A cluster connection encapsulating lower level individual connections to actual servers and a connection to zookeeper.
//所有进程共用一个Connection对象 connection=ConnectionFactory.createConnection(config); ... //每个线程使用单独的Table对象 Table table = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf("test")); try { ... } finally { table.close(); }
HBase客户端默认的是连接池大小是1,也就是每个RegionServer 1个连接。如果应用需要使用更大的连接池或指定其他的资源池类型,也可以通过修改配置实现:
/** * constructor * @param conf Configuration object */ ConnectionImplementation(Configuration conf, ExecutorService pool, User user) throws IOException { ... try { ... this.rpcClient = RpcClientFactory.createClient(this.conf, this.clusterId, this.metrics); ... } catch (Throwable e) { // avoid leaks: registry, rpcClient, ... LOG.debug("connection construction failed", e); close(); throw e; } }
RpcClient使用PoolMap数据结构存储客户端到HBase服务器之间的连接映射,PoolMap封装ConcurrentHashMap结构,其中key是ConnectionId[new ConnectionId(ticket, md.getService().getName(), addr)],value是RpcConnection对象的资源池。
protected final PoolMapconnections; /** * Construct an IPC client for the cluster clusterId
* @param conf configuration * @param clusterId the cluster id * @param localAddr client socket bind address. * @param metrics the connection metrics */ public AbstractRpcClient(Configuration conf, String clusterId, SocketAddress localAddr, MetricsConnection metrics) { ... this.connections = new PoolMap<>(getPoolType(conf), getPoolSize(conf)); ... }
/** * Get a connection from the pool, or create a new one and add it to the pool. Connections to a * given host/port are reused. */ private T getConnection(ConnectionId remoteId) throws IOException { if (failedServers.isFailedServer(remoteId.getAddress())) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Not trying to connect to " + remoteId.address + " this server is in the failed servers list"); } throw new FailedServerException( "This server is in the failed servers list: " + remoteId.address); } T conn; synchronized (connections) { if (!running) { throw new StoppedRpcClientException(); } conn = connections.get(remoteId); if (conn == null) { conn = createConnection(remoteId); connections.put(remoteId, conn); } conn.setLastTouched(EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime()); } return conn; }
protected NettyRpcConnection createConnection(ConnectionId remoteId) throws IOException { return new NettyRpcConnection(this, remoteId); } NettyRpcConnection(NettyRpcClient rpcClient, ConnectionId remoteId) throws IOException { super(rpcClient.conf, AbstractRpcClient.WHEEL_TIMER, remoteId, rpcClient.clusterId, rpcClient.userProvider.isHBaseSecurityEnabled(), rpcClient.codec, rpcClient.compressor); this.rpcClient = rpcClient; byte connectionHeaderPreamble = getConnectionHeaderPreamble(); this.connectionHeaderPreamble = Unpooled.directBuffer(connectionHeaderPreamble.length).writeBytes(connectionHeaderPreamble); ConnectionHeader header = getConnectionHeader(); this.connectionHeaderWithLength = Unpooled.directBuffer(4 + header.getSerializedSize()); this.connectionHeaderWithLength.writeInt(header.getSerializedSize()); header.writeTo(new ByteBufOutputStream(this.connectionHeaderWithLength)); } protected RpcConnection(Configuration conf, HashedWheelTimer timeoutTimer, ConnectionId remoteId, String clusterId, boolean isSecurityEnabled, Codec codec, CompressionCodec compressor) throws IOException { if (remoteId.getAddress().isUnresolved()) { throw new UnknownHostException("unknown host: " + remoteId.getAddress().getHostName()); } this.timeoutTimer = timeoutTimer; this.codec = codec; this.compressor = compressor; this.conf = conf; UserGroupInformation ticket = remoteId.getTicket().getUGI(); SecurityInfo securityInfo = SecurityInfo.getInfo(remoteId.getServiceName()); this.useSasl = isSecurityEnabled; Token extends TokenIdentifier> token = null; String serverPrincipal = null; if (useSasl && securityInfo != null) { AuthenticationProtos.TokenIdentifier.Kind tokenKind = securityInfo.getTokenKind(); if (tokenKind != null) { TokenSelector extends TokenIdentifier> tokenSelector = AbstractRpcClient.TOKEN_HANDLERS .get(tokenKind); if (tokenSelector != null) { token = tokenSelector.selectToken(new Text(clusterId), ticket.getTokens()); } else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("No token selector found for type " + tokenKind); } } String serverKey = securityInfo.getServerPrincipal(); if (serverKey == null) { throw new IOException("Can't obtain server Kerberos config key from SecurityInfo"); } serverPrincipal = SecurityUtil.getServerPrincipal(conf.get(serverKey), remoteId.address.getAddress().getCanonicalHostName().toLowerCase()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("RPC Server Kerberos principal name for service=" + remoteId.getServiceName() + " is " + serverPrincipal); } } this.token = token; this.serverPrincipal = serverPrincipal; if (!useSasl) { authMethod = AuthMethod.SIMPLE; } else if (token != null) { authMethod = AuthMethod.DIGEST; } else { authMethod = AuthMethod.KERBEROS; } // Log if debug AND non-default auth, else if trace enabled. // No point logging obvious. if ((LOG.isDebugEnabled() && !authMethod.equals(AuthMethod.SIMPLE)) || LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { // Only log if not default auth. LOG.debug("Use " + authMethod + " authentication for service " + remoteId.serviceName + ", sasl=" + useSasl); } reloginMaxBackoff = conf.getInt("hbase.security.relogin.maxbackoff", 5000); this.remoteId = remoteId; }