How to use CSRF in Yii automatic.与csrf token 无法被验证

What is CSRF, please see the details here.

In Yii, how to start the CSRF authorization? It is very easy to do that.

Just add this to main.php

And then, do something else to send a request to the server, you have to provide the  YII_CSRF_TOKEN ( the browser will do for us when click a link), otherwise, you will get this message

The CSRF token could not be verified.
when you post a form, if you do not use CActiveForm or its children, you have to provide a hidden field to store the YII_CSRF_TOKEN.

If you use CActiveForm or its children, you just use the same code no matter you set enableCsrfValidation to true or false.

beginWidget('CActiveForm'); ?>
Yii will know how to do it!

Have fun with Yii! :)



结果发现选择一级分类后,无法提取二级分类的内容。通过抓包,得到:csrf token 无法被验证。解决办法:要在提交数据中附上YII_CSRF_TOKEN

labelEx($model, 'sid')?>
'请选择', 'ajax'=>array( 'type'=>'POST', 'url'=>CController::createUrl('cost/dynamiccities'), 'update'=>'#Cost_sid', 'data'=>array('fid'=>'js:this.value','YII_CSRF_TOKEN'=>Yii::app()->request->csrfToken), ) )); echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($model, 'sid', Costcategory::getCategory($model->fid), array( 'empty'=>'请选择', ) ); ?>
error($model, 'sid');?>
