大整数值 |
FLOOR(x) | 返回小于x的最大整数值 |
MOD(x, y) | 返回x/y的模 |
RAND() | 返回0到1内的随机值 |
ROUND(x, y) | 返回参数x的四舍五入的有y位小数的值 |
TRUNCATE(x, y) | 返回数字x截断为y位小数的结果 |
NAME | Description |
NOW() | 返回现在的日期时间 |
DATEDIFF(x, y) | 返回起始时间x和结束时间y之间的天数 |