博主今天在搭建Cassandra 2.2.7集群时遇到了一堆问题。
最近迷上了 stack-overflow 和 google。在描述我如何解决遇到的问题的方法,我都尝试以英文进行表述,有问题的同学可以留言联系我。
tips: 英文水平不太好,有表述不准确的地方. 请大家指出,thanks.
Q1,Q2... 等问题存在先后的相关性
Q1:在利用sqlsh 连接 server 时 提示 no appropriate python:
Answer: install python 2.7 +, but python does not provide installer version for linux, so you must complie the source file and install.
Q2:编译安装python 2.7.12
可以直接参考我的另一篇博文(anthor blog):
(1) when compile python 2 .7.12 and install python , you need install some dependency tools first (WTF when
./configure there no tips about dependency)
dependency tools:
1.zlib 2.zlib-devel 3.openssl 4.openssl-devel
you can follow this:
yum install openssl
yum install openssl-devel (solve the zlib & zlib-devel dependencies)
(2)before make && make install, you should check ./Modules/Setup (create by configure):
vim Modules/Setup
use /zlib zlibmo to search
#zlib zlibmodule.c -I$(prefix)/include -L$(exec_prefix)/lib -lz
remove annotation(#) //去掉注释#
编译安装完python后, 需要把安装后的lib 加入到path 环境变量中。
用 python --version 检查是否安装好了
Q3: when use cqlsh to connect cassandra server。
Tips: pip install cassandra-driver
Answer: You should install pip first. A software like yum:
pip 为类似 yum 一样的管理python包的工具,但是 yum install pip 的版本很低, for python 2.6,
需要从官网上下载 地址: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/#installing-with-get-pip-py
download the get-pip.py (just click it, and copy, make sure the postfix is .py)
python get-pip.py
to install appropriate pip version for your system.
pip -V
to make sure installed complete~
pip install cassandra-driver
Q4:Connection error: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'localhost': TypeError('ref() does not take keyword arguments',)})
vim /etc/profile
add this:
(add what you like after =)
I find the answer use stack-overflow, 哎,博主为了找这个答案, 翻了不下30篇文章,最后还是在stack-overflow上找到了答案,珍爱生命,请用google 和 stack-overflow
这是我在stack-overflow 上找到的原话: