






    int Socket(int family, int type, int protocol) { int n; if( (n = socket(family, type, protocol)) < 0) err_sys("socket_error"); return (n); }

在实际编程中再调用自己定义的包裹函数。用这样的方式,在编程中代码看起来会很简洁, 可是有个问题就是事先要定义巨大的包裹函数库,这是个长期积累的过程。





#ifndef _EC_H_ #define _EC_H_ /* It might be nice to code functions or macros to replace the system calls or libraryfunctions (e.g., close_e()), but there's no way to execute a goto from an expression. So, ec_neg1(), etc., must be statements. Two alternatives: 1. Exit instead of goto, which is allowed in a function called within an expression. 2. In C++, use throw inside a function. #1 doesn't allow error recovery, and #2 doesn't work in C. */ #include #include #include #include #include typedef int bool; #define true 1 #define false 0 /*[basic]*/ extern bool ec_in_cleanup; #define EC_CLEANUP_BGN/ ec_warn();/ ec_cleanup_bgn:/ {/ bool ec_in_cleanup;/ ec_in_cleanup = true; #define EC_CLEANUP_END/ } #define ec_cmp(var, errrtn)/ {/ assert(!ec_in_cleanup);/ if ((int*)(var) == (int*)(errrtn)) {/ ec_print(__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, #var, errrtn);/ goto ec_cleanup_bgn;/ }/ } #define ec_rv(var)/ {/ int errrtn;/ assert(!ec_in_cleanup);/ if ((errrtn = (var)) != 0) {/ ec_print(__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, #var, errrtn);/ goto ec_cleanup_bgn;/ }/ } #define ec_ai(var)/ {/ int errrtn;/ assert(!ec_in_cleanup);/ if ((errrtn = (var)) != 0) {/ ec_print(__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, #var, errrtn);/ goto ec_cleanup_bgn;/ }/ } #define ec_neg1(x) ec_cmp(x, -1) /* Not in book: 0 used instead of NULL to avoid warning from C++ compilers. */ #define ec_null(x) ec_cmp(x, 0) #define ec_zero(x) ec_null(x) /* not in book */ #define ec_false(x) ec_cmp(x, false) #define ec_eof(x) ec_cmp(x, EOF) #define ec_nzero(x)/ {/ if ((x) != 0)/ EC_FAIL/ } #define EC_FAIL ec_cmp(0, 0) #define EC_CLEANUP goto ec_cleanup_bgn; /*[]*/ #define EC_EINTERNAL INT_MAX void ec_print(const char *fcn, const char *file, int line, const char *str, int errno_arg); void ec_warn(void); #endif /* _EC_H_ */


/* Error-checking support functions AUP2, Sec. 1.04.2 Copyright 2003 by Marc J. Rochkind. All rights reserved. May be copied only for purposes and under conditions described on the Web page www.basepath.com/aup/copyright.htm. The Example Files are provided "as is," without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The author and his publisher are not responsible for any damages, direct or incidental, resulting from the use or non-use of these Example Files. The Example Files may contain defects, and some contain deliberate coding mistakes that were included for educational reasons. You are responsible for determining if and how the Example Files are to be used. */ #include "ec.h" #include bool ec_in_cleanup = false; static void ec_mutex(bool lock) { static pthread_mutex_t ec_mtx = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; int errnum; char *msg; if (lock) { if ((errnum = pthread_mutex_lock(&ec_mtx)) == 0) return; } else { if ((errnum = pthread_mutex_unlock(&ec_mtx)) == 0) return; } if ((msg = strerror(errnum)) == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Mutex error in ec_* function: %d/n", errnum); else fprintf(stderr, "Mutex error in ec_* function: %s/n", msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /*[ec_print]*/ void ec_print(const char *fcn, const char *file, int line, const char *str, int errno_arg) { ec_mutex(true); fprintf(stderr, "function %s in file %s at line %d ERROR: %m/n %s = %d/n", fcn, file, line, str, errno_arg); ec_mutex(false); } /*[ec_warn]*/ void ec_warn(void) { fprintf(stderr, "***WARNING: Control flowed into EC_CLEANUP_BGN/n"); } /*[]*/



{"errno", (intptr_t)EPERM, "EPERM", ""},


fprintf(stderr, "%m/n"); 的形式输出错误,很好用。虽然还没有仔细探查内部的工作形式,但是很好用,所以我觉得可以替代那个表了,毕竟简洁



/* * main.c * Author: Peter_ZHA * Created on: 2009-12-16 */ #include #include #include #include #include "ec.h" int main() { int fd; ec_neg1(fd = open("abc", O_RDONLY)) printf("error not occur!/n"); return 0; EC_CLEANUP_BGN printf("error occur!/n"); return 1; EC_CLEANUP_END }


function main in file ../main.c at line 16 ERROR: No such file or directory fd = open("abc", 00) = -1 error occur!





