C#的Socket开发框架 SuperSocket

SuperSocket  是一个轻量级的可扩展的 Socket 开发框架,可用来构建一个服务器端 Socket 程序,而无需了解如何使用 Socket,如何维护Socket连接,Socket是如何工作的。该项目使用纯 C# 开发,易于扩展和集成到已有的项目。只要你的已有系统(forum/CRM/MIS/HRM/ERP)是使用.NET开发的,你都能够使用 SuperSocket来轻易的开发出你需要的Socket应用程序来集成到你的现有系统之中。


  • 非常易于使用。通过它只要写几个类就构建出一个强大的Socket服务器
  • 支持同步和异步通信模型。只要修改配置就能够改变socket服务器运行模型,不需要改变任何代码。
  • Support custom protocol, no matter your protocol is a command line protocol or a binary one. Another open source projectSuperWebSocket is built uponSuperSocket and take advantage of this custom protocol feature of it.
  • Support SSL/TLS encryption automatically
  • Support multiple socket server instances. You can define many socket servers on different ports in configuration,SuperSocket can run those servers in the same application/service
  • SuperSocket can run as console application and windows service. It provide a bat file to installSuperSocketas a windows service.
  • Flexible logging strategy which can log most of socket activities
  • 支持 UDP socket
  • 支持IPv6
  • 支持Windows Azure
  • Support running in Unix system (by Mono 2.10 or above version)
  • Built-in socket policy server for Flash and Silverlight clients which you can use directly

