JAXB WebService数据映射

作用是 java对象 <---> xml文件   之间的转换

JAXB Annotation

@XmlRootElement   // xml 文件的根元素


@XmlAccessorType  // 表明类内,什么样的成员 是 可以被xml 转化 传输的  可以是 FIELD PROPERTY ...


@XmlJavaTypeAdaptor      http://speed847.iteye.com/blog/454231




public interface ISampleService {

 public String sayUserName(
   UserDTO user);


1.2 webService实现类

public class SampleServiceImpl implements ISampleService {

 public String sayUserName(UserDTO user) {
  return user.getName();




 * 使用jaxb 的annotation标注java-xml映射,尽量使用默认约定
public class UserDTO {
 private Integer id;
 private String name;




2.1 webService接口(返回一个list)

public interface IListServer {

 public @WebResult(partName="lt") StringList tList();



2.2 webService实现类

@WebService(endpointInterface="com.server.list.IListServer",targetNamespace = "http://list.server.com/", serviceName = "ListServerService", portName = "ListServerPort")
public class ListServer implements IListServer{

 public StringList tList(){
  List lt=new ArrayList();
  lt.add("I love you!");
  StringList sl=new StringList();
  return sl;


2.3 把list封装成一个对象

public class StringList {

 private List strList;

 public List getStrList() {
  return strList;

 public void setStrList(List strList) {
  this.strList = strList;



JAXB uses annotations to specify which Java properties in a class should be serialized using MTOM or WSIAP. For MTOM, the @XmlMimeType annotation lets you specify how a binary (e.g., java.awt.Image) Java property gets bound to a schema element decorated with the xmime:content-Type attribute. The xmime:contentType attribute [XMIME] is used to indicate the content type of an XML element with type xs:base64Binary or xs:hexBinary. For WSIAP, the @XmlAttachmentRef annotation plays the same role.
